The InFeCtEd Freakers of this universe seem to give humanity more of a run for its money in this week’s look at Days Gone’s apocalyptic scenario that puts our survivability into question!

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  1. That wasn’t an infected wolf and everyone gets scratches and bites but they did get infected so

  2. This may seem weird but if we have the army, Nero, Even the militia constantly battling the horde, I think the rest and even the bandits to atleast sneak around and keep some freakers at bay. like it even says at that highway, So many hordes are there so it explains how the Militia was able to not expand because they are getting their behinds kicked no matter how military trained they are.

  3. We already have criers in Australia, they’re called magpies

  4. The gameplay reminds me a lot of Far Cry 3. The camps resembling outposts, the fact you can do them stealth, the world doesn't revolve around you and has its own eco system(freaks attack other humans too, you are not the center of the universe). You can harvest plants (I'm not sure if this is the right word), collect animal meat etc. I can think of many other reasons such as the skill trees and the takedowns (and takedown upgrade). Overall amazing game, never touched it because I never thought if it's good or not but found out it's extremely underrated. I think a lot of yall need to give it a go.

  5. An amazing game. Only issues I had with it was them making the Christians trying to save the world and eradicate the freaks, bad guys.

  6. First off there not Zombies. They are mutant freaks that feed on each other. Zombies dont each other there all dead. Th4se things are still alive just mutated

  7. Supersonic scream is thing that doesn't make sense, just like scream them into shellshock.

  8. He's talking about infected wolves and shows regular uninfected ones and then thinks he's Cleve's for calling out plot Armor 😑

  9. Bruh i rember everytime i saw a newt i would blow their heads off

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