PlayStation has led the charge in the gaming space with some absolutely phenomenal exclusives. While that will likely continue, they are heading down a dark path with “remakes” and “remasters.” The term has been bent by a multitude of companies, but now PlayStation is en route to be the worst offender.

Retro Rebound:

#PlayStation #Xbox #HorizonZeroDawn


  1. As a long time PlayStation fan …I hate this remaster stuff they are doing right now horizon and last of us DID NOT! Need a remaster! And I refuse to support any of these I will not be buying them

  2. The fact you didn't callbthem out the first time is alarming because you should jump of the plank with Microsoft Immediately

  3. I feel like this unnecessary remake is going to flop…. badly.

  4. Xbots complaining about ps….lolol…get a game to play

  5. Weird. I'd never heard of this game before forbidden west was on the way. But that looked cool so I found the original. It was cool for roughly 4 days. Then I moved on. The weapon crafting isn't great imo. Its missing other motivation aside from the story alone. I just couldn't get into the story.

  6. I'd say their practice of remastering games and charging more for them mirrors Nintendo actually more than Ubisoft. *cough cough $60 switch ports

  7. I agree with matty Zero Dawn is no where near to deserving a remake or remaster. For me personally, one of my favorite games, and one amongst the first games I ever touched. Was Jak and Daxter. That among so many others I could name are so far more and beyond deserve a remake. If they did something with that, like they did Ratchet and Clank they would do so well, and get such good feedback to. Not to mention a lot of money.

  8. I don't care how many bells and whistles you add. If the game is the same game (Demon's Souls, TLOU etc) then any further releases are remasters. A remake is a NEW GAME remade for modern audiences. Not an identically structured game with identical mechanics and design with a new lick of paint.

  9. I need accessibility options for the unfortunate Xbox crowd!

  10. It's totally fine if they give everyone that owns the game on PS4 a free upgrade if this is true because then I wouldn't have much of a problem. Just don't try and sell it as a new game. If you haven't played or bought the game then yeah you gotta buy it but if you have it then you should get it for free

  11. Agreed my dude. Zero Dawn is still a bad ass game, just needs FREE updates to make it like Forbidden West. Just like The Last of Us Part 1, I WILL NOT be purchasing Zero Dawn remake. Unacceptable.

  12. i think this whole situation is because of what happened with cyberpunk 2077, the game hit the market and regardless of anything else it was a massive flop because of people wanting refunds. the big companies should of taken this as a sign to improve game development but i think what it did was make them even more risk adverse

  13. I wouldn't object to a remastered version with raytracing and whatnot if it was a free update. I wouldn't even mind if it was like 5 bucks or something to upgrade if you already own the game. It's when they release remasters of games <10 years old and market them at $70. That's just an insult.

  14. I played the PS4 version on my PS5…. Just like I did with Last of Us Part 1. Neither game deserves a full price re-release. I might be willing to pay $20 for a graphics update add-on or DLC…. But thats about it

  15. Such a good, honest take. I was so sick of listening to other Youtubers explain and justify this away. So short sighted. This was well thought out and I really enjoyed this one. Thanks.

  16. As a playstation guy since the launch playstation in the 90s and has owned and sill owns ps1/2/3/4/ psp psvita I have moved fully to pc this generation and with both Xbox first party and PlayStation first party now on pc I went all in with a steam deck and don’t regret it at all

  17. Horizon is not that great of a game anyway why not remaster remake some gms that could be incredible if they got it done? I know how hardheaded Bethesda is but just imagine new Vegas fallout3 would be insane with modern graphics lighting gunplay those generations of great gms are the one deserving of it the most but I believe bcuz of the cost and amount of work it would take to make it happen they just figure oh well we can take this gm here that's not that old and only have a few things we would have to do to them take the easiest route possible and charge the price of a new gm. The industry has lost its way and has no imagination anymore I don't remember the last time I was really excited for a new gm and also why are shitty gms so expensive to make these days and even after spending all that money they come out not finished thrash I remember all the way back to the ps2 era they never would dare release some thing unfinished and then they could even put out a part2 in a yr and it would be incredible as well ! You'd think with all the advancements in engines and graphic design it would be easier to make them than ever b4 what's happened have they just gotten lazy greedy lost all imagination all the above

  18. I get more and more tempted as the days pass by to just buy a PC and get out of the console space.

  19. Nothing that came out in the previous gen needs a remake unless it's moving from handheld to console. This remaking games that are not even 10 years old bullshit needs to stop.

  20. The players: “hey, I’m not down with paying $10 for an upgrade for a ps4 update to make the game take advantage of the hardware of the ps5.”

    Sony: Aight, $70 then.

  21. Lost there's mind…hmmm what a genius. What about Dead Space Remake ? And next wave of Remakes from third party studios . It will be one big Circle Back 😂🎉👏

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