In this Shadow of War short, we jump straight into the Eltariel DLC, named The Blade of Galadriel and take up the good fight as the half-elf assassin – Eltariel.

In this clip, Eltariel continues to lay waste to the fortresses and defences of her enemies as she seeks to tip the scales in Talion’s favour – and help him defend Mordor.

Luckily for us, as we are trying to infiltrate an enemy fortress and assassinate its overlord, the eagle-eyed Bow of Morgoth makes an epic return.



Game: Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Action-adventure
Platform: Multi (But my footage is taken from Xbox Series S)

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1 Comment

  1. Pt 3 has arrived

    Noob's-Eye blends in with the shadows just as a patrol passes him. He slips behind them and follows the path they came from. Sans pops in on comms.

    Sans: Did you guys see that snipe?! He's not half bad…

    Phil: He might even be better than you…

    Sans: Don't push it Phil…

    Phil: Anyway, we at least have him on our side, not too many people are willing to help us after Celebrimor disappeared…

    Sans: Ain't that the truth…

    Noob's-Eye approaches the fight pits of the fortress and remains cautious.

    Noob's-Eye: I might have found something.

    Sans: Need over watch?

    Noob's-Eye: Who am I to say no to sniper support?

    Sans: Good man…

    Phil: That'll be fine… Find out what you can, while we search for this hostage, he may be inside somewhere. Sans… Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid…

    Sans: heh…

    Noob's-Eye: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I've yet to do what I really want…

    Noob's-Eye Puts his rifle on his holster, and unsheathes his combat knife as he heads into the fight put area with about twenty orcs at the ready.

    Noob's-Eye: Watch this Sans…

    Pt 4 comes when the next sow short comes out…

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