Yakuza 5 director Masayoshi Yokoyama, Takaya Kuroda (voice actor for Kiryu), and Hidenari Ugaki (voice actor for Majima) share their favorite moments from Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 for Western fans in this special interview.



  1. I love that Kiryu's voice actor sounds less Kiryu when he's talking normally, sort of sounding less stoic and all of that. Meanwhile Majima's voice actor just sounds like Majima all of the time. Which is amazing. LOL!

  2. Two things wanna say!! Hope people will start appreciating yakuza 3 more after this video and 2nd agree with Majima's VA, he deserved to be one of the protagonists In y4

  3. Ugaki I feel u so much, we love both Kiryu and Majima but Majima do need more spotlight, hopefully one day in the future

  4. For some reason, I picture Majima wearing what Hidenari Ugaki is wearing here and it’d feel totally normal. 👀

  5. I love how Ugaki also agrees that Majima should've been a playable character in 4


  7. Can we get a collection of Kuroda-San and Ugaki-san speaking? They can say whatever they want. I just want to hear their voice 💙

  8. why everytime i see those two va i think that Kiryu va looks more like Majima and Majima va looks more as Kiryu than Kiryu´s va ? 🤣

  9. I love that Ugaki actually loves the games and plays them in everything. His love and adoration for this series (and his role of course) really shines

  10. Glad 🙂 This Video Is Done In Subtitles Cause Us American’s Would Definitely Be Lost 😞 Trying To Figure Out What The Heck They Saying

  11. The Only 2 Character’s I Love ❤️ From This Video Game Is Kiryu & Other Guy Who He Got Into The Fight With After Seeing Him AT The Bar Yakuza 6

  12. Fan from California, love these games so much! It's my favorite videogame series, I'm about to start playing Yakuza 3
    update: am on 5 🙂

  13. lengthy discussion between the other two about how Kiryu starts his most human stories in 3
    Ugaki-san: "What do I do in 3 again?"

  14. The impact all these guys made on me and all you guys has a special place for me thanks guys!❤️

  15. 7:02 RGG Ishin is one of Takaya Kuroda's favorites. Finally we could play it next year and see if it's really one of the top. 😌

  16. Majima deserved to be one of the protagonists again. Like in Zero just in his present-self. I wanna play a crazy Majima XD

  17. Tbh, I'd love to play a game which is just based on Majima. Just like Ichiban.

  18. I love how majima's voice actor has the dressing sense of kiryu and kiryu's voice actor looks like he would be majima

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