It’s finally time to show you all what we’ve been working on for the past year. A 36000 word script, nearly 500 auditions, hours of planning and casting, dozens of talented cast members and 1500 voice lines has led to this: The Kingdom Hearts Union Cross Fan Dub. 5 Hours of Dubbed Content + the original untouched Kingdom Hearts Chi Back Cover makes this the Definitive way to experience the Kingdom Hearts Chi Saga, and essential viewing before playing Kingdom Hearts 4.

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  1. Holy shit! I can't wait to watch this. I'll be calling it, union x: watchable edition!

  2. Who created this????!! This is amazing and much needed

    Is this a larger community on discord or something that's created this and you're part of the team? Or are you the head of the team making this Damo?

  3. Amazing, Damo!!! So much love all around for the voice actors, editors, and everyone involved! Can’t wait to see and hear it in full! ❤❤

  4. Wait, I thought the auditions went on till April? 😔 I was going to tryout for this once I got everything for recording.😭

  5. Over the past few months I’ve been developing playlists and recently made a guided PowerPoint to help people get into and go through Kingdom Hearts. Union X was the most challenging to make an accessible experience with and I still don’t think my way of showing it is perfect. This is exactly what I needed!!! Thank you for making this and I am excited to see it come out!!!

  6. Bro this is awesome. Great job by everyone involved. Legit can't wait for the finished product.

  7. i’m so excited!!! kudos to the entire team but especially the voice of ephemer 🖤🖤🖤can’t wait for this project to be fully released!

  8. OMG! That's exactly what I wanted to do in German. But when I realised how much work it is I passed… This is incredible that you were able to do it! Can't wait to see it! <3

  9. Ohh hell yeah, hell fucking yeah! If Square Enix won’t the fan base will! I just hope this won’t get too much attention and Square Enix takes it down. You never know. Japan is a true virtuoso in taking things down because of copyright. Especially fan works.

  10. Unbelievable Damo you and the team have crushed it! The VA work is great, that Ray Chase impression is spot on.

  11. Oh my goodness. I have tears in my eyes. This is incredible, I hope you're all so proud of yourselves for this incredible feat!

  12. DAMO To accurately portray the Khux experience you should:
    Coming soon Trailer>Release Date Trailer>Delay Release date Trailer>Delayed Again Release Date Trailer>Release to JP first with no indication of when Global will get it>Release to Global at a random time in the middle of the night with no tweet sent out

  13. I thought the original video was a legendary service. I don't even have a word for how awesome this is going to be. I'm sure this project took a lot of your own time and money, so sincerely, thank you. I can't wait to see it.

  14. Looking and sounding super legit, wow!
    This is pretty hype ngl !!!👀🙌

  15. Holy shit, the way folks' love for this series gets channeled into making KHUX approachable for outsiders has always been outstanding, but this is just on a whole other level. Looking forward to it!

  16. Awesome! Everyone sounds great so far. I can't wait. I hope you do Dark Road as well.

  17. Incredible. You didn't have to do this, and yet here we are. I am excited to see how this turns out!

  18. That MoM voice has no business being that good. Great work for everyone involved!

  19. Im excited to have my heart shattered again by KHuX in stereo

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