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About jayveeonYT:
News, reactions, and gameplay of all the biggest RPGs, open world, and action-adventure video games! Jayvee covers Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk, Fallout, and more!

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  1. Las mecánicas, gráficos y diseños de personajes es increíble pero la historia …. Uy no 😴 pero de todas maneras se merece una segunda parte 😢

  2. Fun game, drags on a tad too long but I enjoyed it l, definitely deserves a sequel especially with the ending it had.

  3. It’s trying too hard to be The Last Of Us, especially down to how stealth and looting works.

    The story and characters are meh at best.

    The motorbikes which are a staple of the game handle like absolute arse, its like steering a boat. Using bikes in this game is a chore more than anything

  4. I will say, after beating the game to its completion, I love the game. But, and it’s a huge cake of a butt, the main character and boozer are so extremely unlikeable until certain points of the story. After getting to the certain story points, then you get to see why they were so unlikeable and you actually understand their point of view and how they felt. If your willing to stick it out, I’d highly recommend going back if you didn’t like the characters. But I can’t recommend it as you basically have to get through 2/3rds of the campaign to realize, oh so now it all makes sense.
    Oh, and don’t play on lash Gen PlayStation or if your pc is slightly slow to load, cause every cutscene is a load screen. It loads a lot and that’s another reason for its bad rep. Definitely and old style game.

  5. This is probably the most derivative game I’ve ever played. It’s part last of us and part Red Dead. With a little bit of Ubisoft games thrown in there. But despite not having an original bone in its body, I’ve spent over 100 hours in it. Something about the gameplay loop keeps me coming back for more.

  6. This comment section in a nutshell: People repeating the title joke over and over. And people not getting the title joke.

  7. I never understood why this game has so many hate, I loved the game when it came out, the only problem I got was optimization on PS4, is was really laggy sometimes but riding a bike and killing zombies is so dope

  8. This game is a real roller coaster for me, it started off slow and didn't grip me until the story picked up a little, I got hooked immediately, even shed a few tears, then it got crap again for some reason. A little too predictable and repetitive(I know, I know, I play Assassin's Creed too). Fun enough to play still, and absolutely gorgeous visually, but the story needed a bit more work in my opinion.

  9. i bought a ps4 just to play this game lol. i have a weak spot for zombie games but i’m a stinky xbox owner and it was only available on playstation so i bought one hahaha

  10. I have played for like 5 days, reaaaally taking my time ( I spent over 50 hours before going South) and I am now at the "I'll save some for you"… Feels a bit dauting, but I will get it done. I love this game, I love story driven games that take a long time. I always feel my interest in any game disappear once I finish the main story, so this game is perfect. Hordes are scary and gets the heart pumping ( until you get used to them, but I am not even though I slaughtered several without the Napalm Molotov) and damn. I love how the map unlocks several times, and the main story feels like it never finishes which I love. It seems people didn't like it for some reason, and no sequel is in sight…. That makes me very sad

  11. one of the worst video games in the world and the only sony exclusive game that really screwed up

  12. Well THAT giveaway didn't last long! It's the 5th which is the same day this video went up and it's already done and dusted. Fun.

  13. Ha, I'm playing this right now! Like 10 hrs into it on PC. Great game mechanics, but ouch! These cut scenes … they feel like a rough cut or something at best. Could have used some more polish … or a lot.

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