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Final Fantasy Type-0 is a very interesting entry into the Final Fantasy franchise, as it was a PSP-exclusive locked to Japan for a long time. It was only once Final Fantasy Type-0 HD arrived that Western audiences got to experience the game first-hand, and it brought many of us to tears!

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  1. if the HD version is supposed to be easier, and it's very difficult even on cadet, the original must be near impossible

  2. Type 0 is a game I have a weird relationship with. I adore it but I can't be bothered to try to beat it. XD

    When folks talk about Type 0, I get excited. And as such. Thank you for the video and all your hard work.

  3. Ugh…this game’s story ripped me apart. 🥺😩 For the love of god, they showed a DYING CHOCOBO in the introductory section.


  5. It's sad to know we might never have Final Fantasy Type-Next concept as a brand new game.

  6. This sh!t has been sitting on my shelf for several years. 30 minutes into gameplay, and I knew it wasn't for me. Maybe I'll pick it up again…someday.

  7. To be honest I only got type 0 because of the ff15 demo. I never beat it and got a couple hours in but never beat it. It was kinda fun and I always want to go back to it from time to time

  8. Type zero has sat in my steam library for years. It’s the FF title im most interested in and the one I lose interest in the quickest when playing. One day I shall endure that first mission and get into the combat to enjoy the story

  9. I had this game and enjoyed it but never finished it and traded it in for something I wanted at the time. I need to get this back lol

  10. maybe i should give the game a chance again, but then i see the motion blur and i have the feeling to 🤮

  11. I literally bought it for the FFXV demo. The Demo crushed my hope for the game at the time. (The game was much improved)
    I was honestly so disappointed to the core about XV from that demo. There was a moment where it just clicked that it was bad and after so so so many years of reading about, watching and re-re-rewatching trailers of Versus XIII, I was destroyed.
    Played like 10 minutes of Type-0 and never gave it my time, for no reason. Just haven't.

  12. Love Type-0, probably helps that I played the PSP version, which honestly just looks much better, higher res isn't worth as much as coheesive design (in my opinion at least.) Probably one of the better intro's as well, I really felt for that dude and his Chocobo. Also Takeharu Ishimoto made some fantastic soundtracks.

  13. I need to give Type-O another shot. It was one of the first PS4 games I got when I got my PS4. I didn't even realize it was a HD remake (even though it had HD in the name lol). I just saw that it was a newly released FF game and I needed some games for the PS4, also the demo for FFXV was appealing. So i played it not having a clue what i was getting into. I though it had some good parts, but I think I was missing parts of the story and I struggled with that. I thought it was OK, but it just never connected with me like I know it did with others. I'm hoping that playing it through again with proper expectations will create a better experience.

  14. I do wish the game had more polish when I played it, especially because the story could have been top tier. But there were just too many characters with godawful dialogue 😂 Still went for the platinum though!

  15. This was a great video. Are you planning on doing a video for World of Final Fantasy? It'd be cool learn things about that game

  16. I find it a bit unfair that we couldn't get rated-M Versus XIII / FF XV, FF7R, but it is okay for Type-0 and 16…

    Still, I hope we get another FF similar to this but fully AAA.

  17. I saw the intro and it got me hype. Shortly afterward I heard the word "L'cie" and said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!"

  18. Lol all I remember about type 0 hd is I got all achievements and hated the story.

  19. No mention of Stranger of Paradise when talking about the age ratings? It launched this year with the same rating as Type-0 after all 😛

  20. probably my favorite FF game. the story is really complex and intense.

  21. the gameplay is not the best, but the story is really good, such an underrated game

  22. The theme song, "Zero" by BUMP OF CHICKEN was of course created specifically for the game. The entire band had been FF fans their entire life and while they had worked on the Tales of series years prior, FF was really special to them and they felt honored to work on music for the game. Back then it was rare that global releases used the original JP theme songs, but SE kept the song in the global release of the game because BUMP OF CHICKEN pushed for it to be kept in due to how deeply the song tied into the story of the game. "Zero" is a gorgeous and iconic song for the franchise

    On a related note, the lead singer/composer/writer, Fujiwara Motoo currently has covid so 🙏 hopefully he will recover well with no long lasting problems.

  23. Type-0 felt like such a fever dream to me. The characters were so bizarrely written and voice acted, and the story just felt like a load of battles that go horribly wrong and you just have to let your whole party die, and then there's a big out of the blue twist and Cid is God and it's the apocalypse and then it ends 😂

  24. Type-0 is criminally underrated and it has no right to be rated this low, it deserves more love. It's definitively one of the better modern titles released, even if the HD port isn't the best, it's still a solid, complete experience.

  25. I never really got into Type-0 too much. Now that I remember I might still have one of the characters in that training session that goes in the background using the system time. Been a few years now. Pretty sure that one is at max level now 😅😅 maybe I check it out in some point 😉

  26. Type-0 is one of the most underrated FF games in the entire franchise! I rarely hear anybody talk about it. I mean, let's be fair. Every FF fan bought the game just to play the FFXV demo. And I will admit, yes, so did I. But then I decided to give the game a chance to see was this game actually good. And by God, IT IS! I 100% the game and completed everything! The story, characters, music and everything about Type-0 was amazing! It has it's flaws, it's not perfect, but Type-0 doesn't deserve to be pushed aside and forgotten! I love this game SO MUCH, I was hoping Tabata would really do a sequel. If he didn't leave, I'm sure he would have. If you're a FF fan and haven't played Type-0, well, I won't guarantee you'll like it, but it doesn't hurt to play it. Final Fantasy Type-0 is one of my absolute favorites in the franchise! I'll never forget it!

  27. I'll probably add one more fact, and that FF Type-0 Mobile game took place in the first spiral. while the main game took place in 600,104,972nd spiral

  28. 10:53 This is a little subjective. For those of us who had to wait for localized versions in our childhood, then learned Japanese and moved to Japan (in that order, as is unfortunately almost always the case) only to find out that the world had changed, it's … well, I wouldn't necessarily say unlucky 😂

  29. I think Type-0 is the best of Tabata. but if you play type-0 and XV they're the same concept, but XV is the worse execution. Type-0 is the better one. (Still bad storytelling in my opinion)

  30. Finally, a video on Type-0 on FF Union's channel! Type-0 deserves more attention.

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