Kingdom Hearts Union Cross was my favorite story in the entire franchise. Nomura could write a KH game to play on my toaster and I’d still sob my eyes out.

Big shoutout to Damo279 who made this video possible by compiling these cutscenes and preserving this story in arguably one of the most digestible formats currently available. If you have not experienced KHUX yourself, I highly recommend watching his video here:

EDIT: Many people have been asking if the player being reincarnated as Xehanort at the end went over my head and it totally did; Twitch chat has to tell me later rip. For all my KH big braining, that one didn’t click for some reason.


00:00 – khux is such a neat little mobile game
6:28 – whaaaaaaaat luxu’s untrustworthy??
7:45 – rip in peas starlight pizza
8:55 – war. war never changes.
10:54 – baby boy ven ;-; (lauriam and brain are cool too ig)
12:19 – some big braining (ha ha get it)
15:04 – howdy larxene
16:35 – khux is the most not confusing game in the series
17:58 – wreck it ralph breaks my brain more than any of the lore does
20:20 – mom roasts luxu for an entire 60 seconds
22:22 – ventus deserves better ;-;
26:44 – the kids are fighting [screams]
34:08 – mom drops the sickest kh lore so far
38:01 – musical chairs (but it’s time traveling lifeboats)
44:30 – luxu the body snatcher!!!!!!
45:54 – mc performs the greatest bamboozle of them all
48:01 – mom actively writes kh4
49:48 – so those dreameaters huh :’)
53:08 – “He was a good friend.”


  1. One of the wildest kingdom hearts journeys, was happy to have caught some of the streams 🙂

  2. The absolutely most hilarious thing about "may your heart be your guiding key" is that the Master of Masters is saying it to his apprentices as BAD ADVICE. He wants them to fight, turn on each other, and cause the first keyblade war as his plan, so what does he tell them? Don't think too hard, just do what you feel is right regardless, which turns out to be TERRIBLE advice to almost everyone, as they don't think their actions through, screw up, and make everything way worse. Granted, they make these decisions because he gave almost all of them roles they were specifically chosen to be awful fits for (NOBODY thought giving Aced, the transparently power-hungry dumb guy, the role to seize power if he felt they weren't being led correctly was a little on the nose?), but their impulsive decision-making was certainly expected to mess things up. Who is the character who is actively working to undermine the Master and Luxu using actual long-term, big picture thinking? The guy literally named BRAIN. It's a really interesting turn for the story to take, to actually acknowledge that sometimes, your brain is there to think, and maybe it's a bit smarter than your heart.

  3. I wonder if MoM is basically a version of Sora who's cracked after his breakdown in the fight against Xehanort. After everyone dies, he doesn't die and actually gets back up and defeats Xehanort without anyone's help. Then he unlocks some higher power to reshape history and reality and is now a lost cause, but is trying to fix things by creating a world where his friends didn't die to the horde of Heartless.

  4. It just upsets me so much how no one realizes XIGBAR AGES WHEN HES A NOBODY!!!!!! Like this dude forreal gets grey hair and it gets longer and NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT!!!! ISNT HE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD IF HES A NOBODY (obv we find out) but still no one is talking about it


  6. Okay so I’m still watching this and the ONLY thing I can think of is this, if they’re going from one reality to a digital and that digital is going another inside digital, eventually they’re running through A-Z. If they can keep going inside and having to “reset itself” to fix something then they’re going through the X’s in our timeline of kh, and maybe they have names with Y, and eventually Yozora. With a Z. If Riku has darkness in his heart like it’s said all through out the main games, then his other is technically Yozora. Same everything except the eyes.

  7. Im so happy you’re catching it dude, I’ve been saying this on everyone’s channel but it seems like you’re so close to the answer like I am haha. I think that kingdom hearts is going to become “aware” it’s a video game in a sense. Just like how riku controlled Sora in re mind. In final fantasy xv we hear prompto say that he plays kingdom hearts. Not verbatim but he says like the magic key! Like in the video games! And we see ff/Disney characters in here kh saying they’re from there or we’re taking from their worlds. If technically the data version has its own problems, who’s to say data diz didn’t try to make a copy for its digital world? We have tron who says this world is different from his, and in 3ds we see that even their own world evolves. These data worlds are merging and that’s why we see the glitches and stuff happening. Now I’m Toy Story they even say this isn’t our world even though it looks real. They know man. And if in their world, they have a video game character that looks like their friend, they’re going to freak like we did when we saw Leon and everyon in the first kh game. Their “fiction” is a digital version of our real world. They’re going to learn they are in a game of sorts. They’re going to become aware

  8. Idk man prompto knows of sora. And then try to make everything make sense after that. Cause if yozora looks like Noctis and riku, what does that mean?

  9. I love that "It's a shame this lifetime is the only one you've got" line, because it supports the theory that Luxu just straight-up helped Brain cheat the system and get two lifetimes using a replica (like what was used for Strelitzia). After all, the KH3 secret report doesn't say Luxu stole a body, it says he passed on his keyblade. And there we have Brain wielding his keyblade in the Keyblade Graveyard!

  10. Does Leigh not know of a lot of Disney? Because I’m surprised she has never heard of Big Hero 6 or Wreck-It Ralph.

  11. 40:10 I swear to Nomura, Square better make a slice of life offshoot of KH called Keyblade High, which starts a whole other alternate universe that clashes with the og universe in a smash-style fighting game, which is, of course, plot important

  12. Bruh if you right about the masters of masters being Sora Im forming a petition to square enix and disney to give you 10% for your theory cuz what you said makes so much sense

  13. My big issue with the ending is the continuity with Luxu's secret reports in KH3 where he says he passed on the No Name keyblade to one of the new Union leaders and then sat on the sideline possessing new vessels throughout time. This ending makes it appear that he didn't really pass it on to a Union leader and he interfered directly with one of their fates by possessing Brain. No one has ever lied in the reports besides Xehanort, and that made sense because of his identity theft, but Luxu's report probably wasn't meant to be read by anyone else.

    That contradiction with the report plus the MoM calling him a traitor really calls into question whether he's been following the role given to him as he seemed to be doing in KH3. Even after the big reveal of Xiggy Stardust's identity in KH3 I don't know what he is about! What is his angle?!

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