The Nintendo 64 was a wonderful console, but everyone has their own list of favorite games. In this episode of Showdown, Ty and Johnny take a walk down memory lane to showcase their picks of the best N64 games. Our lists include “Super Mario 64” (1996), “Super Smash Bros.” (1999), “Star Fox 64” (1997), “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” (1998), and more! Whose list do you think is the best? And what’s your personal Top 5? Share your memories in comments!

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  1. Here my Top 5 N64 games I enjoyed and in no particular order.

    1) Paper Mario
    2) Wario World
    3) Star Fox 64
    4) Super Mario N64
    5) Goemon Legendary Ninja

  2. My top 5 N64 games:

    1. Conker's Bad Fur Day

    2. The Legend of Zelda – Majora's Mask

    3. Super Smash Bros.

    4. Pokemon Stadium 2

    5. Star Fox 64

  3. Ty's list is VASTLY superior ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    Personal top 5:
    5. Diddy Kong Racing
    4. Star Fox 64
    3. Super Mario 64
    2. Conker's Bad Fur Day
    1. GoldenEye 007

  4. My top five as of right now, may change when I play more games, and this isn’t nostalgia speaking or my top 5 would be different but it’s:
    1: Donkey Kong 64
    2: Majoras Mask
    3: Ocarina of Time
    4: Diddy Kong Racing
    5: Mario Kart

    Once I complete Conker then that may come on the list, I am about quarter done. Same with both Banjo games. I had plans to play a Banjo game earlier this year but I ended up playing and finishing Nuts and Bolts instead and I very much enjoyed that game.

  5. Honestly, these are great choices. The Nintendo 64 online Switch library is pretty good at the moment, definitely improved from its launch last year, but it could be better!

    I truly hope an update changes the rating from E to T to E to M and gives Conker a chance of being added. Just like with Banjo-Kazooie that original N64 game has not left the N64. It's been remade and enhanced from Xbox but the original version is still stuck on N64 so hopefully, Nintendo does some magic and gets that game on there, as well as Banjo-Tooie.

    Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and Super Smash Bros are also a must for the service. Hopefully, they get announced sometime next year.

  6. Personal Rankings:

    1. Super Mario 64
    2. Banjo-Kazooie
    3. Banjo-Tooie
    4. Mario Kart 64
    5. Conker's Bad Fur Day

  7. What are the individual channels of the two contributors for this vid? Would like to hear more from them.
    Other really good N64 games: Diddy Kong Racing, Pokemon Stadium 2, Mario Party 2, Paper Mario

  8. 1. Banjo Kazooie
    2. Banjo Tooie
    3. Mario 64
    4.Ocarina Of Time
    5.Paper Mario
    6. Mario Party 2
    7. Smash Bros
    8. Conker
    9. Majoras Mask
    10. Mario Party 1

  9. For me, Johnny’s list nails it! Great selection and fair placement!

    My personal list tho…
    1. Ocarina of Time
    2. Super Mario 64
    3. Super Smash Bros
    4. Pokémon Stadium 2
    5. Star Wars Eps 1: Racer

  10. My favourite N64 games in no particular order.
    1. Conkers Bad Fur Day
    2. Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie
    3. LOZ:Ocarina of Time
    4. 007: GOLDENEYE
    5. Most Mario games (Mario Cart & Super Smash Bros.)
    Honorable mentions: Bomberman, Operation:Winback, Starfox 64, and Buck Bumble.

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