One Piece is cool, you all should get into One Piece. It has a great story, cool characters and a fantastic worldbuilding AND some pretty neat videogames. In this game I’ll talk about the musou games and compare them to one another, specifically 3 and 4 since those are always argued to be the best ones.

Special thanks to:
Eduardo Naranjo for Thumbnail and Script Review
Anto for Script Review

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#onepiece #videogames #anime


  1. The one thing I really don't understand about OPW4 is the same thing I don't get about the upcoming One Piece RPG; Why, with everything that gets cut or skipped, is Alabasta never skipped? if you're going to skip over Arlong Park (something that I feel is very important to Nami's arc), Water 7, Skypiea and Thriller Bark, why does Alabasta get to stay?



  3. Removing Garp as a playable characters in 4 didn't make any sense. He's still in the game, just not playable it's so weird

  4. I've never watched one piece in my life but, the men are hot and those streams where really fun, even as someone that isn't interested in one piece I'll be willing to try these games just by looking at them.

  5. Solo jugue el 3, me recuerda a la epoca cuando todos nos burlabamos de lo largo que era one piece, ahora idolatramos lo largo que es el "ONE PIECE" de Shirohige

  6. The stamina system being as aggressive and fun as it is, along with the focus on aerial combat made PW4 such a unique treat to play. I loved it, and I don't even like OP to begin with.

  7. Redownloaded OPW3 because of this video @_@ I'm thrilled that you cover Warriors games too, so glad I found your channel lol

  8. I honestly preferred 4 but watching this made me want to dust off my copy of 3 and give it another go!

  9. Honestly after still searching for Pirate Warriors 3 (for Vita) I would love to see some other underlings or villains to get more love in the future. Maybe Mohji or Cabaji from Buggy's crew or other members from Baroque Works as playable characters.

  10. That's the best video about those games. Seriously, I never saw somebody making a so awesome video about one piece games and musou games!

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