(PS5) WWII Operation Tonga | Realistic Ultra Graphics Gameplay [4K 60FPS HDR] Call of Duty

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  1. Don't recall there is a black in the paratroopers. Sad but the descrimation against us the color are still common in that period.

  2. Theee was no black British paratroopers in ww2.. I know it’s got it be all politically correct these days but all it’s doing is making it non believable and is not even historically correct

  3. Nobody’s gonna say anything about how you throw grenades in this game? Seriously overlooked part by the developers.

  4. The noise in a c47 would be very loud that people have to use hand singal to communicate, thats completely fake that team leader speak to members just like we talk on a conference room. Even if today, airborne troopers still use hand signal during the flight.

  5. Guy picks up rifle. Low ammo warning, only 2 rounds left. Bolt action cycle. Still he got 2 left! That was odd.

  6. say what you want about this game it wwas pretty game i liked the weapons garnet they fucked some up but most were grate and fun

  7. Still downgraded compared to PC. Why are you playing it on that POS hardware?

  8. Ruined by historic inaccuracy over diversity within seconds of watching due to the obvious and turned off the video

  9. I do wish that the people who write these games would put in just a little more effort not to make fools of themselves.
    1. British airborne troops did NOT have reserve chutes – no point they were usually jumping at 800ft (in order to minimize time spent descending) which allowed no time to deploy a reserve. They did however have leg bags (for equipment and ammo) which were released on a long tether and then swung beneath them (not seen in the game).
    2. British airborne troops used the Denison smock which did not allow the sleeves to be rolled up – and they certainly wouldn't have done so in a freezing cold aircraft fuselage.
    3. Aircraft dropping troops did so in a steady stream several aircraft wide but flying at the same height (or close to it) they did NOT deliberately fly in at multiple levels (as seen in the game) allowing paratroops to collide with aircraft beneath them.
    4 "L/Cpl" Esparza clearly has two stripes on his arm meaning that he's actually a full Cpl
    5. I gave up at this point as it was all becoming much too annoying …

  10. La inclusion arruinó las series y películas y ahora quieren violar los video juegos..
    Todos los juegos buenos de la la segunda guerra mundial están en el pasado. Todo lo de ahora se ve muy bien pero está arruinado por la inclusion

  11. Don't shoot THE DOG!! Not buying a game where you shoot dogs. The dogs have no choice.

  12. Horrible choice of armament and approch tu fight. You are Alive only because you choose easy level

  13. que juego que tiene menos realismo cuando te disparan es muy malo pura grafica es 10 mil veces mejor el

    Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising en realismo y dificultad. ya no hacen juegos como.

    Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising. Ahora solo son juegos de grafico historia y pura basura

  14. which game has less realism when you get shot is very bad pure graphics is 10 thousand times better
    Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising in realism and difficulty. They don't make games like that anymore.
    Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising. Now they are just games of graphic history and garbage

  15. I don’t get why the Corporal (2 stripes) argues with Kingsley at the start who is a Sergeant (3 Stripes). Kingsley automatically is in charge upon death of their officer.

  16. i want a PS5 but then again, I never even played my PS4 lol Guess once you go desktop, you never truly go back.

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