Welcome back guys to another exciting, funny, and informational episode of Total Recoil.
Today our very special Gun Expert a.k.a. Paul from the Meixners is back to us for a really fun episode together with our beautiful host Israel Wright they are going to be checking out some very special guns from Metal Gear Solid V.
Is Bambetov SV the new Dragunov SVD? How far does a grenade launcher go?
Does the Water Pistol do any good?
Tune in and have some Questions answered by our beloved duo.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a stealth game in which players take the role of Punished “Venom” Snake from a third-person perspective in an open world. Gameplay elements are largely unchanged from Ground Zeroes, meaning that players must sneak from several points in the game world, avoid enemy guards, and remain undetected. Included in Snake’s repertoire are binoculars, a variety of weapons, explosives, and stealth-based items such as cardboard boxes and decoys. Following one of the series traditions, The Phantom Pain encourages players to progress through the game without killing, using non-lethal weapons such as tranquilizer darts to subdue enemies. Players may traverse the game world with vehicles such as jeeps and tanks, in addition to traveling on foot or on horseback, and as certain locations are mountainous, occasionally, players can opt to go rock climbing as a shortcut. They
may call for helicopter support against enemy soldiers or request airstrikes that can bomb the target area or change the current weather.
Israel Wright: https://www.instagram.com/myhappyself2/
His twitch channel: https://m.twitch.tv/myhappyself/profile
Paul Meixner:
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Gun Expert REACTS to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II’s Guns
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#metalgearsolid #GunExpert #totalrecoil
Gun Expert REACTS to Metal Gear Solid V
These men know their guns, me and Sigint approve
Fun fact: the water pistol is extremely useful for a certain boss fight.
You guys should check out Metal Gear Solid 4 it's my favorite out of the series & all the guns that are in there are very well detailed also the manual of arms like reloading & shooting everything it's amazing how much detail Kojima & the team put in.
They need to do this but with mgs4
Gun experts react to DMC Guns
>>and why is this a Old-school scope
Bcs, MGS V – take place in 1980's era. I don't think – even USA was have a smaller (the modern ones) scopes – back then.
Even in MGS 3 – which takes place in 1960's era, USA stuff for SpecOps – are massive. For example – there in MGS 3, you can find USA's Night Vision – but it is HELLA Chunky boi, almost as size of Big Boss head.
We need part 2 of this. There's still plenty of guns to cover.
Calling the Cardboard-Box effective Camouflage for LA is funnier than it has any right to be.
Bullhorn pup looks like a skeletonized Halo Shotgun. I love this channel
Most grenade launchers that where designed for the ak platform generally use caseless grenades.
In mgs v I always used non lethal weapons because you get "Literally Hitler" points if you kill anyone, so I never dwelled on the lethal guns too much unfortunately
The water gun in mgsv can be used to temporarily blind enemies and it can also be used to take out the communication devices with one shot
mossburg drops from the bottom. its very likely you have shot one before.
I believe the Russian GP-25 grenade launcher uses caseless ammo
Phantom Pain’s sandbox and gunplay is so underrated. Great to see it get some love
I love it when the experts actually know about gaming!
Paul needs to react to Nikke: Goddess of Victory
The guns used by the characters
There’s this game on roblox I’d think would be really cool for an episode of total recoil called phantom forces it has over 100 different weapons and there’s just a ton of really cool ones I think it would be awesome to see (also I remember Paul mentioned the WA 2000 as one of his favorites and that’s in there)
for the silencer on the tranq, I always questioned it, but when I first broke my silencer, I went "OHHHHH it's just a normal bullet with pirmer and stuff but has tranq round instead of a lead one!"
I think this is how that tranq gun works right?
I like all the movie references. They’re hilarious, especially with Paul’s utter confusion like the Invisible Man one
The main point of the water gun is to kind of stun the hardest enemies in the game, the Skulls. They're soldiers enhanced with a virus turning them into really deadly, bulletproof bioweapons. The thing is that the virus consumes a lot of water so the soldiers are always thirsty. Because of that whenever they get in contact with water, be it by rain or any other means, they get in a state of uncontrollable pleasure, absorbing every drop of water that falls on their skin. Sooooo… when they're in your face, ready to chop you down with a machete, just give them a few squirts and unload a few rounds of .50 BMG on their chest.
The water pistol is good for taking out the communication radios and the power grids and putting out fire in the barrels at night time
Russian underbarrel grenade launchers like GP-25 or GP-30 and therlir standalone variant are caseless.
Ah yes, the… fiery… but mostly peaceful protesters.
That grenade launcher is based on russian under barrel grenade launcher, gp 25/30/34. It's called caseless here, because unlike the american m203, you drop the grenade down the barrel and after firing, you don't need to remove the spent casing. Because there isn't one. In shortest terms, it basically a small mortar.
It reminds you of the chiappa but it's modeled after a Mateba 6 unica
You guys missed out on the other cool firearms: AM D114 Pistol (M1911), Burkov (Makarov PM), ZE'EV SMG (UZI 9mm), Sz.336 – Sodomka Zbrojovka (Vz.61), SVG-67/76 (Sturmovaya Vintovka Gryzov – Gryzov Assault Rifle – AK-47/74), AM (Arms Material Multipurpose Rifle System Model 4) MRS-4 (AR-15/AR-70 hybrid), UN ARC (United Nations Automatic Rifle for Combat), Kabarga-83 (Vepr 12/Saiga 12), ALM-48 (Aberdeen Lighter Machinegun), UN-AAM, LPG-61, Brennan LRS-46 Bolt-Action AMR, Serval 7 AMR, Decoys, and many others.
The "Hand of Jehuty" is an tribute to another game Hideo Kojima made called "Zone of the Enders". You literally grab some one who's about 20-30 meters, pull them back & easily CQC their asses. Lol
Finally, Izzy! Yes!
Should've also shown him the cutscene where the new recruits are being taught on the boat about how to aim guns and fix jams.