You can’t tell me that Chadley doesn’t have one of those Yu-Gi-Oh arm battler things where he stores all of his game pieces.

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  1. Man, it's been so long. I better rewatch the rest of the DLC let's play to get caught back up again so I'm not missing anything! Anyone else who might have forgotten what was going on in the previous videos should do that too! And while you're at it, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon to stay up to date on everything with the ChipIronicus-iVerse!

  2. I guess I'll rewatch the previous dlc videos, because I remember squat after all this time.

  3. Best fighter on Sesame Street Has to be Kermit. I saw him getting in to sword fights in MTI.

  4. 2:20 Not only is that 100% a Kulu Ya Ku reference, but he literally has his big peck at the exact time you're talking about it. Got the whole rhythm down.

  5. missed gextra life but have been keeping up with VOD's and am so happy to see one of my favorite LP's back in action, just waiting for the mario movie to release so we get more odyssey as well

    edit: rouche being lonely almost makes sense since he seems to be the only SOLDIER in the game with any personality who's still on SHINRA's side, gotta be lonely when you're the speed king and everyone else are a bunch of bland assholes

  6. On my playthrough I didn't think to check shops to see if you could buy better pieces, I just rolled with the ones you got from beating the other players, those last two fights were really hard! It's fun to see you crush them here. Glad to see this episode.

  7. i missed this lp so bad that i bought a new pc and played the dlc my fucking self so uhh thanks for the positive impact?

  8. Heidegger: "..and I want a centipede robot! With Missiles! And a giant drill on its head, with a crane claw on the behind so we can use the construction robot budget as well!"

    Shinra Grunt: "Sir, please, you aren't even a designer…"

    Heidegger: "True, I majored in philosophy."

    Shinra Grunt: "..wait, wha-"

    Heidegger: "Anyone can achieve their fullest potential: who we are might be predetermined, but the path we follow is always of our own choosing. We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny. Your destiny can't be changed but, it can be challenged. Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one."

    Shinra Grunt: "…uhhh?"

    Heidegger: "-and MY destiny is to build a giant robot with missile and a grapple butt!"

    Shinra Grunt: sigh

  9. I felt such a high of nerdery points when I saw the Levrikon had a move called Stone's Throw, went "huh, a bit like Kulu-Ya-Ku" and then Chip IMMEDIATELY started explaining the cool homage.

  10. What happened? Why continue with this play through? And do you have the time to finish it?

  11. There is something really fun about the logic of the ff7 world, where you can have this absolutely massive bossfight with the gigantic security robot, where you summon a lightning god to nuke the entire arena, all so you can get some id's to later infiltrate the facility's owners base dressed up as office workers.

  12. Yufi's level 3 Banishment did more damage than the thunder wizard did with his final attack.

  13. Having a large number of unit slots in your board is not actually good, it's a downside. It's like having a larger deck in a card game. You're diluting your deck more and more for every card you add. It's much more reliable to have a board with a low number of units so you can summon the same good ones you want for your strategy constantly.

  14. Maybe the Gigantipede was TRYING to pull down the roof, but it overestimated its leverage and pulled itself off of the wall instead. Welcome back C&I!

  15. The bee needs collision probably because when you use unrelenting force shout on it it becomes the ingredient version of a bee, which then has physics. Yes, you can fus ro da bugs out of the air, really fun with butterflies. So ALL bees must need some sort of collision data to work with the shouts?

  16. Once Yuffie said "some know me as" I knew it was going to be a Cutie Honey reference.

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