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Today, we take a look at The Last Of Us 2. A topic we can all agree on. Not actually. I’m not necessarily talking about why I don’t like the game because I generally do. This is more of an examination of why people reacted the way they did, my own experiences and finally an attempt to understand.

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  1. I'll tell you what went wrong last of us 2ia a story driven game the fucked that one aspect of the game gameplay is secondary games like god of war spider man and dmc 5 and doom eternal have good to ok to great storyline and can back it up with gameplay last of us 2 had to nail the story but they didn't and the clickers were an afterthought last if us 2 take a page from God of war ragnarok in the first 20 minutes the emotional gut punch do that and you'll be fine but you failed

  2. The only things that kill the game for me is Ellie amd Dinas realtionship and that Abby lived. I hate Dina, every word she says makes me cringe and honestly she seems like she would he a horrible partner. Like who the hell just decides to fuck your ex and them start fucking you while secretly pregnant with your exes child? Plus before Joel is killed Dina sounds like a fucking groomer when she talks to Ellie. After Joels death, and what might as well have been Ellies death too, Dina just seems like shes forcing the realtionship onto Ellie because she knows that Ellie wont resist due to her lack of giving a fuck about anything. Dinas just qn abuser that hides behind a smile qnd "good intentions".

  3. I actually played part 2 without ever playing part 1 so for me it was just 2 slasher casts systematically killing eachother with no redeeming qualities racing to who can give up and go home 1st, aka extremely boring

  4. I still think tv show will be better format to tell a revenge story cause playing it was unbearable a game is suppose to fun in the end and don’t get me wrong the GAMEPLAY is fun but the story is so dark and unnecessarily in your face how everything your doing is evil

  5. There was no room for me to feel morally grey because I simply didn’t give a fuck about any of the people that were killed in the game. And on top of that, the ending of they game felt hypocritical. revenge is bad, but all the lives you took to get to that point are just vain?

  6. It's always a good thing when people can re-examine media, whether they loved it or hated it the first time, often with new experiences, a shift in perspective, or a better priming can really help us see what we may have missed the first time.

    As some one who enjoyed the game since the beginning, I always like to see other people recognize this game as being a solid entry in the franchise. I totally understand people disliking this game, but the amount of bitter hatred and vitriol that people sling towards it and its creators always boggled my mind. I've never consumed media that was bed enough for me to want to hate with such passion, and I hate the new Star Wars Trilogy, but I don't hate the creators, I just don't like how the films turned out.

    I hope you aren't inundated with hate comments due to this video, as I see most people who comment about TLoU2 are usually people who hate it.

  7. So legitimate question, imho, why is the torturing that Joel did seen as a bad thing considering the specific context of the situation. Joel knows that something has happened to Ellie who is now like his daughter for all intents and purposes is his daughter. These people who just tried to kill him he knows has her. He doesn't torture them for fun he tortures them with a specific purpose of trying to save his daughter. I guess my question is in that specific context how is this a bad thing? is it brutal yes but if that's the only way one can save their child would anyone not do it would it be considered wrong? should it be considered wrong in that specific context?

    Especially when we add to the context that the ones who have her are cannibals and the specific person who's over her is also apparently a pedophile. And the people he's with know it and they're okay with it. I don't see how torture to find out where she is to save her in that context can be anything but a good thing.

    Well this isn't the case for everything on some level many bad things can be easily Justified given extreme circumstances that are beyond the norm. I think torture in this case is one of them. Keep in mind Joel has been around the block and he's had to deal with people like this he knows what they do. By the way I'm not arguing whether Joel is a good person or not I'm arguing whether this specific case should be seen as a bad thing or not.

    Curious what others thoughts are!

  8. The most patience youtuber ever, he's so patience he even wait for the trend to die down.

  9. Remember when Sony and naughty dog broke the law and set copyright strikes out to people for talking about spoilers which is illegal. And Got away with it good times.Let it be known that if that was you you'll be hunted down like a dog.

  10. I feel like the series message of "the never ending cycle of violence and vengeance" could have been done much much better. Joel is a very flawed character for sure but we still learned to care about him as a protagonist. The fact we were forced to play as Joels murderers (who killed him relatively early on) left me bitter till the end.

  11. TLoU P2 is an awsome, historical title, but that doesn't mean it's perfect, or doesn't have some dumb, or silly stuff.

  12. Ellie and Joel have both proven themselves more than capable of going basically Shura. If this Lev person came after Ellie I don't see why Ellie couldn't handle it. And if somebody else came for revenge I still don't see why Ellie couldn't handle them and whoever else seeking vengeance.

  13. I will never finish this game because it became obvious around the halfway point that the game hates all of the characters, none of them will ever learn to be kinder, and it will all be cruel and painful and bleak. What's the point of that?

  14. These opinions are still interesting. I'm just convinced that anyone bothered by the moral compass for the characters would be among the first to lose their lives in that world. No one who was alive during the outbreak or born shortly afterwards are still breathing with their pre apocalypse morals intact. It's called "the last of us" not "the best of us". The game isn't trying to get us to like or dislike anyone.

  15. I never hated it, but it did just disappoint me with how bland it was. Like there are redeeming qualities and it isn’t an outright bad game, just felt kinda pointless and left me with a hollow feeling. It’s a hard game to enjoy, and I’m not sure if that’s what the developers wanted

  16. This game was made as a hate letter to the audience, pushed really hard on leftist politics, and tried really hard to subvert expectations rather than just making a good story. Also the copyright strikes against youtube channels were awful.

    Everyone has their reasons why they hated this game, and these were some of mine. This game could've been one of the best games for the years that followed it, but the writers wanted to be divisive for seemingly no good reason.

  17. Shame and humility has been unfortunately replaced by irrational anger and entitlement. Great video and refreshing to see a calm level headed approach to the topic.

  18. I love it…I don’t think it Last of Us ever needed a sequel but it’s a solid game, good story and good characters. I feel everyone has such high expectations for games it’s impossible to make a great game no matter what comes out everyone bitches about it

  19. I think Mathematosis' video may be the cleanest and easiest way to describe how I feel about this game. It's not my cup of tea, and I don't think the writing is as smart as it thinks.

  20. Were you not okay with Marvel puting the hulk in the Avengers infinity war trailers then when you watch it and see he's in a Hulkbuster suit instead? Most trailers mislead a bit to not give away key things. The last of us part 1 had players believe you will only play as Joel then when you actually play it you play as Ellie towards the end. Even Neil told people in interviews you will only play as Joel the whole game. Then end up playing 3 different characters. Its called the element of surprise. I thought that point was weak and completely irrelevant. 0:55

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