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  1. Am I delirious I swear the last vid was you quitting, not that I wanted it to be true in other words welcome back! 🎉

    Damn never mind there has been like 4 other vids :/

  2. He's in denial and he's projecting. He doesn't want to learn to play the game, so he has to mock people that develop skill in order to avoid the realization that he's the real coward

  3. gets called a pussy even though he uses a move which has high risk of failing, from the person who backed up 30 feet to heal twice while his bud is getting disemboweled. also the person who can't take getting outplayed and decides to put his anger into a grammatical incorrect 4 letter simple boring ass sentence. this "special fellow" got parried multiple times, yet uses the singular form of it showing that a: he is not english man
    b: he has very low intelligence
    c: is so incompetent that even when he wants to start an argument by sending such a message he still can't put any amount of effort into it, like his gameplay.
    d: B & C
    besides, if he does only use "pussy" he'd have to put an a before it and change the parry to parries and the use to uses.
    in conclusion, "pussy only use parry"

  4. This dude is cringe, makes videos trolling “noobs” and acts like he’s king of everything, get a life dude..

  5. His name checks out, he's mad that his R1 crusade(pun intended) gets thwarted by a parry.
    Hatemail compilation when?

  6. I would like to meet the legend. Although it won't happen, luck is not on my side 🙂

  7. Wait? You’re using a game technique that requires skill to be pulled off? That’s illegal.

  8. Anytime there's hate and mail in a fighter pl title: Shut up and take my like.

  9. Good player, in an awful mentality of twinking and invading in the low level area of the game.

    Sometimes i love Fighter, but in this kind of cases, i fucking hate him.

  10. Man I suck at parrying so when I see someone do that it's so satisfying, even if it's against me, like gg dude you got skill

  11. – "All you do is parry"
    – Well Sir, and actually all you do is R1.


  12. i will say that i hate people like you. you minmax their character just to go bully people who have fun first time playing the game with a friend. all you do is make the experience worse

  13. if you didnt use parry or swing your weapon OR BLOCK!!!! so would have died in that fight HOW DARE YOU USE WHATS IN THE GAME TO WIN! 😀 HAHA

  14. It's funny when I do it I'm considered casul trash for invading low levels & constant hate but when you do everyone loves it. Gotta love the double standard of being a famous YouTuber lmfao. Good clip though, beautifully done. Love getting the hatemail. Even better how his name was only R1 what else did you expect him to do.

  15. Even if someone is using the worst cheese, if they parry me that's respect. Parry takes timing, witch takes practice and skill. Bravo

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