Today, I wanted to talk about how Dark Souls and Elden Ring changed my life. The souls series along with Bloodborne and Sekiro really gave me the confidence and ability to think about my life differently and avoid fear of failure. Dark Souls truly changed my life and taught me to embrace challenges, and I can’t thank Fromsoftware enough for their incredible works of art.

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  1. Something a bit different this week, hope you like! Subscribe if you like these kinds of vids 🙂

  2. I have been a fan since demon souls on ps3 I almost stopped playing after beating 2 I think people only say it's a good game to be different even the remade version was awful I never felt like I wasted time of my life playing a video game until I beat dark souls 2. I think from software should let bluepoint remake dark souls 2 because they did a amazing job with demon souls as long as they can change stuff as they wish I think they can make it a decent game maybe and also making sure Hidetaka Miyazaki has a part in the game this time

  3. Bro you described so many reasons why these games are so powerful and impactful. Exploration without the weight of difficulty and risk doesn’t hold any weight. But when you KNOW you EARNED that next bonfire, you feel absolutely incredible. A job well done, despite the toughest of odds in life is just as rewarding.

  4. And with that, I will return to bloodborne. I've been trying to get through the chalice dungeons so I can platinum, and woof! They're hard!
    But not impossible. 😇

  5. so are you a fromsoft fan or a fromsoft enjoyer this will changed the world so tell me what are YOU.

  6. I don't know why so many people have problems with Midir. It took me only 5 tries. But Friede took me 18 and Gael 30, hate those 2 xD

  7. I Live in Taos, New Mexico and I Must Say I Also Had The Same Experience With Souls Series
    I Mean When A Challenge Blocks Your Way ( Exactly Like Status in Dark Souls 2 🙂 ) I Considered Them as A Boss
    And Keep Telling Myself When you Defeat This Boss Life Will Get Better and More Beautiful ❤️😍

  8. When I was at my lowest point of depression, dark souls entered my life alongside another game called OMORI. Omori showed me what my life was like from an outside perspective and the only person who can really change it is you. Dark souls taught me that no matter how hard the challenge seems, you will succeed with enough perseverance. They came into my life at the perfect moment to show me my issues and how to solve them. It’s so nice to hear other peoples stories because it reminds us that we’re not alone in our struggles. Be safe out there friends, and don’t you dare go hollow!

  9. It's nice to see you appreciate Dark Souls 2 for what it is and not shi* all over it like most other people. Dark souls 2 was what got me into the souls series and was my first souls I ever played through so it will always hold a special place in my heart 🥰

  10. Damn this hit home Elden ring was my first and it hard but i push threw it then got sekiro thought that was impossible i had my brother beat geni now i can flawless geni and i beat dark souls 3 last week i never thought i would succeed but I did,You did we all overcame challenges and im proud of all of us!

  11. I am subbing because I relate to the story and because I love the message! As a pessimist I see the souls games differently from you. I can get though DS… so I can get through life… and vise versa. If the game is getting too hard I can call a friend for help, and that's ok because its baked into the game… just like life, and I hope they ask me for help in the same way. things are hard…. but it can also be fun…. and you drive forward because you want to see where things go and what you might see next…. and honestly that speaks to me alot… I love these games not because they are hard… but because I know I CAN beat them, and they know I can beat them too, that's why there isn't an option to make it easier… you got his! if you have to ask for help that's ok, WE got this

  12. Thank you for making this video it was one of the best I’ve seen in a long long time my older brother got me into souls and it is now my favorite series of all time

  13. The Souls series saved my life in multiple ways. I'll always be thankful to my friend for letting me borrow his copy of Bloodborne because that was the catalyst that got me into the rest of the series. It taught me lessons I never even knew you could learn from a video game

  14. I remember spending over a week trying to kill Malenia and I still don’t know where that amount of resolve came from.

  15. This is exactly identical to my journey 🤣🤣 great video, I am inspired thank you sir.🫡

  16. I understand you completely, other than the YouTube stuff as I'm not a YouTuber. However, the life lessons you somehow pick up subconsciously from these games is my story.

    When I first played Dark Souls, I hated it. It was hard. I was bad. I gave up prior to even getting to the Belfrey Gargoyles. I kept hearing good things about the game, but I didn't understand how. About a year later I went to visit my friend and he had Dark Souls. He was talking about how great it was. So I spent the night and played through. I killed the Gargoyles and got to Blighttown. I quit yet again. I hit another wall and gave up.

    Fast forward to the release of Dark Souls 3. I saw it on every game website and figured if there's already 3 and they all have raving reviews, there's gotta be something that I'm not picking up. I went back to Dark Souls and after a week of not figuring out how to get through Blighttown, I cheated. I used cheats to get through Dark Souls. I felt gross after finishing the game and decided to go back through it honestly.

    Dark Souls took me about a month to get through. I was having a rough time. But I actually beat it myself and it felt so good. I never thought I'd feel that way beating a game.

    I played through half of Dark Souls 2 and all of Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 2 I did not like at all. It felt weird and I was not good at it. But Dark Souls 3 was easier for me than then original so I went though that. It took my a good two, maybe three months to get through Dark Souls 3, but that original feeling of accomplishment and perseverance I felt when beating Dark Souls came back. It was amazing!

    Then Bloodborne came out, and I had a PC and no money. I was obsessing over Bloodborne because of how much I loved Dark Souls 1 and 3. I was watching every stream that existed about Bloodborne, every lore video, every tips and tricks video. Finally, 2.5 years after it's release, I got myself an old Gen 1 PS4, and Bloodborne. Bloodborne was a $450 purchase for me and I don't regret spending a single dime.

    That game changed it all for me. I was in a very dark time in my life, and honestly the only thing that was keeping me going was Bloodborne. I played through that game on one character and I got to NG+4. I loved Bloodborne more than any other game I've ever played. It kept me alive, literally. I could go on for days about how much I love Bloodborne.

    And throughout playing those games, I've found myself being more open to improvement in my daily life, both physically and mentally. I no longer shut down when I hit an obstacles in life. My depressive episodes are much more manageable than they were in the past. My entire outlook upon life has changed significantly.

    "If life is hard, gitgud"

    I heard that on r/shittydarksouls and it holds merit. To "gitgud" is to persevere. Push yourself, learn from your mistakes. Never look at a death as a failure, just as a learning opportunity. Things happen that you can't control, it's up to you to move with it and keep on going.

    The lore of the games I really enjoy as it shares a lesson, especially to those who may not be doing so well in life. I really connected with it when it came to the Hollows. Looking back at my life during those years, I was definitely becoming "hollow." I was depressed nonstop for years and I tried giving up a few times. I went hollow. I lost all sense of who I was as a person. I had no more ambition, no want for anything, no desires other than Nito's kiss.

    I'm happy with my life now. I have the job that I want to have, I have a girlfriend who loves me, and I have no desire to see the [YOU DIED] screen.

    I want thank Fromsoft for what they've created. If not for their games, I wouldn't have had anything to keep me from going hollow. The skills I've learned from these games have trickled into my every day life now, especially patience. The Souls franchise has been the best thing to happen to me and I will never stop playing them.

    Thank you Hidetaka Miyazaki and everyone else at FromSoftware for the amazing things you have created. It's built such an amazing community and I like to think of all of us in the Souls community as a big family.

    Love you all

  17. Honestly I love these kind of stories the stories of overcoming challenges and stuff like that and it's good to know that the games like Dark Souls can help you with that

  18. Seems like there are countless videos about DS and depressions and life and etc… and I’ll watch them all!

  19. The Dark souls series was an unclimbable wall when I started it. It showed me what true despair looks like. If you get down, people will come to kick you and laugh. If you try to overcome them, your fears get stronger and stronger the closer you are to the end.

    But then, if you can win just once, nobody in this ever-loving shitshow can stop you from overcoming what you wanna achieve. If dark souls didn't harden my soul, I would have already lost myself during the pandemic. Now, I got a pretty good scholarship to a really good college.

    Thank you Dark Souls.

  20. I feel like you made a very important distinction here: dark souls doesn't make you feel like you can do anything, it makes you feel like if you try hard enough you can do anything, which is a way more realistic and helpful mentality to have.
    The fact that you can do one thing doesn't mean you can do another, but with enough hard work and help from other people the sky becomes the limit.
    This doesn't mean that you'll be able to do everything, as some things may reqire more work than you're willing to put in, and that's okay because at the end of the day we are all human and if we aren't picky with what we spend our time on we'll run out of time faster than expected, but that doesn't mean that you should give up on the things you are passionate about.

  21. 6:17 factual bro. I started doing YouTube again recently and it’s been going so well. Over 300subs last month and still growing

  22. Currently playing DS3 and Elden Ring. I started playing souls games about 5 years back and they’re literally the only games I play. I love the challenge and patience it takes to get through these type of games. I’ll have a library full of FromSoft titles for years to come. Can’t wait for Armored Core 6.

  23. It is good to beat a difficult boss. With, or without help. I am glad there are good people in the souls community, but oof… Some servers are toxic AF. Cheerfully mocking those on their first run of DS3/ER/etc. for not having managed to defeat a particularly nasty boss like Gael. And then going on and on about how only self-proclaimed skillbro's are good at gaming. IMO, those need their heads removed from their rear ends and have cactus therapy applied.

  24. I've never got that click in my brain, that if you put enough effort, you are bound to see some amount of success. Even with bosses in the souls games, it always kinda feels like I didn't try hard enough or cheated, if I manage to kill the boss. Never beaten the hardest bosses alone.

    Very frequently I feel this "I'm not good enough" or Impostor Syndrome kind of thinking pattern when facing hardship and I know that getting better at that, would greatly improve my life in all aspects.

    With all of that said, it has been really hard making that first step into really trying to do things well again and not just giving up on life, but that video helped shine a light into that for me. Let's say the video kindled a flame and now is my duty to keep the cicle going.

  25. The outro is 100% legit. Subbed, liked and dropping this comment for the you know what.

  26. Determination.

  27. There's a reason Dark Souls 1 got the "Greatest Game of All Time" title.

  28. Bro yes. Seriously man I look at everything like I’m playing dark souls. When I can’t overcome something at work “auto body and paint” I’m like bro this is only the first phase. I can do this. And I always overcome every instacke because of it. The way you put this into words is amazing. But I still can’t beat ds2 or sekiro 😂😂😂

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