Get ready for a whole new way to experience Call of Duty 🔥

Put your precision 🎯 teamwork 🤝 and mind 🧠 to the test in Raid Episode 1: Atomgrad, coming to #MWII on Dec 14.

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  1. Raid with 3 players? Do you even know what a raid is? Look up your sister company Blizzard for WoW raid with 25 people.

  2. das Spiel ist müll! es wird eim als BETA angedreht ist aber schlimmer verbugt als eine ALPHA version schlechte steuerung der Helis, permanente Abstürtze, aufgaben die man nicht abschliessen kann crossplay läst sich nicht mehr deaktivieren und das ist nur ein bruchteil der ganzen probleme. Und das Microsoft da jetzt mit drinnen steckt macht es nicht gerade besser sondern noch schlimmer. wenn die spieleindustrie nicht dazu lehrnt und weiter verdummt sehe ich schwartz. die spieleindustrie wird pleite gehen, gamer werden aussterben und krieg wird grausame realität überall auf der Welt!

  3. Non mais sérieux Activision ! C’était absolument nécessaire de mettre un coup de projecteur sur Farah, les cheveux cachés par un voile islamique ? C’est ça votre conception de la femme arabe, émancipée, libre et combattante ? Les iraniennes qui se battent et meurent pour pouvoir l’enlever apprécieront. Merci Activision d’oeuvrer à banaliser cet uniforme et enfermer encore davantage les femmes ! 🤬

  4. Ok i know this might seem like a hate comment or a wierd one at least, but i would like to see some new zombies maps in bo3 ps3 please. I know its last gen but still, It would be quite interesting to see maps from the newest consoles ported to ps3. Thank you for your time

  5. Include stats from launch of wz 2. Stop doing things people dont like its pretty simple. Stop making rocket ball and garbage.

  6. still waiting for the day you decide to make us able to save our gun cuztomization IN DMZ LIKE HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT ONE SAVE BUTTON AT LAUNCH srsly everyone's complaining about it, every single human that ever existed and played dmz

  7. Players dropped from about 500,000 to 188,000. I assume the devs are panicking. This is what happens when greed controls your game. If only they would listen to us…that’s how easy it is

  8. I didn't receive over half of the blueprints I tried to redeem from the battle pass.

    May I please be reimbursed?

  9. I just hope the ai spawn rates and possible juggernaut health is not cranked up to 1 billion

  10. Hmm, while I’m not saying I’m not going to try it, I do think this go-around feels like too much is trying to be accomplished and just sticking to the roadmap.

    The modes that already exist aren’t well enough polished experiences themselves, now another one is coming that may break the game in a similar way as the others?

    The games are fun to be sure, they just don’t feel clean.

  11. I'm excited about the raid, but I haven't seen an answer to this: will free players be able to participate in Raids? Even if one friend owns MWII?

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