It’s time to Persona 5 Royal. The entire plot has lead to here: GAMBLING and MONEY.

Watch my entire Persona 5 Royal Series:
Watch Persona 5 Royal: Part Seven: Coming soon

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~Stream Archive Channel:

Everything you see in my videos is edited livestream highlights taken from my Twitch channel. My schedule is Tuesday & Thursday @ 7pm, Saturday & Sunday @ 3pm – all times based in Ireland.

Edited by Ashtaric, you can find her here:
And here:


  1. This is the second to last Persona highlights of the year. We will be playing the final arc for 2022 starting TOMORROW at 3pm GMT on my Twitch channel, and continuing all this weekend. With how close we are to Christmas we are going to save any future arcs for the new year so we don't have to rush finishing the game before taking some time off for the holidays. These videos are always an insane amount of work to put together for both Cloe and myself so I hope that's understandable! You can watch the now 10+ hour edited Persona series via the playlist link in the description

  2. I've figured it out! All car drivers are evil, but Morgana IS a car, which is why he's worse than any of them!

  3. This is easily the best palace in the vanilla game, and I kinda wanna talk about it's theme, The Whims Of Fate, a little. When I first played through the game blind, I thought it was a catchy song about gambling, but it's so much more. The song has a touch of melancholy in it, as we know that this operation doesn't go well for the thieves. In hindsight, this is also the biggest gamble for the thieves, risking everything to do what's right instead of what's popular. Favourite game ever for a reason.

    and that reason is Maruki baybeee it is insane and FUCKING HILARIOUS that RT guessed not only the final palace, but ALSO vanilla's final palace, which has very little build up before Shido.

  4. I would like to mention, sae used to be significantly harder. not like it would've mattered much though with the almighty he ho

  5. I commend the editor for making fairly clear a pretty complicated area of the game with such highly edited content.

  6. The real reason coffee dad is still in business despite how few customers he has is because Johnny is single handedly the one percent.

  7. Shido: "I'm so Evilllll mwahahahaha"
    Akechi: "I can't wait to kill more people for you"
    Repeat 20 times

    As much as you hate it, it was possibly the funniest moment in the stream

  8. I watched all the VODs for this and it was absolutely HILARIOUS seeing your reaction to the batshit insanity. Thank you RT, your P5R series is keeping me going. I shouted with excitement when I saw the most recent VOD go up on the secondary channel.

  9. Adorable to think Daneshiro finds Haru adorable and feels bad for making fun of her while he rags on literally everyone else, including Benched Party Member and Desperate

  10. RT out here being big brained guessing a bunch of shit left and right meanwhile when I played I was just like, hahaha me press button and read

  11. I like how the in-game dates are kinda close to the actual dates now. Gives a little flavor to it.

    Also, props to Cloe for doing such an amazing job with the editing. And RT too, going by his Maruki comment. Crazy how you're able to condense all that into such a fun video!

  12. after watching him try the reaper fight i wanted to rewatch the first reaper encounter he had but i can't find it at all, anyone know which part it is?

  13. (SPOILERS FOR THE VIDEO) something i realized a few days after this stream:

    joker doesn’t look at the camera because he thinks it will be evidence of police brutality, but because he knows futaba is watching because she hacked the security cameras and is begging her not to watch

  14. Seriously tho Akechi if you gonna make this scene as suicide shoot him in his forehead is really stupid

  15. Should anyone tell him he was a single decision away from a mistake that would cost 10 hours more playtime and require that last cutscene again?

  16. I absolutely hate that you can't change Haru's Fiance's heart. It'd literally be a better solution to the 4th arc than Okumura's heart directly, since the bad guys were preoccupied with Okumura and the principal.

  17. Can we get him to play the new shin megami tensei after this I desperately want to see his reaction to the dialogue

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