Spider Man 2 PS5 Release Officially Confirmed by Insomniac Games


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  1. You can now officially wishlist Spider-Man 2 on the PlayStation Store.

  2. Final Fantasy 16
    (which is probably GOTY btw )
    Marvel's Spider-Man 2
    The Last Of Us Live Service Game
    Silent Hill 2
    Twisted Metal Live Service Game
    ( Rumored )
    Bend Studio Open World Game
    ( Rumored )
    Firesprite Horror Game
    ( Rumored )
    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

    Sony has alot of Bangers next year

    The real question is can Microsoft finally compete without saying WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR ???

  3. Love how them working hard to get the game out quickly is disappointing and the bare minimum. God PlayStation fans are spoiled. People need gameplay and trailers constantly to be happy

  4. I bet a,showcase February in spring.they have to do one before E3 and summer game fest

  5. Click bait thumbnail. Should have put official release window confirmed

  6. Insomniac is amazing, singlehandedly has managed to deliver more AAA games than whole Xbox in the last couple of years.

  7. And I can officially confirm that more PlayStation console Exclusives will come out next year & beyond to 😀 + Let's hope it's not held back by doing it for PC to :-/ (sorry for being negative but I just wish it was a only possible on PS5 game. Oh well) I can't wait anyway to see some gameplay next year 😛

  8. Spider-Man 2 will be insomniac's and bryan intihar's greatest achievement.

    It will be their Arkham City…

    Their freaking MASTERPIECE!

  9. I think it will come out in September because cuz Spider-Man 2018 did. I think this is gonna be the biggest game that will release on PS5 without a doubt. Cant wait to see what Playstation Studios is cooking up for 2023

  10. I'm personally not disappointed at all I think these companies have to do hard or work to keep some of their game secret everybody leaks everything even this news that he's talking about was leaked prior and of course everybody who's going to buy it is going to buy a day one game's going to do phenomenal

  11. S is for Spiderman
    S is also for September 😃

    So by that concrete logic–I would say Spooder-mayne is coming out in October 🙃😋

  12. watch ghost of Tsushima 2 get announced for next holiday to🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  13. Thought it would be in the fall ever since the announcement. It looks like it'll be an October game since it is said to be dark. I would love October since that's my bday month.

  14. Xbox "hey guys we're announcing a brand new ip from a AAA studio we've invested in and built from the ground up. its called cricket simulator, where you simulate breaking the silence by making chirping noises with the cricket. this is all the information we can give at the time, stayed tuned for not this e3 or the next, but potentially the next and we'll have another update for you"

  15. Wouldn't it be great if Insomniac come back with "Sorry we made a mistake, Fall 2023 is Wolverine!"

  16. There going to put GTA’s character swapping to shame

  17. Make another RESISTANCE GAME I bet most gamers want to see that get a revision. Imagine a resistance game with today's graphics with gore, destruction and mayhem with crumbling buildings? Like RESISTANCE Fall of man would be so sweet being a reboot even. Thanks for the likes and to the ones who want the same I get you… it was such a good game.

  18. I think 2023 might be the most packed year for gaming in history. Hogwarts, wo long, armoured core, Jedi survivor, Zelda, final fantasy 16, Spiderman 2. Horizon dlc, elden ring dlc probably, forspoken, starfield, suicide squad, dead space, Diablo 4, and probably more that I’m missing. Like wtf my wallet can’t keep up with all of it

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