The BEST Survivor Build Of 2022 – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be using the best survivor build of 2022 in dead by daylight, hope you all enjoy the video!

Thumbnail Created by: @MewsMori
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build


  1. This is exactly my favourite build from this year, I've been rocking it for a while now and found myself being pretty successful with it. I also change resilience into bond if I'm going for a flashlight game to make those saves a bit easier

  2. Bite the Bullet / Overcome build has been my favourite build to use this year. Disappearing after the killer gets a hit on me and instantly healing is fun!

  3. Hey I am just wondering … Why does Zarina Kassir have quietest grunts in pain, using new Iron Will with 75% grunts reduction I could still hiding and not revealed to the killer , instead using other Survivors can still be found moreover Rebecca Chambers😂😂 so she's so Loud

  4. After the perk update, I run Windows, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, and Off The Record.

  5. very good build but I'd use windows for off the record instead, windows is so good when playing solo queue so you know what pallets have been dropped already and where to run next in case u have to drop the pallet youre looping at rn and also unbreakable for adrenaline since most killers slug and its the perfect counter play to it, nice video btw 🙂

  6. I don't think adrenaline synergises well with Resiliance and DH. I'd much rather run Hope with perks like that.

  7. I think Sprint Burst can be used instead of Dead Hard but Dead Hard is easier to put into play as Sprint Burst requires more micro-management with your exhaustion meter

  8. me going to sleep notification of naymeti video i don’t feel more asleep all of a sudden

  9. I’m sorry but there’s no way you can logically call this the “best” build of 2022.

  10. My top build at the moment is: Lithe, prove theyself, off the record and windows, i rly like this build!

  11. My build – meant to be strong all around in many aspects
    Circle of healing – perk to help team mates too, info perk
    Dead hard – Extend the chase
    Windows of opportunity – another chase perk
    Off the record – Anti tunnel

  12. I mean mikaela was blocking for you… if you just run you'd be ok. Mikaela is your dead hard.

  13. I pretty much always run:
    Off the Record,
    Deadhard/Sprint Bust,
    Circle of healing

  14. Resilience, Windows, Alert, Adrenaline. That is my favorite build now and I’ve used it for probably 2 years now

  15. Hate off the record as a killer main. lol Its already a big time killer to hit survivors twice, making it 3 times is just brutal. Havent figured out a way to tell when someone is using it either.

  16. Posting before I watch, haven’t you posted videos with this exact name before? Oh well, let’s see if you abandon anyone in this one lol.

  17. Bro… waiting for dh with a teammate blocking you… that and a clip of you saying “I’m just gunna leave” with three teammates still in the game would be a very good introduction video for your stream and channel XD

  18. Did you start a new account? These seem like baby killers getting destroyed😭😭😭

  19. Personally I think windows of opportunities is there instead of either resilience or off the record but that's just my opinion tho

  20. OTR
    Exhaustion of choice (Lithe is my preferred)

    We'll make it, Deli, Didact, Resilience, Boon, Reassurance for the 4th slot (any is fine)

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