Horizon Zero Dawn Review

Should you buy Horizon Zero Dawn in 2023?

The first thing that springs to mind, whenever I think of Horizon Zero Dawn, is the narrative. It’s such a refreshing variation compared to other apocalyptic stories.

Horizon Zero dawn was released in 2017, a time when the market was rife with generically dull and uninspired open worlds that are packed with map icons, acting as meaningless filler to add the illusion of weight to the world. So how does the open world design hold up in 2023?

There’s nothing exactly nuanced about the gameplay in Horizon Zero Dawn but even so, the mechanics feel well polished and refined but it’s the story that stands this game up there with some the greatest open world games to date, as a game that’s still well worth replaying in 2023.

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  1. So Forbidden West I got the ps4 physical copy at 1/3 of the initial price 6 months after release date – played a bit and it did it did not hit me as hard as Zero Dawn. I plan to play it in 2023.
    As for Zero Dawn. To me it was a very good game. It has its flaws. Story I would rate OK but nothing more as some plot point did not make much sense. Open world design sure it is UBI like but with a big difference. Instead like in UBI games put as much things as you possibly can (a few dozen synchronization points in AC games) here we have only 6 or 7. The same for hunting grounds and other activities it is the right amount. Menus and traversing them not a great experience. Combat was the part I like the most as well as simple (yet effective progression system – do more be more powerful to the point a previously difficult to kill machine becomes easier as you deal more damage have more tools). Combat with humans or melee combat was as good. The world creation with its biomes was also very good. I liked Zero Dawn to the point and got platinum trophy (and I usually do not care about trophies).
    But also it was released in 2017 I played the complete version shortly after it was released so I back then I was not so tired of open map design as I’m now.

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