Horizon Forbidden West is fast approaching so I decided to go back and review Zero Dawn. Horizon is one of the moment successful new IP’s from Sony, it sold like crazy and the reception matched the sales. Everyone loved it game, the fans, the critics and eveyone in between has amazing complements to give Horizon. I for one really like this title, the combat is phenomenal offering so much freedom and player expression, the enemy design is bonkers good, probably the best enemy design in any open world game thanks to the variety, the designs and the amount of flexability you have in taking them down. It also doesn’t hurt that everything you do in Horizon looks so freaking good all the damn time (minus the dialogue). The visuals and motif are top tier visual design and I cannot wait to see what Foridden West will bring to the table. However, I strongly dislike this story, these characters and how everything is written.

I hope you enjoyed the video! Don’t forget to like and subscribe and do all that fun stuff.

Introduction: 0:00
World: 4:25
Gameplay: 12:25
Glitches: 19:02
Story: 22:09
Conclusion: 26:32



  1. Haven’t had the interest in picking this game up when it launched and whenever I ask my friends if they liked it or not they always just gave the generic answer that it was good so that immediately made me wary of the game and never ended up giving it a chance since I got alot of signals of a pretty world and boring generic open world story/gameplay. I might give it a shot for the combat since it sounds like it might be pretty fun to experience for myself.

  2. Dont yall get tired of these par for the course fomulaic AAA games that do the same thing as all the others do? EDIT* yeah you pretty much said my opinion. Im also offended that anyone dared to tell me this is an rpg

  3. Hmmm. I also LOVED this on my first playthrough but oddly didn't give it a second thought 5 mins after finishing it. I can't explain why.

  4. I really hope they do another killzone, great video! keep up the great work

  5. Thank you for working out why I couldn’t connect with this game and found much of it boring, the main character and story was just so dull and poorly paced with no depth or progression. Not one I’ll be revisiting in denial. You deserve more views for your hard work, keep on keeping on!

  6. This game will have you so immersed, and in dredd when visiting some areas of the map, seriously and like yourself I completed the game 110% but that was only until I played it again during lockdown in 2020 after years of it just sitting in my Steam library, the main story for me was intresting enough to keep you intrested until you actually found out what the hell was going on, I remember defeating the final boss and skipping the ending cutscene

  7. HZD is by far the best far cry game tbf. and i dont think the story was boring, it's almost soulslike in its execution, with you exploring a ruined world and piecing together the mystery, although souls games execute it a lot better and a lot more naturally. in today's age it's more important than ever that people be terrified of self replicating war machines, because they're almost within technological grasp…

  8. Bland characters being bland isn't controversial. Aloy is the same person from beginning to end. No self assessment, no reflection, no growth. Almost amazing is a perfect way to describe this game. Good video.

  9. Excellent Job, I hope I see a review from you about Forbidden West. I am on the fence about the sequel.

  10. Damn, why does a channel with such excellent quality content have so few views!!

  11. I am playing through this game again before the release of the new one. Man I am having fun and almost forgot how it feels to just SEE a tall-neck walking around in the distance. I really hope we get more of them in the new game they are a stand out feature for me.

  12. Very good review. Spot on with the story, character development/interaction. Gameplay and views are awesome. And on-point with the melee

  13. Personally just picked this game up for forbidden West. I'm a few missions from the ending. This game isn't a masterpiece like people say, it's not even great at times. The gameplay is fun and has some good experimentation. The stories of the machines and the design is fantastic world building. Apart from that characters have no growth in this game which makes the very eventful story come off as bland, the writing is so inconsistent. The oseram main (side) missions is incredibly generic and cliche storytelling compared to the great main plot is an insult. But this has such a strong structure for the sequel to flourish. I just think the over hype didnt do this game any favours in terms of coming to my own opinion as I felt let down that it didnt reach my expectations in any other area except the backstory of the world and some of the gameplay. So far it feels like a high 7 out of 10. At least playing this game will make the sequel be a much better experience to compare and see the major improvements. Also no hate for those who really enjoyed this game or even love it and praise it as one of their favourites. For me personally it lacks a lot for it to be great. It only good is some areas and only excels in others which brings conflict with the final product

  14. What I like about the gameplay is you can approach enemies in different ways and getting a different battle outcome each time. The sidequests in general aren't great, but the challenge with fighting the machines make up for the experience. It can get repetitive overtime as there are too much focus on battling machines and nothing else to do in the gameworld, aside from hiking, which fortunately I enjoy.

    I love the landscape in this game. Especially how the artists recreate landscape and monuments from real life but in a post apocalypse setting. The nighttime in this game is one of the creepiest gaming experience I've had. I can see myself loading up this game more times in the future just to explore the city ruin during night time, which is what stand out most in the game for me.

    Writing and story, it's not perfect. There are some forced woke dialogs in relation with the gender of the protagonist, but it didn't get too unbearing. In general I like the Aloy, but she does have an annoying smug attitude at times because she thinks she knows more about the machines and the ancient civilization than the people around her. Aside from Rost, all the other NPCs are forgettable to me, I understand what they try to do with Sylens, but he just isn't interesting to me.

    One thing I wish is for this game is to have more mods, there are some but not enough to really expand the game. This is why people still play Skyrim and Witcher 3 to this day. It's not happening with Forbidden West either, since I guess it'll be a Sony exclusive for a while before getting on PC.

  15. Hey I’m really interested in horizon forbidden west but I haven’t played zero dawn yet. Was just wondering if I should just watch videos about the story instead of playing it and hop into forbidden west or do you think it’s worth it to play zero dawn first? I’m just scared that by the time I finish zero dawn I will feel burnt out if I want to play forbidden west right away. Forbidden west seems better in every way from what I’ve heard and seen and I kinda just want to jump in straight away with the superior game idk?

  16. I'd say that playing as a generic "ancient robot" with a randomly named AI or something like that instead of Aloy would've been a much more interesting approach and also would've made for many of the dialogue choices to be more.. understandable. I also think that it would've opened up to some interesting character development and evolution dynamics.
    Regarding Horizon Forbidden West, I believe that it won't be any better than Zero Dawn, maybe even worse, but more complex.. and with complexity comes more room for.. error.

  17. I do not played Horizon zero dawn, watch story recap of it instead.

    Awesome review!

    Educated commersial diver in real life.

    The ability to dive explore underwater its a must for me in open world games.

    Horizon forbidden west its my main reason I'm getting a
    Playstation 5.

  18. The sequel takes everything I don’t like about zero dawn and makes it exponentially better. I enjoy horizon zero dawn, though I’m no where near the end of the game or story. One thing that really breaks my immersion is the lip sync dialogue with no facial emotion. I love the focus as a concept. I think this game is a good game with its downfalls and forbidden west is a amazing game. I don’t think the characters in the first game are amazing and sometimes the writing is bad. For this being their first game to get a lot of this right is great.

  19. It's just so lame. Feels like it was written by some homeless blonde girl with dreadlocks

  20. The game never really clicked with me to be honest.
    I thought it had interesting enemy designs, good weapon mechanics and all that, but it never really dared to be challenging – even on the highest difficulty. Had they maybe made some enemies a bit faster, added a couple more threatening attacks to their repertoire and, most importantly, made resources far more scarce, I think I would have loved the game.
    I can acknowledge that that wasn't the sort of experience they were going for, but I would have appreciated some sort of extra challenging difficulty mode or something for idiots like me.
    The story and characters I could take or leave – practically all mainstream games tend to just feel like off-brand Hollywood movies in that regard nowadays, which is the most milquetoast thing a story can be to me. Boring as hell, but inoffensive. Horizon did have its setting going for it though, which I thought was really fun.

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