2B is just as thicc as I had hoped!

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  1. Never played nier automata. Should I, I've heard it's good, just never gave it a shot

  2. I can't wait to watch this, but yeah you don't have to play the game to watch it just like Persona 5 Animation but I would highly recommend it! One of if not the best game(s) I've ever played & that's ignoring the very tasteful fan service 😚👌

  3. Meanwhile on HH channel Mori gets 50/50 again after saying something on her watchalong of the film Scarface

  4. Nice. I'm gonna wait until it ends, because I haven't played the game yet, and when I play a game with alternate endings, I gotta know what's canon and what's not.

  5. Thicker than a bucket of cement. That was the best thing I've heard all week. And the conviction with which you said it…you are a prince among degenerates 🤣🤣🤣. Nice vid as always my dude.

  6. When they announced this anime, they already said it was going to be a different story. I think this is gonna be an amazing alt story of my favorite game

  7. From what I heard, Yoko Taro said that he doesn't want the anime to be like the game and wants some different stuff because he doesn't want people the people that played the game to watch the same stuff happen again.

  8. Another show that depends on female body parts? I am out

  9. In the game there is an achievement for looking up 2B's skirt 10 times.
    The anime gives you that achievement in the span of the first episode

  10. the anime is following the game at this point, both starts A and B in the first episode, and they said in the ending that it will be lots of endings during the series so prepare for shit to get real fast

  11. There was also a popular furry artist who created a parody furry comic series based on this anime! 🙂

  12. Not surprised there, from what I heard 2B's rear end has the most polygons a game from the 90s could ever have. Over 330k if i remember correctly

  13. beyond some jarring jumps in animation quality, was quite good, and more important than the references I think, are the subtle differences with the game that are there clearly to drive a point, the 2B first lines are says at the end of the episode but instead of talking about finding the one responsible to kill him, she talks about wishing for him to find happyness

    9S talks about revive instead of making another machine your brother, this important as the topic of family is part of 9S story

    in the game when 9S looks up after the scene it shows only 2B unit, instead of the full squadron like in the game (this could be due to direction but may be an important detail)

    also in game when 9S destroy the first big machine that 9S is fighting with, he leaves the thing fall and almost crush 2B, not caring much, here, in the anime he goes out of his way to put it away gently…

    but maybe I m readying too deep into it XD

  14. I think the anime seems interesting so far, but god damn those 3d cg mechs were god awful. I'm not one to let horrible cg ruin my experience so hating it just cause of the cg seems stupid to me

  15. Can't and shouldn't show every irrelevant side quest, but they should include those that bear significance and foreshadowing to the main plot points and mysteries of the world and 2B. Like the E unit wiped her own memories.

  16. Played through the game a couple of times. I felt just a little underwhelmed because it's literally just the beginning of 2B and 9Ss stories put together, not that I wasn't expecting that. Not bad though, and I'm curious to see what they do with the end since they aren't doing multiple endings like the game. I kind of hope they do something different. Hope they keep using the game music though cause that shit was fire. The thing at the end with the puppets was cute as hell. Also, I think we can all agree 2B was well depicted 😉

  17. technicaly, 2B wears a white leotard not panties, but we all wanna see the cake anyway

  18. I didn't even realize until the first episode that there was going to be an anime, sounds like the studio remained faithful so far. I will have to add it to my watch list.

  19. Had 2B did the code at the begining and ended the anime right there, it would have been a chad move.

  20. you gotta admit, the shading quality of the anime compared to the game is kinda wack lmfao

  21. Already complaining on 10 panty shots with skirt?

    Just wait till she self-destructs you bitches.

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