This video shows all Cutscenes in The Last Of Us Part 2 on PS4 Pro.

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  1. I haven't played part 2. Thought I'd just watch this one. Why is Ellie wearing mask? Is she not immune anymore?

  2. As a sequel, I'm not a massive fan of this game…
    But as a story on it's own, holy shit. This is also amazing in it's own way.

  3. Everything could have been avoided if Joel shot Abby's dad in the kneecap. But nope the first game kills the guy where ever you shoot him. But man so many people were drug into this revenge quest all for nothing, all their friends dying, the PTSD, an unborn kid dying, like JFC man. Great game despite what Reddit says.

  4. God I'm happy I didn't play this game all the way through with this shit story line. I mean who tf would want to play as abbie.. I get the point they're trying to make, but I play games to escape misery. Not be miserable

  5. Finally played part 2 this past week and loved the first one immensely, but Part 2 is 10/10 beyond anything I've ever played. Almost beyond any film or show as well. Truly, well written, gripping, emotional and violent. No apologies, no comforting you, no calm, just immersive, flowing and powerful. Losing my father in 2017 , suddenly, as he was hit by a car may have caused it more so as I saw the story Joel and Ellie had as relatable. Having a loving yet a bit fractured relation definitely hit me heavy especially the ending. Had way more than just "thug tears" and a snot bubble or two. Hahaha. WISH more people could witness this game and take it in, truly a masterpiece. Even down to how they tie in little details to the story pieces and show both sides.

  6. I haven't been this emotional and pissed at something in a long time. I need to be delusional, this second part does not exist.

  7. Another holly wood agenda to portray Asian men as soft and weak. No not just because he died so quickly but his character was the definition of a simp. He legit didn't care dina was cheating on him with Ellie. They already planned to take care of the baby as a couple even while Jesse was alive and he still didn't care and acted supportive. Can we have one damn Asian male character where he isn't the butt of a joke?

  8. glad i didnt pay for that feminist dyke fest – wth was that – we get it abby gonna save the world and she loves arm day

  9. theyre already talking about part 3 – abby and ellie will join forces and fall in love – many dyke scenes inc

  10. If Ellie would’ve been actively supporting her team instead of having sex and doing drugs, Joel might’ve lived.

  11. Too busy carpet munching to be on duty and help her dad… Hate to be that person. But it's true. Lesbihonest.

  12. Why…i mean why is there woke bullshit in a post apocalyptic scenario video game? Noone cares about anybodies fucking sexuality when the world literally implodes…is there anything they wont try to forcibly inject ot into. Its fucking pathetic and the sooner Jesus comes back to earth and reaps us all the better. Or…or…let the cordyceps actually evolve into zombie making fungus amd just fucking wipe out the weak….and i wonder how many LGBT fucks are left in the event shit hits the fan. They'd be standing behind us for protection. Badass alpha, strong MEEEEEEEN….STARIGHT MEEEEEEEN MUTHERFUCKERS! If you feel even slightly offended by this post….suck my dick

  13. You killed from each other way too much, just let it go, glad ellie spared Abby at the end. I'm sure Joel never would have asked for revenge, it never does any good, why have a temporary release for an eternal torment?

  14. This was so enjoyable and entertaining….I enjoyed the character arc of both Abby and Ellie. They actually made me care for the Antagonist. In hindsight I actually wished they killed Abby, but by the ending I was really relieved when they spared her life.

  15. So in the first 15 mins they've talked about lesbian kissing and used the word bigot in a post apocalyptic world what an absolute woke piece of rubbish

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