The game data confirms that a Connor chapter was cut that would take place after Eden Club and before The Bridge. Since there are only data scraps available for it, I’ve tried re-constructing what I feel would have been the essence of this chapter.

As such everything you see in this video is made up using my advanced modding tools, but based on evidence found in the game files. This evidence includes:
-Game variables confirming this chapter would at least partially take place in the police station and involve a trip to the evidence locker
-Cut early dialog text detailing that Kara and Alice could originally give up on crossing the highway in On The Run and get arrested by Connor
-A cross chapter variable tracking if Connor decided to free Kara and Alice in this cut chapter
-An animation state for Connor tied to this chapter that explicitly mentions him carrying Alice’s doll

Everything else is invented, but I feel this particular outcome would present a better transition point to The Bridge chapter and Hank deciding to confront Connor.


  1. Oh Dragonbane you are such a blessing! Thank you for bringing our best boi Connor to 2023! <3 He went all the way down the evidence room just to fetch Alice's stuff toy <3 Connor is too sweet. And the smile exchange with Kara at the end, reminds of the smile he gave to the police office at the news tower. Honestly, there should have been more scenes created for Connor and Kara. Their characters just look good together.

  2. Allow me to be pedantic for a moment: the timestamp at the beginning of the chapter, while a nice touch, doesn't make sense. If a time is written with AM/PM next to it, it will never start with 00:XX. That's only used in the 24-hour notation (with hours ranging 00 – 23), which makes the AM/PM indicator redundant. In the 12-hour system, which the game usually uses, half past midnight, for example, would be written as 12:30 AM. Hope this helps!

  3. That should of been a secret pathway for Connor. Another way to become Deviant. Either Hank gets Connor to become Deviant. Or seeing Kara and Alice and now him breaking through the barrier. And Hank in shock of why he let the ‘‘em out. And then Connor responded in a confident tone saying that maybe it was the right decision he did

  4. This is so awesome! Thanks for showing this, it really made me wish that it would've been a part of the game 🙂

    How exactly did you re-imagine this chapter? There are so many things where I'm asked myself: "Wait, how did you do this?" because it looks so real!

  5. ahh it’s amazing how you’re bringing back up deleted content from detroit become human :)) detroit become human has become one of my favorite games and its nice to see content that never made it into the final game 😀

  6. I won't even lie, I thought you somehow found a cut/hidden scene in the game until I read the description. Bravo, my friend!

  7. Regarding Alice’s toy, what I believe is that the toy was some kind of collectible, even if Kara wasn’t captured, perhaps Connor would place it in the locker.

  8. Oh my gosh! I wish this scene was part of the game! Why did they feel they had to take it out? It showed a side of Connor that proved how deviant he really was or becoming! Damn! Thank you for sharing this scene. If there’s anymore, please do share! I’m a DBH addict (especially a Connor Fan), and I’d sure appreciate lots!

  9. I still can't get enough of this game and watching this, I feel like crying. I wish there is more !

  10. This cut chapter seems to show that it was originally possible for Connor to actually catch and arrest Kara on the highway. In the final game, that's not possible. Connor will catch Kara for a moment, then Kara will push him off of her.
    I REALLY wish this was kept in the game! It would've been amazing seeing Connor and Kara interact more and seeing more of Connor's deviant behavior.

  11. The way you present this cut content is fucking phenomenal! I’m completely sold on this and just wow! Thanks so much for doing this and sharing it!

  12. This is pretty awesome! Any idea what the deleted chapter was going to be called?

  13. this is such an awesome concept with amazing execution!! WOW!!!

  14. Too bad😪 this scene was never released, I love it. 💙❤️⭕️Thanks for publishing ❤️🥰

  15. I wonder if they would've revealed Alice being an android earlier this way.
    Being arrested and all, I think they would be processed or something and they would find out.
    But either way I don't mind.

  16. OMG!!!! 😭💕😭💕😭💕😭💕
    THIS IS SO SWEET, SO CUTE, SO…….😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕

  17. the way i kinda ship Connor and Kara, wishing them becoming happy family with Alice….
    this video is so perfect 😭💕😭💕😭💕

  18. Hank be like

    "Connor what the fuck are you doin'?"
    "Nothing Lieutenant"


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