Dextursmage is one of the few good players I met in jump force. Straight up tactical with his approach to the game and always a fun person to fight in jump force.

【PSN ID】Eljosbertox360
【Intro Song】Decoy! – All I Wanted


  1. The man of the hour, the man with the power. Papa berto is back babyy.

  2. Yo Dextur HAD to be doing a Challenge bro.

    No switching, and only using a support once the Entire match.

  3. seeing the jump vids get me excited cus it gives me hope I’ll get into a game with you

  4. haven't seen your content in a while. Hope you are doing well Berto

  5. You are crazy play Killua like that is very amazing. Please play next Trunks Shirio Kenshin I want to see true flashy

  6. I was just playing this on my switch earlier and I was facing a try hard he have R3 me twice and he Rage Quit because I was Flexing with Gon I was using HXH team 🤣 it's good to see you playing this again Berto this made my day

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