New trailer for DLC character KIM KAPHWAN, coming to THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV in Spring 2023!

2023年春配信の『KOF XV』DLCキャラクター「キム・カッファン」のトレーラーを公開!



  1. He looks and plays even better than I was expecting!!! Thank you SNK! 😭

  2. Ah, Kim. De los primeros que usaba yo en las retas.

    Y aunque extraño al Hyshokyakku de la '95 — 2001 (no se puede tenerlo todo en la vida), me encantó el moveset.

    En resumen: Bienvenido de vuelta, Kim. Vuelve a impartir la justicia como en los viejos tiempos.

    Aku wa yurusan! HAH!

  3. I tell ya, not buying this game until Sports Team is revealed has been torture ☹

  4. そういえばチャンとチョイはキムの所に帰ったのかそのままザナドゥについて行っちゃったのかが気になる…

  5. Where the fuck are his sons??? Dong and jae, where is freeman and yori team up

  6. You know that Kim is so badass at a point that is the only, not main character in snk (benimaru is also a main character in KoF), that is in EVERY KoF game? Even may, king, k, Leona or IORI weren't in every game, Kim is a beast!!!

  7. 相変わらず海外人のコメが多い事。

  8. I first discovered tekken as a kid and when i discovered kof, kim became my instant fav character because they have similarities with hwoarang.
    And i was today's years old when i discovered that kim's name isnt just kim 😂

  9. i like what i see but the fact they changed his neo max from the dopest version kofXIII to that under rising phoenix kick whatever it is ruined it.

  10. THAT IS THE COLDEST NEOMAX FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG. DO YOU SEE THAT SHIT?!?!?!?!?!

  11. No flowing, nicely animated GI??? His uniform is very static!!!???…the neo geo versions of him look better.. what the F lots of cut corners with this game and SNK! No new stage since Rugal. I'm thinking SNK really isn't into "shattering all expectations" any longer?! No excuses they now have the capital from Saudi's to work with and they are not interested in improving the game whatsoever! Don't get me wrong I love SNK but I feel like they have been giving up on this game for a while now…. recycling assets with Samurai shodown team. 3 wasted slots there. No new stages no wonder this game is getting slept on…I hate to say this SNK, Capcom and Street fighter 6 is "shattering all expectations" for me and kof 15 is NOT!!!

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