We have acquired the big fire swords and become the Dark Soul Fire Sword

Watch more Dark Souls: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLliBvQE3gg9fsmHcaMeSQGFDGMgjCH-7B

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Everything you see in my videos is edited livestream highlights taken from my Twitch channel. My schedule is Tuesday & Thursday @ 7pm, Saturday & Sunday @ 3pm – all times based in Ireland.

Edited by Ashtaric, you can find her here: https://twitter.com/xashtaricx
And here: https://www.twitch.tv/ashtaric


  1. The range on the breath attack dragons have has always been a bit excessive, even in Elden Ring.

  2. shrine of amana is truly the best designed area of all time

  3. Watching this, after playing a bunch of Elden ring… Jesus christ everything feels so s l o w.

  4. I love how chat tricked Dan into thinking he’d get a cool sword if he killed an npc and right as they died, they said “You fool.” 😂

  5. Cant wait for Dan to blindly stunble into the best ending purely by trying to fight all the bosses.

  6. Looking Glass Knight ability to summon invader is so unique lmao, but i can imagine it can be frustrating as invaders can cast warmth to heal him

  7. By the way, with the king dead, you can go back to the shrine of armana and to the locked door(while human) and get the soul of the king and the king set, the soul of the king has three weapons, ruler's sword, kings shield, and the kings greatsword. I recommend the kings greatsword because the ruler's sword has an effect that increases the damage it does the more souls you have on person, ie. a few million or billion souls ti make any real notice, the ultra greatsword has an effect that buffs the damage it does against armored enemies. With the right stats and fully updated you can basically one-shot the turtle knights or for fume, hit for almost 800 or 900 or even a thousand damage per hit, add the random chance for thr engraved gauntlets that makes a single normal hit into a critical hit, you got big damage my firend.

  8. This video series reminds me of how funny Dark Souls 2 gameplay really is LOL

  9. If he thought the bossrun to Alonne was bad, wait until he meets the ice reindeer

  10. The 2 coloured swords rlly remind me of beat saber the whole time 😂

  11. My take:
    DS2 estus isn't that slow because the whole game is slow, but SOME enemies are fast and it can cause issues. Also you can't walk and it kinda heals over time, which are issues when there are life gems which also heal over time and you can walk while using.
    Though, and people rarely complain about this, DS1 estus IS pretty slow because it takes almost as long as DS2 heal BUT the whole game is faster than DS2.

  12. Kinda funny that RT is so overpowered by this point that he can fight Vendrick without all the Giants Souls

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