This dude could do some things if you know how to make him do the things

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Marvel Contest of Champions MCOC

#SpideyBuff #SpideyGameplay #6StarSpiderman


  1. He’s a lot of fun, and I absolutely love the new suit, but he could have been a lot better imo. I wish he had a way to pause or refresh his taunts to be able to ramp up his damage a whole lot more, and I wish the damage he got off of his sp2 would last for a bit after the stun ends. I did play him for a bit with a power back boost, and dang that was so fun.

  2. I really like his buff and it definitely gives the spider verse tag another utility option, granted he's duped. My only gripe with it is the loss of armor break, as he was one of 3 science champs that had it in their kit. But he has value as a dual purpose champ that also has a nice burst cycle and the best counter to limber nodes that exists.

  3. I think the buff looks worst than it does because it came after the hulk buff and he’s pretty nutty. Don’t get me wrong he could still use more damage. Maybe guaranteed crits when they are stunned. Or just furies for each taunt when you use sp2 in addition with the physical vulnerability. If he’s your favorite marvel character I’m sure you’ll be somewhat happy cuz he’s usable now.

  4. Man the only thing that is annoying me is the old generic animations. They could just change the basics so it feels fresh. Basic combo is just so plain and boring.

  5. its a shame he didnt have a more complex kit with more damage output. my vision for him was alot of roots and alot of combos.

  6. So disappointing. He’s a core character and they disrespected him so much with this so called buff.

  7. he's much better now for sure…but there are plenty of better science champs. Or well, at least Kabam got the Hulk OG buff right!

  8. Honestly? It's pretty good to have a usable Spidey to fill those synergy spots you used to look at him and go "Nah". Not every champ has to be busted good across the board.

  9. this buff isn't TOO bad I mean he does have a very nice suit. even with synergies it DOES help but not a lot. OG Spiderman needs more justice man

  10. R4 with synergies with recoil against juggs I hit 290k sp2 pretty good tbh but not recoil friendly sadly

  11. His synergies with Shang chi and black cat aren’t stacking properly. They’re supposed to stack but now they fall off almost instantly

  12. Mr Negative synergy is very good ! ❤
    Most people will never use it, they are much better! He urgently needs burst or raw damage!

  13. no bro . thats too much of sp1 and all the non sense . its not worth it . to put sigs in this champ for avg player like me is not worth it at all . ihave this loser duped at r1 6 star . but he aint going anywhere . . pathetic rotations . they had to make it more and more complicated . like we dont have enug complicated gameplay from other champs already . we dont need more useless buffs . keep it simple kabam .

  14. Is there any bug my rank 1 spider man doing 1k medium crit damage and here rank 3 is doing only 1.5 k medium crit

  15. He still hits like a noodle. What a disappointing buff for one of the most famous and most loved Marvel characters of all time. He could have been such a cool champ with great utility

  16. Missed opportunity. Don’t know why they are so scared to make a loved champion very good, rather than just useable.
    It annoys me that a lot of his damage and utility is in his synergies. The game has gone away from full synergy teams for one champ (ie ghost) due to complexity; particularly for a so-so champ. Shame really

  17. What a shame of a buff. I love the new look and profile picture cuz it's simply amazing. But the champion kit and animations are just canceling out the buff itself. Absolute shame

  18. Seems like they nerfed his evade ability >;-( which is insane to me, and took away his armor breaks. Now he's just another ability accuracy reduction champ along with tons of others. I guess I'm one of the few that liked him the way he was. This reminds me of the first DDHK buff which was trash. Evade, armor break, and when his sp2 crit it hit like a truck. Of all characters spidey should have the best evade. Hope they never "BUFF" Dare Devil classic. What's his evade percentage at Max sig now?

  19. I had a 6* for long time i mean he is pretty nimble but could be better … my ghost is rank 2 and she hits like a train 🚆

  20. Now that he looks clean he’s worth it 😂 I acctually had him as r4 anyway cauz you know I like spidey so I got lucky there

  21. I can respect the damage. But as one who's running recoil, even fury+dxpool cant help with his sustainability. Youve ramped up when youre almost dead

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