My first run in the Crown of the Sunken King Dark Souls 2 DLC went a little like this…
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Dark Souls 2 is a 2014 action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Games. An entry in the Dark Souls series taking place in the kingdom of Drangleic, the game features both player versus environment (PvE) and player versus player (PvP) gameplay.

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  1. This took well over 3 hours but my god was it worth it in the end…

    Hope you enjoy it and see you in the Crown of the Old Iron King 👑

  2. that's your favorite boss in the entire game? an asian boss will take that personally later on. 😂

  3. yeah, there are like 1-2 optional bosses depending on which dlc your in.

  4. The 3 Graverobbers are a challenge fight in the challenge area. Each dlc has a challenge area and tough boss. Good luck in Brume Tower. Can't wait until you meet a certain invader.

  5. Hey matti
    Please check on vendrik and that door wich was closed in shrine of amana(you should be hollow)

  6. awesome on getting the queen boss in basically one real try. i was unlucky and she summoned velstadt like the 5 times in a row where i died every time. ones i got skely boys i let one live and enjoyed my easy win

  7. Always look forward to Dark Souls 2, when i played this dlc i didnt even see the dragon until it moved lol, I've been watching Elden Ring series in between videos, just watched your Malenia boss fight hell lol

  8. The 3rd boss in each DLC is in a "multiplayer" optional zone and are in jank crappy area of much lower quality than the rest of the DLCs. But you gotta catch 'em all, right?

  9. So there is one b×llsh×t boss in each dlc, and if I had to suffer through them, you gotta suffer through them too. But if you want, you can save them all for a last episode if you want. It would be the funny pain episode. But only if you think you can handle all of them back to back.

    There is a secret in the dlc. If you remember seeing those red statues on the cliff side, you gotta look very carefully. It's not anything big or cool, but it is interesting.

    Also, I'm not sure if you found him, but there is a memory you might have missed in the crypt.

  10. Great video dude. I really think after completing all 3 DLC´s you should give yourself some kind of challenge for the endgame, as you are too OP right now for the last fights

  11. For future reference, the way to distinguish ancient dragons from their ancestors (Wyverns, Drakes, Serpents, etc-); Is that Ancient dragons have 4 legs and 2 to 4 legs, their ancestors have 2 legs and sometimes 2 wings. In this case, Sinh is a true ancient dragon.
    Edit: PSA, Mimics can be distinguished by the lid of the chests; mimics are slightly opened allowing you to see their teeth.

  12. I feel like an absolute moron cause I never hit those puzzle lights, found that tower of prayer bonfire or used a bow for the buttons lmao. Ended up spending forever on this area and thought Gank Squad was mandatory. FML but congrats for blazing through! 😂

    Sinh's OST does indeed slap

  13. Speaking of buying drip — Can't remember if you've done it or not, but Maughlin (merchant in majula sat in a house) gets an inventory increases after spending souls with him ; I can't remember exactly how much for each, but I think it was like 16000 for his full inventory (apart from some NG+ gear), and if I recall, some of what he has to sell is pretty drippy

  14. It is unfortunate for the brilliant composers, Motoi Sakuraba and Yuka Kitamura, because they have to use energy for so many crappy fights with little to no lore to give them any material as to what the music should feel like. Like they had to make themes for, “a bunch of rats,” “a big rat,” “a buncha skeletons (actually skeletons was enough for Sakuraba, that track is so fun).” And whenever they do have something to work with like the Ancient Dragon, the fight is ass, so no one remembers the experience and therefore listening to the music fondly. They did have some bangers in the base game not soured by crappy fights though.

    Thankfully, the DLC gave them so much to work with, and they return for Dark Souls 3 where they composed some of the most ICONIC pieces in all of gaming.

  15. 2/3'rds of the DLC's are great and a real breath of fresh air from the base game. The remaining 1/3'rd of each DLC is garbo and they only get worse.

  16. Bru because that ancient dragon bull crap is not a real dragon, DS2 lore is so badass.

  17. The ghost dudes in the room with the 2 pits, you can smash the bodies and just run around in circles and make em fall into the pits. Having recently done this dlc as a mega squish, i like this method.
    Good luck with the next dlc. I found it easier, but it's got some great bosses.
    The optional boss, you will hear music composed by yuka kitamura. She does ds3. You will love her unique style and i can't wait to see your reaction to the boss room. Ps: wipe your feet before entering the fog gate 😅

  18. the 2 bonfires in this dlc are hidden behind illusory walls

  19. You are definitely a bit over-leveled so maybe swapping to a less powerful weapon could help even things out a bit. Either way, just have fun and enjoy the best parts of DS2!

  20. Hey been watching since the beginning of bloodborne this vid is getting me through the last 2 hours of work

  21. I caught up to you and just started this DLC as well. It's brutal. I didn't even get to the 2nd bonfire…. I rage quit last night lol.

  22. First t-shirt idea:
    “I got really excited when I saw the D”
    Illustration: your choice

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