Yabba Dabba Bonk
All bosses from this run in full:https://youtu.be/xWkdnyyY3Cw
The twitter I forget to use: https://twitter.com/Nerbit_13098
2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfB0QaxrpVji2H_3dIiEIPg






  1. When I clicked on this video I got confused after hearing you speak cause I thought I was watching a backlogs video

  2. If you're dipping into Souls challenges, might I recommend a third entry into the "can you beat x game as master chief" using InfernoPlus's Dark Souls Remastest mod?

  3. The fact that you get the balder swag sword on basically your first Knight, in a run where you will never use it, upsets me greatly. I remember farming that goddamn sword for literal hours.

  4. Interesting pronunciation of Ornestein's name. But I mean… makes sense given how it's spelt.

  5. One of my favorite channels to watch playing one of my absolute favorite games!? Nerbit you absolute beautiful man 😁

  6. A few things: Loved it Nerbit, You + Dark Souls make quite the combo, And as a Veteren Souls Player myself, It pains me to see you get the Baulder Side Sword so early and can't use it. Arguably one of if not the best and rarest dex weapon, But Ha Ha Funny Bonk Is funnier.

  7. I honestly thought this was a backlogs video at first and then i heard your voice and I was thinking this was going to be interesting lol

  8. Looking the Stray demon in a jump attack loop is indeed a speedrun strat and a noob strategy to beat it.

  9. Yes! I loved your fallout content, but I love you branching out into other games even more! The MGS and Dark Souls videos are currently your most memorable videos I’ve watched, and I’d love to see videos on a lot of FromSoft games, and any other games that’ll fit this format!

  10. I’ll toss an obvious but fun mgs3 challenge your way mgs3 but you can only wear the tuxedo

  11. 15:27 unfortunately no, the commonly used tactic is to uh
    shit what is it now
    be super overleveled and kill him instantly i think
    the speedruns of this game are very interesting

  12. thank you for playing this game. i love your videos in fallout and i love the souls games, please do DS2 the best souls game ever made thank you

  13. challenges from my favorite bethesda games to challenges from my favorite fromsoft games? indubitably

  14. I love souls challenges, I have high expectations for you and I have no doubt you'll meet them

  15. no point in playin if you dont start it the same way as real life 😂
    i hope you play the dlc in this, has my favorite ds character in it

  16. for a real challenge run, i'd love to see a swapped hands run (weapon in left, shield in right). not one i see often but i love it, it's just so goofy

  17. For a second I thought I had accidentally clicked onto a The Backlogs video. Glad to see you branching out into other games you enjoy, Nerbit.

  18. nerbit, you son of a bitch. i dont care what video you upload – im still gonna watch it cause im always 100% sure its gonna be good. please never change

  19. I hope you end up doing a Dark Souls 3 Broken Sword run. This was really enjoyable to watch.

  20. Can you beat Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater without shooting. Can you beat Fallout 4 as Revolver Ocelot(using his weapon development from snake Eater as loadout inspiration)

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