It’s the end of the world, but more importantly: Abu is missing.

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0:00 – Intro

3:07 – World-hopping

3:46 – Daybreak Town

25:15 – Agrabah


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Dearly Beloved (LoFi Hip Hop Remix)” by Dj CUTMAN

#KingdomHearts #KingdomHeartsUnionX #KHUX


  1. Sigh… ya know, the Aladdin franchise had a wealth of expanded universe material to take from. Good material, the series won an Emmy! Since they used Return of Jafar in KH2, Square showed they had no problem taking influence from that universe. So WHY the Abu is missing plot? Seeing Agrabah used in this manner is just sad :/

  2. And that's all the Disney content from the original X[chi] done! Now just for the ending of X[chi], which requires a detour from the main quests to that "The Keyblade War Part 1 & 2 & 3" banner on the main screen. Unfortunately, the X[chi] epilogue scene isn't in UX at all, but the Keyblade War is and definitely goes in between quests 585 and 586.

  3. Of course it makes sense that after Skuld met Dan that she would join the Dan-delions, lol.

  4. Master Ava said you could take your time deciding whether to join the Dandelions. Might as well spend that time on a Monkey Search.

  5. It's lovely to see Green Hair got into the Dandelions. Guess we really did make a difference.

  6. That's a lot of speaking for someone I would have thought to be a silent protagonist.

  7. The Player: "When will my boyfriend Ephemer return from the war…"

    Also, it's possible the Player character has selective mutism, and only talks under certain circumstances. So far, the only times they've talked has been when meeting Ephemer and when Ephemer is revealed to have 'disappeared'

  8. God the find Abu missions were the WORST. It wasn't even all one update if I remember correctly

    I always love the Player's speech here, it's so good! as weird as it is when we speak it's always a good moment.

    Also I am LOVING the voices for the Darklings. Dan is becoming a voice actor from all the unvoiced games he's been playing and I am loving it

  9. So, Skuld's story about getting comfortable in the Union and then watching all their friends fall away, mirroring the experience of a long-time player of this game…. that's wild as hell, right? I'm not the only one seeing that?

  10. 8:00 They're becoming self-aware.
    17:07 smash cut to Dan bleeding out on the floor "Yeah… that'd have been great…"
    They seriously just should have had your character talking from the start. Your avatar coming out with a soliloquy all of the sudden is… jarring.

  11. I do think my favorite outfit in the game is definitely the monstropolis donald outfit, especially paired with the counterpoint keyblade. something about that combination just looks perfect

  12. so, are you also going to do the keyblade war event missions? I feel like they belong here, near this point in the story (though maybe a bit later) but they aren't properly in the main story mode quest sequence because reasons (which you already know, but some people in the comments might not, so i'll let you explain things as you see fit)

  13. Purple Chirithy: light and dark are two sides of the same coin, both must exist.

    Also Purple Chirithy at the exact same time: Join me and together we will destroy light!

  14. on seeing Skuld Oh hey Gaia. Did you get lost trying to reach the Source? Ryne must be worried sick.

  15. IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!:On you're non-euclidean geometry series you show sound as a wave by showing someone who sounds like mat talking into the mic was this a coincidence?

  16. "Hey Buddy, how's it going? Can't find your monkey? Yeah, that's tough. My world is going to end." Literally laughed out loud.

  17. 8:28 Dan, that's not Chirothy being confused by you going forward, that's Chirothy being confused that you just TALKED!

  18. I am so grateful that you're laying the story out here. I also vote that, between this game and Nier, you FULLY deserve to take on a game or two that doesn't make you grind for hours to get to the good part. Y'know, as a treat. 😀

  19. I'd like to think that your character was talking this whole time, but they just didn't show his text bubbles.

  20. I can't wait for more Skuld. And Ephemer. And the two hanging out together. There's only one other new character in this game that I like anywhere near as much as those two.

  21. -if anything i feel the Mr Mew will only make the serious cutscenes better, or at the very least the classy
    -gee, i Wonder why Ava's Union wins every time?! [cough]KH3[cough]
    -speaking of, oh hey is the Darklings from their KH3 Role as "Sir not Appearing in this film"
    -so i will assume Dan has always been that verbose, is just that nobody really pays attention until now (either that or he says it in a very non-Disney friendly way)

  22. Seeing Dan the character speaking feels jarring. Like…does he speak or not speak? if so, why does he?

  23. I know this is late, but you're a Dan, so you must be obligated to join the DANdelions 😛

  24. 29:18 THIS. I feel seen. Also Iirc Dan’s playing by only doing cutscene/roadblock quests. That was added in much later in the game so those 20 quests were probably a lot more. Also those Agrabaha quests took place in the desert, which is basically 3 or 4 different screens repeated ad nauseam. KHUX Agrabaha is pain.

    4:14 Actually Ursus, my Union (gang gang) who always come last, came first in the rankings for the last week of Globals service. So yeah take that the people who wont see this.
    For reference it basically always went: Vulpes, Unicornis, Anguis (Dan and Invi’s union), Leopardis, Ursus.

  25. I wonder if there’s a path from ephemer and those remaining wielders to eraquas and the castle and training at land of departure.

  26. I'm enjoying this Story Mode runthrough, but I don't know about that Dan voice. I prefer the original voice actor's one better.

  27. "things are accelerating" he says, after THIRTY STRAIGHT MISSIONS of looking for a monkey

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