The 2023 PlayStation showcase showed us a lot of new details about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 2 is going to have the black symbiote suit and it’s shaping up to look really crazy. Kraven the Hunter and The Lizard will both be in the game along with a playable Miles Morales Spider-Man. With all these new details came a new round of criticism as many people are saying that the game just doesn’t look good, isn’t a big enough step up from Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales and that it wasn’t finished enough for showing at the PlayStation Showcase. #gaming #spiderman #spiderman2

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  1. The people that are complaining about the graphics of this game are probably the same people that dismissed the Switch because the games weren't "pretty enough". Their loss I guess. Let them be unhappy gamers becauee it just wont affect me at all.

  2. I hated that spider man wqs orange in the first game then they fixed it so im happy

  3. the same old incels are complaining the same thing about GOW Ragnarok and look how it turned out 🤣

  4. As a fanboy of the first game, I ain't going to lie, it was an underwhelming reveal. While graphics are not my first priority, Spider-Man 2 looks ugly and the cutscenes are more cartoony. I believe they've changed the art style and while final release may look better, this whole "It isn't the final build" excuse isn't a valid argument. The first game and Watch Dogs are examples of how different the demo build and final release can look.

    I hope we're proven wrong but this looks more like an expansion than a sequel.

  5. This sums up console wars perfectly there is unnecessary hate for spiderman 2 which I am very excited for but I'm also very excited for starfield and there's a lot of hate for that as well I think we can't really judge a game until we see the full product. Insomniac advertised their game perfectly, and I'm hoping on June 10th the same happens for Bethesda because I just want the gaming community to thrive, console wars are stupid and we should all just want games to be good

  6. Didn’t the internet Bitch about the first game looking bad and it ended up breaking records worldwide 😂😂😂😂 🤷🏿‍♂️

  7. I think social media has made overanalyzing and ridiculous hype trains a part of every game reveal.

    I remember when Read Dead 2 was coming out everyone was complaining about how the character models look TERRIBLE (Obviously they don't just look average or something, it has to be the worst of the worst)
    But then the game comes out and the characters and cinematics are compared to naughty dog.

    I think the thing to take away is the many gamers are like kids who don't like their Christmas presents, and their tune changes quickly when they get the game in their hands. I'm not saying Spiderman 2 will be perfect, but the things people are complaining about now will not be the thing people complain about when the game comes out.

  8. Unity is amazing lol !! Ryse was also dope graphics are also important. Obviously more important to some than others but I outright refuse to play shit like Minecraft or WoW!

  9. honestly sure i like a game looking good. and if it looks better go all for it. but graphics ain't what makes a game good. or at least as a whole. i think it's an important part sure but i think stuff like gameplay and performance matter for the most part. and honestly i think the game looks amazing and looks fun as hell to play! i don't need it to be some graphics braking 1000k ultra deluxe. i just want to have a fun time playing and in the end that's all i care about. just sucks that's what most people care about nowadays and complain when the graphics ain't "up to their standards" when the game looks fine. more so when it's not even a final release build. and sure yeah there was many stuff i didn't like about spooderman 1 or miles. i personally didn't like some suits, i didn't really like mj as a whole, thought screwball was annoying ectect like yeah i didn't like those things. but i still had fun time and the marvel spiderman fanboy in my loved every second. even the things i hate. and while i watched this trailer for the first time i got really excited and hyped! every game ain't perfect and honestly it doesn't have to be. as long as it's a fun game that gets u invested and makes u keep playing it and can actually run. i think that's all u need to make a game "perfect" in my opinion. not ramping up the graphics and saying it's great when it's a glitchy fest that released too early and is gonna fix it in an update. or several which is what most games come out as these days… but i said my peace. can't wait to play this ommggg!!! :DDD

  10. Graphics quality is amazing? Definitely yes. But my gripes with the SM2 reveal are more nitpicky if you don't pay a lot of attention to detail like me. I've noticed that, from SM1 to Miles Morales to SM2's preview, cinematic polish, realism (dont kill me let me explain) and overall looks of the game have been noticeably downgraded (IMO):


    Everything in SM1, from first reveal to final product, the in-game cinematics were very dynamic, impactful and cool to look at. Spidey's moves felt heavy bu also fluid, framing was cool and it looked visually pleasing. In Miles Morales, some of the cinematics had some very weird acrobatics from Miles. Specifically right at the end of the "New York's only Spider-Man" cinematic at the beginning of the game, Miles webs the top of a building and just flies straight to it instead of actually swinging or using momentum to go up. Now in SM2, these moments were very frequent throughout the showcase. The Spider-Men were constantly flying around awkwardly and sometimes obviously shooting webs at the sky. Some of the pacing is off, like when Peter is about to punch Kraven's helicopter, and it plays like this:

    Miles: Spider-Man! Be careful it has- 😨
    weird pause to show the helicopter's missiles being aimed at Peter
    Miles: defenses……………….. 😟

    About 2-3 seconds total pass from Miles' warning to Peter reacting to it. Is it because Peter is too distracted by his rage? I hope so, but it just seems like goofy pacing to me. Would be a lot better if it played like this:

    Miles: Spider-Man! Be careful, it has defenses!
    short cut to show the missiles, Peter reacts immediately


    Yes, I know this is videogame about super people fighting each-other, but I believe realism plays a very important role in immersion. I don't have much to complain about the Insomniac SM franchise since I love Miles electro-blasting everyone and Peter vomiting huge symbiote tendrils to one-shot 4 goons at once, but I did find one thing kinda wack. When Miles pulls out his web wings in the SM2 showcase, he flies a little… too much. Almost like Superman. If you look at real wingsuit users IRL, the "wing" part of the suit is much larger and they never fly straight like that. HOWEVER I am totally ok with it since real wingsuits would look ugly asf and its supposed to be fun and fast. But when Miles enters that wind tunnel with the huge white wind trails and the very obvious acceleration rings… it really took me out of it, specially when Miles clips through one of the trails and its very apparent. I hope Insomniac makes those a lot more subtle or give us an option to disable either one of them. I think the flight experience would improve a lot without those.


    We all agree the visuals are top-notch across all games, even so because it runs like butter on the PS consoles even with raytracing, but I'm here to compare the visuals between the 3 games. To be straightforward, I have no complaints about SM1 and Miles Morales. But I did find the SM1 remaster morning time to be kind of ugly because of the weird clouds and pink colors, and it looks like SM2 is also experimenting with these "more eye-catching, less realistic" environment lightings, which loks very GOOD and well-made, but also very ugly to me. The sunset time in SM1 is perfect to me. There's a lot of contrast, its vibrant, fanstastical and it looks good wether you're going towards the sun or going away from it. But the SM2 sunset time showcased there looked very dull, didn't do the Spideys a lot of justice on close-ups, and was overall weak, y'know? Combined with the weird orange sky, it looks a bit… piss-filtery. Quite the opposite of what I described for SM1.

    Another thing is the water. I can't sugarcoat this, it looked bad. I'm confused because it reacted to Peter swinging over it and the underwater scene looked flawless, but Miles floating on the surface just created some ugly 2D splash textures and no apparent ripples at all. He also didn't look remotely wet after resurfacing and during the final scene. If the suit has some kind of automatic drying tech, it should be at least hinted at with something like steam effects.

    Having shared my very humble opinion, I know its an old build and anything can change. I HOPE all of this improves, but I don't really expect it to. Nonetheless, the game looks beautiful, fun and fresh, and totally deserves the sequel title (unlike a certain hero shooter by a certain ACTIVISION BLIZZARD company), and its already a 9/10 from me just from this showcase.

  11. All haters of Spider-Man 2 are Xbox players just being salty 😂😂😂

  12. Back in the day the big talk when a new generation was arriving was "look at the graphics!" 8bit going into 16 bit. 16 bit going into 3d. Ps1 to ps2, then ps3. Even ps3 to ps4. We all were excited to see the evolution of graphics. Now it mostly feels like we're in a sub generation of the previous generation in terms of graphics. Why is it a issue to point that out? I think spiderman 2 looks great, but did it meet my expectation, no. Hopefully by release itll look a bit better. But I hate the fact it's always a matter of waiting for rockstar or naughty dog to show us all "look everyone, theres still so much more we can evolve graphically".

  13. People were complaining like this about graphics about Gotham Knights. But I didn't think it was bad.

  14. Jay, I hate to be a stinker for a single talking point but I love unity too much. Did you ever experience the visually game breaking bugs for unity ? Cause there’s been a surge of info that people were doing that to make it look bad for thumbnails and whatnot. To see what it took to break it. I’m trying to stop the unity slander

  15. It looks amazing and the people complaining about the graphics clearly don't know about polishing.

  16. People will set their expectations as high as they want to imagine it.
    This generation is spoiled rotten. This is why i dont look at reviews or listen to other peoples opinions. Play the game, see it for yourself. Quit predetermining something that hasnt even been released yet.

    And quit making the same stupid mistake of pre-ordering a game, feeding a shitty company money before you ever get your hands on experience, and just wait.
    I have nothing positive to say about anything anymore lol. I look at something for what it is.

  17. Mutahar fire I don’t even need to click away to know that’s right you keep taking and I keep agreeing fire take boss

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