It was a pleasure to play deemo reborn, but in the end there is only a feeling of melancholy, I would have liked my father to be here to see this ending, thanks rayank for these 6 years


  1. Amazing graphics, wish they would've released this on PC. Although I feel like the original one has more impact. Fluquor as a song is just so powerful, and the heartwarming credits with the pictures is missing here.

  2. Thanks for uploading this dude, you're the first one I've seen to upload this, I don't even know why I'm watching this, it just makes me sad

  3. To be honest from very deep of my heart, this version is kinda "plain". Okay I truly love some bgm of the rooms. But for the feels impact, it's out of my expectations. And I kinda dissapointed because Alice's brother didn't show up his face and even didn't get his voice. And also truck-kun is not 3D in here 🙁

  4. this version is kinda lacking compared to last recital, but still bring me to tears. i hope the deemo anime movie will be good.

  5. The real answer is to why some people in here asking why there's no face reveal for Hans, it might have something to do with the perfection of his game… DID HE MANAGE TO GET A PERFECT 100% ON ALL MUSIC?

  6. IMO, this game is really good, but feels kinda underwhelming. There are only 66 songs in the base game, with Sakura iro no yume and all of V.K's songs removed (the latter because of his scandal), and both the beginning and the end of the game are weaker than the original (Alice already fallen before you play Dream, My Dear, Deemo isn't as heartbreaking as Fluquor and no Hans' 3D face). The rest of the game though are just great. The visuals are amazing, the puzzles are fun with only 3 of them that are just dumb, the new songs are amazing, and the gameplay is more optimized (I don't feel my 'good' hits unjustifiable when I got the timing right and you can press the drag notes pre-emptively).

  7. It's just amazing how big they made this IP. It feels surreal seeing this game I've been playing for years in 3D

  8. Hmmm, the last recital one is far more emotional compared to this one. Hans' hands (heh) are moving way too fast for the scene, the animation of Celia pulling back the coat is somewhat fast , and where is the goddamn moment Hans looked at Alice floating away, shed a tear and disappears before the whole island crumble down? That's the best part honestly

    kinda whiny but good game
    kinda wish the game is completely silent storytelling and just music but still a nice change
    kinda wish Hans' face was there but why do you do this

  9. EVERYOANE!!Dont get mad the only reason we didn't see hasnses face is because they can't animate faces.I mean just look at alice🤣

  10. Okay, here's my thoughts on the ending compared to the original. (Note: I haven't played the original or Reborn so take this with a grain of salt)

    Overall, the ending is a lot less impactful than the original for a number of reasons. First of all they changed the song from Fluquor to whatever this is and while it's alright, it doesn't have the same impact to it as the original did. Thinking about it, one big thing I prefer in the original ending is how it shows that Alice actually grieved (but hey, seeing what they did to the scene in the basement, I'm just glad they didn't make Myosotis the finale). Fluquor is, as far as I can tell, about loss and how Alice bawls her eyes out as she ascends towards the trapdoor really sells how she misses Hans.

    Also, Reborn's ending is a lot more flip-floppy about how Alice feels. As she's being carried away, she gives the impression that she misses Hans, but resolves to live on. Then we cut to her waking up in the hospital and it's implied she kills herself? These completely contradict one another. She wouldn't have committed suicide if she had gotten over Hans's death (which she does disturbingly fast in Reborn) so why is that implication there? It's inconsistent in how Alice feels.

    Lastly, there are some other nitpicks. I don't mind how they reused the cutscene from the original game for the flashback, I thought that was actually pretty clever as it's kind of a flashback for us as well, but there are some other problems. Hans is playing the piano way too fast for this heavy of a scene and Celia throws her hood back really fast too. Nothing is given the moment it needs.

    In conclusion, Deemo Reborn's ending is a lot less impactful than the original's due to poor song choice, directing and animation.

  11. I just love the credits in this video 😂😂
    Deemo credits is the best, I never skip it 👍👍….

  12. Overall the ending is still sad and touching but much less than the original . It lost many things that make the original ending so great, here are a few I know of:
    First of all, the reveal. In the original there's the moment when Deemo is fading away revealing Hans implying that Alice is gradually remembering everything but not here. Deemo is like fwoosh and then a wild Hans appear. It's a small thing but it helps building the atmosphere. And I'm not gonna say anything about Celia
    Secondly, the moment Alice broke down crying when she woke up in the hospital, this game completely removed it. The original ones depicted Alice as a pitiful little girl who just lost her beloved brother, it make us pity her and then in the forgotten hourglass dlc we get to see Alice slowly get over her brother's death and become a pianist herseft, that is what bring us the satisfatory of seeing her grow. But in this game Alice is a strong girl who resolves to live in her brother stead . The end, kinda kill the mood
    Thirdly, the songs. Fluquor build up the mood perfectly for the ending but this song ? Wellllll, not as much. Marigold is perfect as well. I get that Rayark wants to bring something new to their new game and honestly the song is pretty good just not as the other two are
    Finally, in the original ending Hans stand up to wave at Alice then fade away, but here ? Hans is like Nope I'm not gonna do sh*t gotta finish the song. It a good thing they make Hans looks at Alice when she leaves or I will be really disappointed
    And there u have it, Rayark trade these moment for the animation but is it worth it. As I see it, Hans hands move way too fast for such a sad song and the animation is not very fluid. But all in all the game is still very good, a great success for Rayark's first Ps4 game. I even have a copy of the game although i dont have a PS4 XD Looking forward to playing it the moment I own a PS4 though I still hope they will port it to the PC then I will buy another copy XD

  13. Good game but not showing Hans' face in his own game is illegal Rayark

  14. Whatever the ending scene's quality is good or bad, loading is too long so ending scene is less emotional

  15. Alice and hans in this version kinda comes off as a typical anime characters not the lovable emotional wrecks we've learned to know and love in the original version..

  16. 알아, 결말은 안다고. 하지만…..왜 이리 눈물이 나는건지는 몰라. 그렇게나 수없이도 반복해온 이 장면이, 이젠 그저 하나의 "게임"으로 인식한 장면이, 왜 이리 눈물이 나는건데…!

  17. First I'm the very last to comment here
    It's true the last scene of deemo reborn is kind a dissaponting but the same feeling is still there
    And second
    Alice didn't commit suicide or anything
    She just been discharge from the hospital that's why alice dissapear from the last scene
    But i was expecting that alice will go back from her room grow up where she got hospitalized

    So let's wait for deemo 2

  18. Maybe i can take a bit of the spoiler even tho i dont own the game

  19. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  20. Even though the changes from the app. The ending still has me in tears. Any older brother with a younger sister probably feels the same way.

  21. Nope, nothing to see here, definitely not a grown man crying, nah uh, nope…yup

  22. Just finished the game today, 16/8/2021.

    What an Amazing experience, I'm waiting for the movie now….

  23. The rebirth version feels like an immersive to the environment while controlling Alice exploring the places, it's definitely great for 3D but as for cutscenes well I don't have something to complain that much except Han's hands playing too weirdly fast on the piano while the background music is slow and peaceful. The 2D animated version is great for cutscenes, while the 3D version is great for explorations. It's better if they combined it both.

  24. Díganme que fui el único que noto que la cara del hermano no salió porque me uviera gustado ver la escena cuando ve a su hermana mientras el desaparece

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