How the details of Monster Hunter World Iceborne compare to the newest installment Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. Both games were captured on PC at max graphics settings. If this video gets enough attention we’ll make another video trying to find more details which make Sunbreak stand out. Although their differences, both are great games and worth checking out.


  1. We are talkin of 1 nintendo swich with limits va 1 pc the diference is obiously

  2. different games, World was made for those details while rise is more gameplay/combat oriented. I think both games are good.

  3. I do think it's worth pointing out that Rise/Sunbreak is built and optimized for the Nintendo Switch, versus World which pushes the boundaries on all platforms (THough it still needs one higher setting for shadows on PC imo)

  4. Currently 500 hours into mhw iceborne and am having a ball.I have not yet even finished the entire game😊

  5. Iceborne had actual master cat chefs and that’s one of the very, very many key reasons Iceborne is superior to Sunbreak.

    All hail the Grandmeowster Chef.

  6. マップの作り込み全然してないんだな

  7. やっぱりサンブレイクは操作性やスポーティさで勝負しててアイスボーンは環境描写にこだわってるんだな…個人的にスピーディに狩るより環境を味わって狩りも楽しみたいからアイスボーン系統のが好み

  8. In Rise there is no monster footsteps, eating only bunny dango, no movement smoothness, exploration is cracked, no film-alike feelings while playing. I like Rise but World feels like home, actually

  9. I stand by World as the better game, but to be fair to Rise it was designed first for weaker hardware, the Switch. They are using the old game engine so it's more of a follow up to Generations or whatever the last 3DS game was

  10. hope the new game goes back to the world style, rise was such a downgrade

  11. Спасибо. Хотел купить новый монхан, но видимо это будет не апгрейд, а даунгрейд.

  12. Hold on, the ladies in Rise had jiggle effects? Good lord… I didn't even know abkut that-

  13. 3:01
    Bro actually went out of their way to compare jiggle physics??
    Seriously man, don't start simping over Monster Hunter chracters.
    And normally I would flame Capcom but they removed them in Rise; which means hey have changed their ways.

  14. i really liked rise/sunbreak… it feels like a remake of one of the old MH games i used to play on PSP.
    would love to see the mobility and certain game mechanics from sunbreak merged with the "polish" from MHW tho.

  15. Gen 6 should have the gameplay improvements we got in Rise and the ecology from World/Iceborne. That would be peak monster hunter for me (potential under water battles too???)

  16. They shouldnt Made a new mh they Just should Made new dlcs for mhw IT would ne so much better i think

  17. For someone who their first game was Monster Hunter on PS2, MHW was the "Must play MH game" for me. MHR was not that really "appealing" for me unlike MHW

  18. サムネのカエル🐸可愛えぇな

  19. I got into MH with World, and it was amazing. After, I tried Rise/Sunbreak and it was disappointing…

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