00:00 Opening
02:20 Review
19:12 Narrative
29:00 Conclusion
30:19 Q&A/Patrons

Written, Voiced, and Edited by Lucas Raycevick
RTX Shots By ViscentPOD [https://www.youtube.com/user/VicenteCabr]
Thumbnail & Overlay Graphics by Jack (Stoofer) [https://twitter.com/stoofer97]
Audio Effect by The Rebel Heart Project: https://www.rebelheartproject.com/
Support the Channel at: https://www.patreon.com/raycevick or http://paypal.me/LucasRaycevick
Tweet Me @Raycevick

Control OST by Petri Alanko & Martin Stig Andersen
Quantum Break OST by Petri Alanko
Art Of Escapism – Don’t Feel So Low

Game & Film List:
Future Crew Demo
Death Rally
Max Payne
Naughty Bear
Payday 2
Dead by Daylight
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Aladdin (2019)
Cold Mountain
Max Payne 2
Quantum Break
Alan Wake
Hard Boiled
Max Payne 3
Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War
Spiderman: Far From Home
Mass Effect
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Titanfall 2
Just Cause 4
Hell Let Loose
Project CARS 2
DOOM Eternal
Metal Gear Solid 3
Resident Evil 4
Cowboy Bebop


  1. I bought Control in a sale the other day and I’m really enjoying it so far. I find the story to be very confusing but the gameplay is fun.

  2. WTF are you talking about dude? Control sucks its the worst remedy game, it does everything wrong, the graphics suck, the performance is awful, the level design is a confusing mess, the camera is awful and i cant aim and hit anything due to the bad controls, makes me feel as if i havent play a shooter in my life, enemies are utter bulletsponges but you die with 2-3 hits, the upgrade system is utter random grindy trash, enemies design are generic they just fly around, there is endless filler text and sound logs that 99% of which add absolutely nothing, the story sucks and doesnt grip you, only bore you, the main character is stupid and ugly, the quests are "kill respawning enemies" and the expeditions are the most frustrating experience i ever had in a game. Then you got the difficulty system which is just hard because you die at 2 hits and enemies take billions, i always run out of ammo and have to throw crap at enemies. If you have to include trainer cheats in the options so players can "balance" the game for you, then you failed at balancing the game. Control is one of the worst games i played and an example of how not to make games.

  3. This is a great video, but I have to disagree at least with the criticisms of the story. I think your bias against the supernatural aesthetic/theme is doing a lot more work than you let on. As someone who is fascinated by things like SCP, I kinda want to say Control's story is … perfect?

    Like, I hear your critique about the second act dragging, and I just didn't feel that at all? For me, at that point in the game, the feeling of wonder and enchantment with the game's world took over, and the main story didn't have to work as hard to keep me engaged. I was more than satisfied just with scouring the environment for hidden details (which seemed to always be there, no matter where I looked), talking to NPCs, and collecting every scrap of paper I could get my hands on to learn more about the game's world. I think that's what Remedy was going for with this section of the game; but I suppose that hinges on how interesting those things are for a given player. For me this worked perfectly, and I felt the narrative was plenty engaging for the entire duration of my playthrough(s).

    You're completely right about the combat, though. Once launch is even like halfway upgraded, every enemy encounter starts to feel like a chore. I'll walk into a room, see the the red beams of light, and just sigh.

  4. control is one of my favorite games ive played. Such an unique vibe to the game. I get it that people arent a fan of it. But as a lover of supernatural stuff and scp this game gave me everything i love.

  5. Terminei o jogo agora e sinto que desbloqueei um vídeo seu, finalmente. Vim direto assistir.

  6. I'm not a big fan of shooters and these sort of games but control has always fascinated me from all the footage I've seen over the years.

    I'm planning to get it and play it soon, but control gave me half life 2 vibes and that is something I don't really get from many games these days.

  7. I agree with some of the more disappointing elements of gameplay and those alerts were indeed superfluous and irritating but diving into Control not knowing anything about it was one of the best gaming experiences I had in a while. I love that it doesn't try to be everything. I love the mix of sci-fi and paranormal. I was into this sort of stuff as a kid and although I grew out of it, stepping back into Control made me feel like I too am finally "seeing the hole behind the poster" like Jesse says in the beginning.

  8. Control was definitely unique. Its cryptic storytelling and old-fashioned map design held it back, though. The lead designers of Days Gone made a good point, though: an original IP's achievement isn't in being a masterpiece on its own, but in laying a rough but strong foundation to build on, leading to possible masterpieces. Here's hoping for a Control 2, where combat's refined a bit, the story's presentation is more precise, engaging and interesting, and you don't look at the map getting lost 80% of the time because the developers tried too hard to turn you into a New York City tourist instead of a badass protagonist.

  9. Everyone can agree that launch is stupidly powerful, but I've noticed a lot of disagreement on the most powerful gun mode. The first review I saw that the machine gun (Spin?) mode was way too good, but I found it horrible in my own playthrough. You said the rocket launcher is bad, but I fully upgraded it because I found it to be almost as powerful as launch. That and the sniper mode could 1 or 2 shot just about every enemy in the game. At that point I was a human attack helicopter, and I had a blast

  10. Remedy really topped themselves with Control. I picked up the game in 2020 and i had never heard of it before. Tried to avoid any spoilers and enjoyed it all. What a game! The visual direction is out of this world. Such a crazy game.

  11. the Ashtray Maze was one of the most exciting segments i ever played in a game ! memorable !!

  12. As someone who absolutely adores control, this is an extremely fair review, certain design choices like the mods I just can't justify, but hes right when he says there is so much to love

  13. Funny you referenced Cowboy Bepop, with you sounding like Spike.

  14. When she first picks up the service weapon and there are already pictures of her as director in the office, I knew this game was for me

  15. I played this game last year, I stopped playing perhaps 70% into it, because the games is not responsive at all, running doesn't work as intended (you stop running if you deviate a few degrees to the left or right), it plagued by bugs and crashes, loading times are abyssal… pelagic even, and combat is average at best: You unlock tons of skills, your starting skills are better than anything you unlock, your first weapons is better than any other weapon. Unlocks are irrelevant, only there because it's what the market think it needs: RPG elements in any and every game. The story is silly and the characters are empty husks. It was boring and it never got better. Of course, I didn't even try the DLCs.

    Saddest part? When I ordered the game, they cancelled my order because they were out of stock and game the option to refund, send a different game or just wait for a maximum of six weeks to see if the game was in stock again. I wish I had chosen either option one or two, but no, I had to choose three, wait, and perhaps five weeks later, they send the game. That will teach me!

  16. The maze was frustratingly stupid and repetitive. Because you could enter it before and face a brickwall because the story hasn't let you go through it felt like shit.
    The game's plot is shit, unlike every other remedy game.

  17. lol@the cave hallucination. if they used the hotline to say that jesse can't crouch, i suppose they're dead or infected by the hiss now!

  18. I love synchronicity lab. I think that was the moment when i stop liking this game. And start to love it.

    I dont think that Jessy is… however you describe that. I mean that she missing a point of what she supose to do. She says this i think in the moment when she chose/was chosen to be a director/leader/sla-ve. She says something like "i'm glad i came here. I want to be/stay here." Try put yourself in similiar experience. As child you see something horible, and you are sure that was magic. But nobody believes you. So you search magic trough your whole life. And finaly you found it. Magical world. In brink of annihilation. You can help fix that. But you dont have any reason to do it. But you will do it. Becose you want to be part of this world.

  19. This game is what I want from entertainment as a whole. Like you said, for people who like the supernatural, this game is a masterpiece.

  20. This game blew my socks off. This is such an intelligent game which satiated my engineering mind to the core.. and I played this game the whole night and finished it. And then ended up reading all the artifacts you collect in the game.. and then ended up watching all the interesting videos on youtube..

  21. Bruh whaaaaaaat
    I found the worldbuilding and narrative so interesting
    while it does feel like setup for a sequel from the get go theres just SO much intrigue in this world.

  22. Control definitely had some issues, but i found it a wonderfully refreshing experience. I highly recommend it to everyone.

  23. “I probably wont play this again”

    me standing awkwardly in the corner in the middle of my 6th playthrough

    lmaoo I’m beyond obsessed with this world

  24. I fell in love with Mirror's Edge back then, I've fallen in love with Control now. I am absolutely blinded to its faults. It just has this brave thing going on. Very ambitious, very brave. It hits all the right notes for me. It's been two weeks now, got it on a sale, cannot stop playing it. It's been a long… long time since I've enjoyed a video game like this.

  25. there isn't a game/setting that has stuck with me more in the last decade. the ideas i have for the future of this universe are exhilirating

  26. Control is the only game i've ever played that made me want to read/listen/watch everything i find. Most of the time finding notes and presentations got me more excited than the combat.

  27. the thing with this game is that for a while you’ll have the star killer effect. basically you’re unstoppable and unkillable at times

  28. The Ashtray Maze was hype af and I respect the hell out of using Porcupine Tree as the credits song.

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