OK, technically, this is actually the Ys II Complete PC opening, but dubbed over with the intro-sized version of “To Make The End Of Battle” from Ys I & II Chronicles on PSP. In effect, though, this makes it the Ys II Chronicles opening, only in a higher resolution and higher quality than you’d be able to see it on your PSP.

For those not in the know, Ys I & II Complete are 2001 PC remakes of Falcom’s classic action RPGs from 1987 and 1988, and Ys I & II Chronicles are 2009 PSP remakes. Great games, no matter what version you play – and this intro is particularly amazing, since it was animated by the great Makoto Shinkai, who wrote/directed/animated such anime masterpieces as “Voices of a Distant Star”, “The Place Promised In Our Early Days”, and “5 Centimeters Per Second”.



  1. I thought Ys I-II Complete was first released in 2001, not 2002. Anyway, great video.

  2. Pretty sure Ys II Eternal was 2001, then Ys I & II Complete were 2002. But I might be wrong!

  3. According to Legacy of Ys, Ys Utopia, and Hardcore Gaming 101 sites, Ys I-II Complete was first released in 2001. 06-28-2001, to be precise. They also say that Ys II Eternal came in 2000. I just checked.

  4. Bah. Off by a year, then. Guess I'm just a future-head. 😉 I'll have to update the video description. Thanks!

  5. If you mean the video, I can send it to you – just PM me. If you mean the game, though, then I can't help you. I'm a huge fan of Falcom's games, and I don't like to see people pirating them. Go buy a copy of it on UMD from Play-Asia, or from Falcom themselves! Give Falcom some hard-earned money for their efforts!

  6. I completely agree. There's something about the mix used in Eternal/Complete that's just really kickass, despite the synthiness of it. (:

  7. dang!! so the re-mastered version of "To make the end of Battle"
    so awesome!!!

  8. @ccpickre – You are incorrect! The DS version was an abomination – NOTHING like the PC version. The PSP version, however, is almost a direct port of the PC version, but with an updated soundtrack containing almost entirely rock/metal versions of the Eternal/Complete music, recorded in a studio by Falcom's in-house JDK Band. There's also new character art, but with the option to switch back to the old character art (and music) if you so choose.

  9. @ccpickre – Atlus was marketing the DS version that way, but the DS one was much more of a remake. They changed the original 2D to (crappy) 3D graphics, remade all the music with (crappy) synth, and added in a new (crappy) default gameplay mode where you actually press a button to swing your sword, essentially making it NOT FEEL LIKE YS I & II AT ALL. Can you tell I don't like the DS version? 😉

    The PSP version was ported by Falcom themselves, and is faithful to the PC version in every way.

  10. @Wyrdwad
    And this is one of the reasons why I really don't trust Atlus when it comes to bringing things stateside (the other reason is how they handled Dept. Heaven translations, especially those for the names in Knights in the Nightmare).

  11. @blackyoshi1230 – Yeah, their names were a bit off for Ys I & II, too. They made no effort whatsoever to remain in keeping with legacy translations.

  12. @Wyrdwad
    Yeah, it just seemed that a lot of ports had a "not really cared for" status. Thankfully Chronicles fixes that, for now. And I was heavily disappointed in Legacy for breaking the difficulty (pfft, even Normal was a joke!), ruining a lot of the music, and a lack of voice acting (well, heard the VA's were great in the original version).

  13. @blackyoshi1230 – Well, Chronicles doesn't have voice-acting, either, I'm afraid. The only version of Ys I & II Eternal/Complete/Chronicles with voice-acting is Ys I & II Eternal Story on the PS2, and that's a pretty buggy game with pretty long load times (though it's a faithful port of Ys I & II Complete otherwise, with a couple new features that are actually kinda neat).

    Ys I & II Complete on PC and Ys I & II Chronicles on PSP are still my picks for "best versions of the game EVER," though.

  14. @Wyrdwad
    Well, thanks for telling that. I must say, I tried the TG-16 version on Virtual Console, and I actaully liked it (Darm is ridiculously awful in difficulty, although I did like Dalles's voice actor. I swear both of those characters sound like Protoss from StarCraft. My only gripe on VA'ing was that they should have swapped the audio for Feena and Lilia, they sounded a bit off).

  15. @LancerEvolushun – I, II, VI, and Felghana have my favorite intros in the series. Seven's, though, I'm not as fond of… but the game itself is awesome. (:

  16. @LancerEvolushun – Definitely try Oath in Felghana when it's released in English. It's my favorite game in the series, and IMHO one of those nearly flawless titles, like Super Metroid.

  17. @LancerEvolushun – XSEED would love to bring IV and V to the U.S., for sure… but Falcom needs to release them on a platform that's not dead first. (: IV only exists on the Super Famicom and PC-Engine (Japanese TurboGrafx-16 CD), and V only exists on the Super Famicom — save for the hurriedly-ported PC versions that are basically just emulated copies of the Super Famicom games, or Taito's lackluster PS2 remakes.

    My guess, though, is that Falcom will remake IV and V on the PSP eventually.

  18. @LancerEvolushun – Yeah, it's called Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga. Check out some videos – it's a pretty cool game. Uses Ys Seven's engine (and characters), and mixes them with the characters from Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (which XSEED is also releasing). And takes place in the land of Xanadu, which is another Falcom series.

    I assume if the Ys and Trails in the Sky games sell well, we'll be seeing Alternative Saga here too. It's kind of a no-brainer.

  19. Ys2 is a goddamn amazing game. After finishing Ys1 and seeing that opening I got chills. The Ys series itself is a gift from whatever gaming gods are still with us.

  20. Just my opinion, but・・・
    Eternal BGM >>>> Chronicles BGM

  21. 0:47 to 0:56 Is the best part, awesome game as well….fucking so hard to get it running on a hacked psp though

  22. @R4KID …which is why my PSP is unhacked, and will always be unhacked! (:

  23. @Bullshitvol2 Thanks bro "/ what would you consider, i have 5.50 GEN-D3 (Sub firmware: Prometheus4) But some of the new games dont work 🙁 and i was wondering..is there ANY better firmware that i could use to run later games 🙁 ?

  24. @R4KID
    Yeah I have this one on my psp 2000 too. But there are some games that don't work on it. In in that case I use my old psp 1000 with cfw 6.60 PRO-B10. There is no game that don't work on that, but be aware: You have to downgrade and install ofw 6.60 to install this cfw. If you make a mistake in the downgrade procedure you can brick your psp so pay attention to the tutorials.

  25. After actually having watched Makoto Shinkai stuff, I can -really- see the resemblance. So beautiful.

  26. @Bullshitvol2 Could you show me which tutorial you used bro? Because I badly wanna put PRO on my psp1000 right now it's on 5.50 GEN-D3(Prometheus-4) and I badly wanna put PRO on it..

  27. I really don't know how to do it man..I'm on 5.50 Gen-D3 Prometheus-4 and I'm so scared to go to OFW 6.60 In-case I make a mistake.

  28. Don't know when this was released but it's probably more than 11years ago. You hear that music? Those are the sounds of a game that's causing havoc until now. Definitely worthy of being a wonderful OP for an rpg.

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