Is Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West a MASTERPIECE?

What do you think about the Horizon games and what improvements would you like to see in Horizon 3?

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0:00 Intro
1:59 Zero Dawn
5:43 Forbidden West
8:42 Burning Shores DLC
11:30 Verdict
13:42 Comment of the Day
14:16 Outro
14:40 Bloopers

#letsplay #forbiddenwest #burningshores


  1. yeh, I agree with you, combat with humans is not good in game. didnt enjoy that part. also I am not big fan of open world games. usually there i too much of side quests, not my thingy.

  2. Dawn is alright, west is good, none of them Are close to being a masterpiece.

  3. Personally, I love the combat system in the horizon franchise, it's super unique and makes every weapon feel like something different, even though they're just bows, and for the fluidity, I think it does just fine, as yes the combat gets a bit slow with just one human or small machine, that just rewards you for taking them all out in quick succession, and the dread you get when turning a corner, only to find a thunderjaw or slaughterspine standing there… it's simply marvelous.

  4. I think the 3rd depends upon how they "do" the villain. At this point, not sure why the HFW dlc's villain was a villain. I get what he did, but his lack of scope could've garrenteed human survival even in the midst of the next villain's arrival. And Seyka to me was too bishy and pushy, and often "hit me" when we attacked the same target. So I eventually let her get taken out so I could fight unimpeded lol. I get it though, a lot of people are in relationships with toxic or immature people, so they may like those character traits. But for me, those traits are a put off. Talanah from BOTH games was a better choice if the devs want Aloy to be lesbian (even though Talanah is a sausage lover based on her HFW side quest). Sun King made Aloy smile and blush making Aloy consider him "when" she returns from the forbidden west. I was originally rooting for Varl (whom Aloy stated to Rost's grave she liked him) but devs took him a different way (with Aloy giving a disappointed expression for just a fraction of a second). And Nil's been in both games, seeming to be on par with Aloy even if the devs don't show it, and technically COULD have been recruited by her. I could imagine a Hobs'n Shaw-esque relationship between Nil and Kotallo! To me, Seyka was Aloy's high schoolish competition. A competitor faking nice in front of the boss lol. Perhaps the 3rd installment will provide OPTIONS for romance, along with conversations leading up to it, including being able to select a person or two to come along with you. I bet the game score would skyrocket, making the series a must have in everyone's gaming library, a Top 10 for sure!

  5. I don't think the combat needs to be revamped entirely. The concept of using a bow to systematically pick apart machine bits in a specific manner is what makes the Horizon series unique and touchstone. That being said, I think making using enemy weapons easier could be a good improvement. Usually, the enemy weapons are such a hassle to pick up and use, it's never worth it.
    I will say, the grappling downed enemies mechanic that they introduced with Burning Shores is extremely interesting and could be explored further. Imagine if you didn't have to down an enemy to grapple them? Imagine, instead, if you could grapple onto a Thunderjaw while it was moving?!? Imagine if you could climb aboard larger enemies to take them apart. Hell, what if you could take them apart from the inside!?

  6. Don't understand people saying "Seyka is such an amazing character" … She's literally a mirror to Aloy, nothing "amazing" about it, it's quite lazy.

  7. I agree that melee combat isn't ideal, in terms of balance ( playing Very Hard in both games) , in that even fully invested in the available perks, it's hard to kill things exclusively with melee. The skills in Burning Shores help a bit, but you're still better off using a Sharpshot bow or Boltblaster for big damage.
    That said, if you're getting hit too much in combat, it sounds like you may not be using all the tools available. Removing attacks/weapons from machines, tying them down to remove them from combat when you're getting swarmed, knocking them down, exploiting elemental weaknesses for a quick kill. Learning which attacks got you killed, and the best ways to mitigate that.
    I think a lot of the depth of the combat is lost on low difficulties where you dont need to use any of those tools. Not shaming anyone, play how you like, but i will say i also found combat stale before cranking difficulty, then all of these tools became much more important and changed how I approach fights.

    Would personally rate the combat right up there with all the From titles, Monster Hunter, and maybe the Batman games for the arcade-y quick time stuff.

  8. Aloy is not a lesbian, she is bisexual. She was noticeably jealous when Zo and Varl got together, but was later happy for them.

  9. It was until lgbt turn into a porno like I don’t understand this group how they feel this is not perverted. Molesters of minds man damn I love those games till I seen that

  10. Horizon zero dawn my #1 game for ps4. Now, with Horizon forbidden West, the main reason i bought a ps5.

  11. I felt exactly like you, combat issues but stunning graphics. Good character but not great, not Geralt of Rivia levels of depth

  12. Burning shores was absolutely perfect for me. I loved every minute of it and the ending was just a brilliant round up of a the chemistry we had seen be developed. I think the whole point is for Aloy it really is the first time she's felt attached to anyone since Rosy, and the first time romantically on any level. This isnt someone she has to carry either, seyka can more than handle her own, and the way they are, they compliment each other perfectly.

  13. It is not even difficult to find videos of people making arena challeges, batling Fireclaws, or even full runs and getting no damage. It is really a matter of you getting the timing and skill right.

  14. I loved Horizon but Horizon 2 not as much. Graphics were amazing but I just loved the first one the best storyline etc

  15. I'll put it this way ps4rop Horizon 1 8/10 The city is very much, the task is a lot, the plot is nomano, you yourself chose, killed DLC+ 7/10 Horizon 2 8/10 The city of namano tasks are very much the plot of nomano DLC+ 6/10 Will wait for the next one ps5 or ps5 rpo Horizon 3 🤔

  16. I love Horizon's combat. There's a lot of strategy involved in the machine encounters. Aloy is basically prep-time Batman, and when something goes according to plan, that feeling is unparalleled in gaming. However, human combat does need some work. It's much better in HFW than in HZD, but Aloy is missing some key abilities (blocking/parry) in order to make it feel satisfying.

  17. its a pretty generic openworld game with class leading graphics at their time and a interesting combat system but the characters are really uninteresting.

    In the open world ranking it would be somewhere in mid tier above assassins creed and far cry but below Red Dead, Elden Ring and Botw.

  18. I played the game in ps4 pro . You have to use a termalpasta for to stop the noise bro . I didn't have any noise when i played the game

  19. Only the first game. It had genuine heart and authenticity. West was unispired, souless, and the identity politics are through the roof.

  20. I loved HZD and HFW, getting 100% completion and platinum trophies on both. If I could make one change, it would be to give Aloy the ability to block or parry. I thought it would only make sense that she should have a defensive option other than evading, especially once she got the shieldwing as it was used for defense by the enemy she took it from (I kept hoping she'd repair it). I thought the story was the most original I'd experienced from any medium in a long time, and I love that I have no idea what the third game will offer (I certainly didn't see where HFW was going). I cared a lot for Aloy and the supporting characters in her inner circle. The worst part for me about these games was that they ended. I would consider HFW to be a masterpiece, and HZD to be a spectacular first effort for a dev that had entered an unfamiliar genre.

  21. I just started playing it again and i have to say the world and combat is excellent. But the story is too woke for me personally…

  22. It kind of makes sense Aloy goes gay. She’s so alpha badass no guy could keep up. I recall start of HFW the sun king tried to crack on but got squashed like a bug.

  23. I'm sorry, but playing Zero Dawn with minimal effort does not do justice to the game's rich and nuanced lore and characters. Aloy's character, in particular, is incredibly complex and struggles with interpersonal relationships due to her past. However, in Forbidden West, she continues to evolve and improve her relationships with others while acknowledging that she cannot save the world alone. AND! Aloy is a queer character, it's important to note that she is not exclusively a lesbian. By investing more time and effort into the game, you would have been able to appreciate the depth and intricacy of her character and relationships.

  24. Well, I completely agree. The combat in this game has a lot to improve

  25. Spat my coffee out at the face you made with the flying ps4

  26. Asthma my has dropped when he said he didn't finish the 1st game lol but human combat suck it improves in the 2nd game but going to the machines its all about the elements of your arrow and the versatility of your weapons

  27. I enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn , i enjoyed the combat but i basically played it as a FPS arrow style with traps, and melee if you need to. I think it would suck i& you tried playing a mainly melee combat style. Yet to start the new one.

  28. Finally someone who has the same problem with the combat system than me. It is the worst part in the game and the only reason I finished Zero Dawn was the great story. I stopped playing Forbidden West because I get bored of the story, the characters and the combat system was even expanded, so it was even more confusing. I never felt like I have the control. Not as in GoT. I try to finish FW at some point but won't play Burning Shores or a third part because I don't care about Alloy and the story anymore.

  29. Bro youre the only one who feels exactly how i feel about this game. Everyone is saying its a 10/10 amazing flawless game but the quirks you mentioned are exactly how i feel man! But nonetheless its a great game and ive been trying to get myself to finish it for 3 months now lol

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