Welcome back to more Ghost of Tsushima, for this video I have a more straight forward approach. I’ve been playing more of this game lately, I really love coming back to this game, no matter what it always feels refreshing compared to most game. Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed 😀


  1. If you could make a video wearing the ivory of woe I’d appreciate it so much dude!!!!! ❤❤❤

  2. If only this game could come to PC. I'm so bored with my current games and I can't even buy a PS5 because I'm broke. 😢

  3. Very good video ❤
    Quick question : what's your favorite armor in Ghost Of Tsushima?

  4. I wish they would make a new Tenchu game with similar mechanics to this game. Or even remake the 9 Tenchu games with these mechanics. That would be so badass!! Amazing video as always🤘🏼

  5. Just imagine, Ghost of Tsushima 2 having a more in depth and better combat than this. It would be too marvelous. Even today Ghost's combat still doesn't get old

  6. The ability to refrain from stabbing that man in the back where you spun the camera, you have great willpower, sir! 😅

  7. more jin les goo
    btw i wanted to ask how many hours have u played in this game??

  8. Sometimes I don't understand why games are exclusive only? Don't you want to reach a larger player base, by making it available on all platforms or at least the main ones?

  9. The begin of this video was dope, I’m in a Love Hate “feel” with this game. I’m Still debating on getting the sequel.. Dope video though.

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