1. Sims 1 – made to try to be the first to make a realistic life sim
    Sims 2 – made with love
    Sims 3 – made to improve and inovate
    Sims 4 – MONEY MONEY MONEY 🤑🤑🤑

  2. The Sims 3 makes sense, since the game is already huge since it's open world, however sims 4 literally has no excuse lol

  3. The early 2000's is when games were really figuring out how to make good looking water physics so I'm not surprised.

    Probably best it was kept out of the Sims 3 because that game's got enough shit its trying to render, but Sims 4? Come off it mate, do better.

  4. Sims 2 to me is just the best Sims game out of all of them. Like being able to change the swatch colour of the bedding AND the bed frame seprate from eachother? Amazingly

  5. Unpopular opinion but I really don’t care about all these tiny meaningless details that were in Sims 2. You never notice them in game and they don’t affect anything

  6. Someone may have also said this too but the Sims 2 is probably the ONLY sims game that let's you control and MOVE your character without having to command them using a cursor.

  7. This is why I never bought The Sims 3 and 4 😅 ❤ They just stopped making great Sims games. There isn’t even good spin-offs anymore, just terrible mobile versions. I looved The Urbz: Sims in the City ❤😢

  8. I don't mind not having water physics, I think it makes semse to leave some details out for a better performance but I miss having a game that somebody actually put some love and care in 😢

  9. I think Sims 4 is more for people who love to create sims and builds and really go in detail with these things. Sure, you can still have a good game play in the Sims 4. Packs like the Snowy Escape or Growing Together are amazing and you can make great stories out of it, but even after all of that…I have to say the game can’t compare to the earlier games. For people who enjoy making storylines and really play with sims, I think the Sims 3 is a perfect compromise. Sims 2 has even more detail and you can have so much fun while playing. The Sims 3 is the best for me tho, because you have the open world which is just irreplacable. In conclusion, all the games are great but offer different qualities to different players💜

  10. Like pewdiepie said, “ We’re evolving, just backwards “
    That’s the sims franchise summed up

  11. The newer sims has more polygon so it has heavier mass than sims 2 because of that the character will sink immediately to the bottom

  12. The Sims 2 was made with love 💕😊❤

    The Sims 4 was made
    with "Give me your f**ing money , idi** " vibes. 🤑💰😈

  13. The Sims 2 is the best from series, because it was made when maxis could do 3D and details, but before they discovered that fans/kids will buy anything from them, no matter how unfinished the product is. “2” had packs that always delivered good amount of quality content. Then with “3” they started the decline only to arrive at “4” where they release packs with small amount of content and it is low quality and full of bugs.

  14. Well it's true The Sims 2 has water physics we have to equate the fact that the Sims 2 isn't an open world like 3 and it doesn't have body morphing physics like 4 as unfortunate as it may be some things must be sacrificed for the greater good

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