Today I finally finish Dark Souls. Took me long enough. Thank you so much for watching!

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#darksouls #darksoulsremastered #symbalily

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  1. Tips for DS2:
    -Illusory walls can only be discovered if you press A or X while you are next to them. No more hitting them to make them disappear.

    -Remember that there are different kinds of damage, cutting from something like a sword and blunt from a hammer or mace. If you have trouble with an enemy try different weapons.

    -There are npcs that offer their help, if you summon them 3 times on bosses and they survive you will get their equipment.

  2. congratulations on finishing this game playing so well, like you did on bloodborne too. Honestly DS2 is a good game, his problem is having "dark souls" in the name, because it does a HUGE lore mess all the time, fuckin the DS1 lore to the core, more or less. DS3 is way better than the 2 but it has 2 main problems: the mostly linear maps, like DS2, and the confusing lore because of the bad translation from the japanese (DS1 has this translation problem too). So I reccommend finding lore videos from people who translate correctly from japanese, not remaining based on the game's phrases.

  3. Congrats on beating this game! You did so well and it was a memorable experience for everyonee. Cant wait to see your next adventures 🥰

  4. Amber! It's been great to see you go through DS1. Sort of lurked in and out of this series after finding your Hollow Knight play through. I've only played Elden Ring and Sekiro personally, though I've seen DS2 play throughs and it's definitely more connected to DS3 than people think. You might want to play the vanilla version with the DLCs as Scholar of the First Sin seems to be a bit over the top with mobs and stuff at the start. But the story seems amazing.

    You will love Elden Ring. Absolutely. Favorite game I've ever played.

    And I just beat Sekiro for the first time a few weeks ago and it's also a masterpiece. The combat is completely different but it's so addicting and satisfying to get down once you do. Probably the sharpest learning curve but once you get it, you won't want to stop. But hey, that's many months away if you go down this route. Congrats on another great series!

  5. I know what it's like to have ADHD and not like missing things in video games lol. If you ever wanna play the game again in your own time, find everything, but still have a sense of discovery/spoiler free, there are amazing 'checklists' out there for Souls games that basically shorthand guide you to every item and quest without necessarily spelling it all out. So even though you can follow the quest they won't just explain the entire story at you and pretend that's a guide like ye old gamefaqs era.

  6. Vaatividya the lore guy is a cool guy and I've seen nothing but acceptance for people reacting to his content. He seems to just super care about people understanding these cool worlds.

  7. Start Dark souls 2 and 3, yeah the second part is not that much pooular but the adventure which you will get that is super

  8. Congratulations! Gwyn didn't give you much trouble at all. I love the music in that fight, it's such a contrast to the other boss music and really drives home the point that Gwyn is a mere shadow of his former self, and not much more than a mindless hollow at that point.

    Sekiro vs Elden Ring, I'd recommend Sekiro first. It is hard, but it's quite a short game and once the combat clicks it's not as hard as Elden Ring. It doesn't have levels or upgrades in the same way, and is quite linear so a downside is if you do get stuck on a boss there's not a lot you can do other than learning the fight to get past, whereas in Elden Ring for most of the game you can go an explore other areas and get upgrade materials, levels etc to give you an edge over the bosses. Elden Ring is a massive game, far bigger than Dark Souls, and I'm looking forward to you diving in to it but it will be a long series. On the plus side the skills you've learnt in Dark Souls will be much more directly transferable to Elden Ring, so you should find it easier than Sekiro.

    I'm not a fan of Dark Souls 2 but a lot of people are, so I'd at least give it a try to see how you find it.

    Oh, and if you play more of the original Dark Souls, have a go at getting your equip load below 25% – you'll find dodges a fair bit easier to pull off. And if you have a PS5 (which I think you do?) then give Demon's Souls a try. It's pretty janky but you can see where a lot of the original heart of Dark Souls came from.

    Whatever you choose to play next I'm sure I'll enjoy it, I loved your Bloodborne playthrough and this one was even better!

  9. I hope I can help put the lore reaction and DS2 worries to rest: countless people have reacted to Vaatividya (the primary Dark Souls lore guy) before and he is OK with it as far as I know! His videos are part of the essential Dark Souls experience so please enjoy them! However, this is important: he has remade his original Dark Souls 1 videos after DS3 came out so his remade videos contain some spoilers for DS2 and DS3!!! They are also relatively major spoilers like some bosses in later games, so please be careful and check with some of your trusted patrons to see which videos are safe to watch!
    Also, I'll try and explain the reason DS2 is the least liked game without spoilers: the most often mentioned reason is that the difficulty of Dark Souls comes from the mechanics, but DS2 tends to create difficulty by just throwing a lot of enemies at you. As a spoilerfree example: I saw someone play a mod where all enemies in DS1 were doubled and he made the joke "so this mod essentially turns DS1 into DS2". Other than that, it's had little to no involvement from Miyazaki (the mastermind behind DS1, DS3 and Elden Ring) and that's noticable as everything feels less intentional and "by design". The tone of the game is partly to serve the story, but equally can be jarring at times when areas don't flow together as seamlessly as in DS1. HOWEVER: it is not a bad game! Imo it's a tad more frustrating than the other FromSoft games and it has the unfortunate honour of being sandwiched between 2 games that are both incredible. I think you can still have a great experience with DS2, especially blind! But I think your "recording ahead and seeing if I like it" approach is good! Please don't burn yourself out! Thanks for the awesome DS1 playthrough, it was beyond incredible to watch!! <3

  10. Really enjoyed this series and finished my own playthrough of Dark Souls: Remastered recently in part due to your recommendation. After that, I began playing DS2, and while it's certainly different (and I haven't finished it yet), I'm not sure it quite deserves the reputation it has online for being terrible. It does remind me quite a bit of Demon's Souls but it still retains quite a bit of the Dark Souls DNA and it's enjoyable so far. It does pale in comparison to Dark Souls and Bloodborne but I'm preferring it to Demon's Souls at the very least.

  11. Thank you for such a fun playthrough, and I'm enthused to see the next game–whether it's II or III! ^_^

  12. Congrats on beating Dark Souls! Might be a while before you get to it considering there's still DS2 and 3, but Sekiro's a damn near perfect game. It's more parry-focused than Dark Souls is, but the mistiming isn't as mercilessly punished as it is in Dark Souls. It's still got that consistent quality where no matter how weird your opponents move, they all still follow the same rules that you have to respond to accordingly. Some folks have described Sekiro's combat as a dance, and after all the experimenting I've had with it long after beating the game for the first time, I agree. It's a great time.

  13. Darksouls 2 is the one souls game you should not be completely blind if you wanna have a good time… Thank you so much for such a fun series! Love seeing you experience everything!

  14. I'd recommend trying magic in Dark Souls 2, there's a lot of it to choose from and it's quite powerful. There's areas where you really don't want to just use a sword.

  15. If you really are going to play DS2 next then I hope it clicks for you, because people either love it or hate it and there's no in between. I only played it because it was free for a limited time and I wanted to experience the controversy myself, and I honestly am not sure it was worth it to this day. Hope you like it more than I did!

  16. Congrats on finishing the game. Looking forward to those lore videos. So Dark Souls 1, at least in the story, is the first cycle of re-kindling the flame in the story, Dark Souls 2, is one of many many re-kindling of the flame, and Dark Souls 3 is supposed to be the last kindling of the flame.

    Dark Souls 2 is just a bit different from the other souls titles, that's why some people don't like it, but it's not a bad game at all, just different.

    Definitely don't forget about Demon Souls please.

  17. You did way better in your first dark souls run than me. I noticed that you have a very methodical way of approaching situations in the game, and while Dark souls 2 is longer than one it's much easier. I beat it with the starting long sword in my first playthrough, it should be easy for you.

  18. I think the thing to keep in mind about DS2 is that it was, at the time of release, a little disappointing when compared to the bona-fide classic of DS1. With time and hindsight, I think I can say with confidence that there's a lot of cool stuff in DS2, (especially the DLC) and there's some stuff I think it improves on from DS1.

    As far as I'm concerned, a "disappointing" FromSoft game is still better than 95% of most games, and I like to keep that in mind when I replay 2.

  19. The only reason people say Sekiro is the hardest is because it was a completely different combat system. Once you understand how the game works, it is extremely satisfying.

  20. I hope you like DS2. It is my favorite of the series. The story is beautiful and one of main NPCs is my all-time fave.

  21. I'd honestly suggest jumping straight to dark souls 3 for the sake of continuity and playing dark souls 2 after/later, since ds3 is more of a sequel to ds1 lorewise and more things will feel familiar since you just finished ds1. thats just my opinion tho, love watching the playthroughs either way. and ofc congrats on beating dark souls:D

  22. Congratulations on completing your first Dark Souls game! I really enjoyed watching you get to experience the series, and I hope you go on to play the others. It always so much fun to see someone else experience the joy of playing one of these games.

    I just saw the bit at the end regarding dark souls 2 and I figured Id toss my two cents in. DS2 is actually a really fun game, the problem is that it's not really a "Dark Souls" game, in the sense that it has similar mechanics and some recurring themes and characters, but it misses the mark with a lot of the worldbuilding and experiences for the player that made so many of us come to love the first game. That said I think you'll still find it fun, as long as you treat it a bit more like its own game instead of a sequel to DS1.

    As for recommendations, I would definitely try a magic build for this one, DS2 has in my opinion the most fun and forgiving magic system of any of the games, and its pretty difficult to brick or soft lock your character by not leveling properly or missing items, so you can focus more on the game.

    I would also suggest playing the DLC. They are a big time commitment, but they really stand out and have some excellent bosses and items, plus the coolest locations in the game. Finally, if you have a choice between the original release version and Scholar of the First Sin, I'd recommend the original, and Im probably in the minority here 😅. SoFS is a bit more streamlined, and they cleaned up some of the rough progression by moving item and enemy placements around, but the original has some great moments that were changed by all the fixes.

  23. I haven’t played sekiro yet either and I have beaten these games multiple times in the spand of a decade excluding Elden Ring (too long for my liking 😅) no pressure really.

    Hawkshaw is an underrated youtuber of the dark souls lore which he has more recent retrospective videos of characters you wouldn’t think too much about.

    Dark souls 2 can be more frustrating and confusing but that’s one of the motif’s of it’s story that is charming in that way. It’s more gank and trickery heavy.

  24. As for the thing with you not being able to bindge play Zelda, cant you get an editor who would just make some simple cuts and render it all will you keep playing?

  25. I finally finished my first run of DS and now I see you have as well, woooo! I'm excited to go back and watch all of your vids I couldn't before

  26. DS2 is great. No, it is not the masterpiece that DS1, DS3, Bloodborne are, but it is still very much worth playing. It also has (imo) the best DLC in any Dark Souls game. Yes, it is huge. Yes, the way the map "connects" does not work nearly as well as DS1 or DS3.

    Here are the negatives of DS2…
    1. THIS IS THE MAJOR TURNOFF FOR MANY PEOPLE…Adaptability is a stat. If you want to roll, dodge effectively, you have to level up Adaptability. Adaptability stat must be leveled to get more "iframes" to dodge more easily. If you don't level up Adaptability, rolling out of the way of an enemy and not getting hit is nearly impossible (even if it seems like you dodged perfectly). It is ridiculous, and one of the reasons DS2 is so hated. No matter your build, you should level up Adaptability ASAP.
    2. The world map can feel strangely random at times. DS2 was also made by the "B team" at FromSoftware. The "A team" (at the time) were working on Bloodborne and DS3.
    3. A far lesser negative that was in DS1, DS3, and Bloodborne, is there are no ragdoll physics in DS2 after killing enemies (can't randomly push around dead enemies by walking over them).
    4. A few of the bosses are just not very good or well thought out at all.
    5. For "hidden walls" you don't roll into them or hit them with your weapon. You press a button. Not a big deal, but it feels less effective.
    6. You can't fall from nearly as high up as in DS1 or DS3 without instantly dying.
    7. The area and boss music is not nearly as good imo.

    However…a big positive…for NG+ players at least…there are new weapons. In DS1 and DS3, the weapon types you could buy from merchants were the same. In DS2 NG+, there are new weapon types. Also, in NG+, bosses are way more challenging because many will add a random phantom npc to fight you alongside them. This does not happen in DS1 or DS3 or Bloodborne for ng+.

  27. You should absolutely play DS2, because it fleshes out some aspects of the lore that 1 and 3 don't really dive deeply into. For me, it was really by the end of DS2 that I started to think "oh shit, I actually get it" and formed my own opinions about my role in the DS world and the consequences of my actions as a character.

    You could absolutely go straight into DS3 and not feel like you missed out, so it's up to you, but for all its flaws I think DS2 is absolutely worth playing. It's also fun in its own right, and while it has some extremely frustrating/tedious/unfair moments and is definitely too long (with too many filler bosses), it is still a fulfilling gameplay experience overall and the DLCs are genuinely very good. It scratches a different kind of fantasy itch in some ways due to its rather different tone and approach to the DS gameplay formula, which honestly you might enjoy more than you think. It definitely surprised me in a good way.

  28. I hope you will play Dark Souls 2 next. It is very underrated in my opinion, although it is not From Softwares best Title, it is still a very good game and i enjoyed playing it a lot.

  29. Loved coming across this playthrough, just starting your bloodborne playthrough. I really hope you don't skip DS2, the general opinion on youtube comments is they hate it, but it's my personal favorite of all the 'soulsborne' games. I would really love to see a game devs true unfiltered opinion on it. without spoiling anything I think its generally hated on because the devs tried some new things that fans didn't like and they ended up not using in DS3 only to bring some stuff back in elden ring. Non spoiler tips for DS2 try a magic/hex build.

  30. Dark Souls 2 is trash its not worth playing even when some say you should play it. The controls in the game are worse than the controls in ps2 games. And most fights are gank fights even boss fights.

  31. Congratulations on finishing your first DS playthrough! Thank you sincerely for sharing the journey you have embarked upon. In my humble opinion, DS2 is the most logical choice for the next game in the series to play, not only because of its numerical order, but mainly because it offers a somewhat similar experience, just like many Fromsoft Soulsborne fans have had. Additionally, Ds2 is not a bad game at all, quite the contrary. However, it is considered the weakest installment in the trilogy.

    Keep doing what you're doing, and please don't let go of your genuine approach and presentation! Praise the ☀️

  32. I hope you will consider Witcher 3 at some point. It is more story driven, and the combat isn't as tight as Dark Souls, but I think it would be right up your alley.

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