i was bored, so i made this
please have mercy on me algo


  1. bubbles isnt that good, stella and hal should be higher, silver is very good aswell. but still reasonable list. terence is best, blues worst

  2. Honestly, pretty nice list. All seems pretty much right to me. The oooonly thing (to me bc of how I play) is that I feel chuck and Stella should honestly switch places. Chuck, while able to get nice strikes, doesn’t feel like he gets amazing use in everyday levels. Meanwhile Stella can be used in similar situations that Bubbles can be used in in terms of tower destruction. Maybe it’s only due to my 20 or so hours in the game, but I feel that Stella has alloooooot more tower destructing uses then Chuck can. Especially if you learn how to use her.

  3. hahahahah… i am very love the picture u have drown LOL… and informations u have made… i am very love this video… thank you very much and hope u well!!!! PEACE!

  4. You cannot nerf him. You will not nerf him. Terrence knows your fears. Terrence knows your likes. Terrence knows how to manipulate you.

    Terrence is here.

  5. I like siver if you use her ability when she is realy close to something she spins into it an can couse realy good damage

  6. Bubbles, in angry birds friends (which for some reason still exists), is so op he can in his base form go through wood like chuck when using ability and can crash few rocks. The ability isn't as good as it is in AB2 but he is still by far the best.

  7. I respect your teir list.
    But for the way I rank this is by how I use these birds "correctly" for most destructive to worst.
    So for My teir list would be,

    S tier: Terrence, bomb, Melody, Bubbles.
    A teir: Red, Stella, Silver, Matilda.
    B teir: Hal, Chuck. (They can lanch very far, pretty useful)
    C teir: Leonard. (Better then blues.)
    🗑️D tier: The Blues (This i can agree with you on, worst bird in the game)

  8. I thought the Blues were good in any game because they can multiply into 3. I was wrong about the sequel 🥲

  9. you're underestimating stella. have you tried her against boss pigs? she can one shot them out of the map if done right.

  10. terence actually has the ability that is too be invincible for a short time in the first impact which can goes through any kind of block then it will be a lot weaker later on

  11. I would put silver at C bc once i only had her at the final boss stage and she fucking one shot him

  12. Stella is definitely an A tier if used correctly
    U have to tap ur screen just as she hits the structure
    This will bubble the pieces and send them flying into other structures
    Solid A if used correct

  13. 1:41 for me silver is pretty good she is always the last bird in all boss battle and she pretty much launched over everything

  14. 2 months late but blues r actually good, i consider to be really far in the game and barely ever miss a shot and oh boy blues r op for the levels with multiple small building (holding on balloons) the ability to split them so each 1 destroys a building is insane and in higher levels/daily or anything theres a lot of "bait" buildings

  15. in my opinion silver should be a b just because it can be hack in a boss encounter where you can just use it to throw the boss out of the frame otherwise in normal levels shes worse than blue

  16. being honest, they should nerf terrence and bubbles, but not exageratly, and buff chuck, silver and the blues

  17. Bubbles and melody are the lock pickers of this game, bubbles is the one guy who just picks it but melody is the crazy guy who throws locks at locks ato pick them,….and also vores them

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