An Elden Ring player tries Dark Souls for the first time! Today I am continuing to play through Dark Souls 1. Dark souls is considered one of the best souls games of all time and I have never seen gameplay of it or played it before making this a completely new experience for me! After playing through it this time I can already tell that the game is gonna be a lot more frustrating then Elden Ring ever was. Enjoy!

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Outro Song ▶ Ah! Ah Ah Ah! – Agrume
Outro Art ▶ PixelNinja aka Jennie

Thanks for watching!


  1. Yeah took me a good week or so to get even remotely good at DS1 lol. DS3 and elden ring felt so much easier. Even when dieing to bosses a ton my first playthrough in elden ring it didn’t feel impossible I always felt like I was just a try away, DS1 at times I felt like i was never gonna gonna be able to make it through a certain area. Bosses aren’t that hard though, just the areas and annoyance of no fast travel

  2. God fuck im a Souls-like try hard. I spent half the video quietly malding over the way you're playing.

    Caught myself staring and incredulously saying "why aren't you locked on to the black knight!" and "dude let your stamina recharge between attacks!"


  3. Something you must realize between Bloodborne (you mentioned you were playing earlier in the day) and dark Souls 1 is that bloodborne is about agility and not having a shield. In DS things will be easier if you focus your shield to, hmm, block. A lot of damages from enemies make them stagger when blocked, leaving you an opening. Also, you roll too much, the roll recovery is slow when when in armor (weight), blocking most of time has a faster recovery allowing you to hit. And for the love of god, USE THE TARGET! hahha

  4. I like the lore and world but the combat is just boring and tbh pretty easy.

    I did play DS1 after DS3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring though.

  5. Coming from Elden Ring, I thought DS1 was pretty easy. If you've played 1 Fromsoft, you kinda get how they work. Plus DS1 is older so they don't have as crazy boss movesets. But to each their own I suppose.

  6. fells bad seeing him doing that without any lock on usage…hurts badly…did he really played elden ring? somehow im in disbelieve about that.

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