Art by medefici


Voice packs:
Rosemi Lovelock


✿ Rules ✿
■ Don’t bring up any other individuals unless they are brought up first on stream.
■ Be respectful towards others. No discrimination of any form is tolerated.
■ Stay on topic please.
■ No spamming or sharing of private information.
Violators will be banned from the livechat.

🌹- – – – – – – – – – – – – – 🌹

🌹 Rosemi Lovelock (ロゼミ・ラブロック)

🏆 Selen Tatsuki (セレン 龍月)

🐧❄ Petra Gurin (ペトラ・グリン)

✧༺♥༻∞ – – – ∞༺♥༻✧

Music bgm and bgm arragements by ikoany
Art by Chrone_co, Walfieee, Tuna, Kukie_nyan, Tsuki_nonono, Reulia1010, MelonbreadFBP, KaniKanizawa, bb83164978, rikak, Swon32826536, SyHan__, VTnate5sei, diszkr, maru_ccy, suminoja, gudanco, illustratoreri, hayateto2434, nagidazo, sowonhae, 2morgen1, x_kw_ix
Video production by mrn
Emotes by Chroneco and _universecat

▽ Guidance for minors

▽ For Business and PR Inquiries


  1. V might be a chuuni nerd, but he's pretty cool too! Just like my oshi Rosemi! Thanks for the stream Rosemi!

  2. Gracias por el stream de DMC 5, Rosemi.
    Some of those boss battles were really crazy and you're definitely V, Tsunsemi.
    I knew you'd like him. As for Nero, he's got Mega Man's Mega Buster as a DLC arm weapon so you might want to check that out.
    It's a really funny weapon. Nero can even slide, die and jump like Mega Man!

  3. I can't believe you really are V… Even down to the shoes… What are the odds…
    Thanks for the stream Rosemi! I love DMC so I'm glad you finally picked up DMCV! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game~

  4. Thank you for the great DMC5 stream, V! I was having a not-so-good day but this really helped with lifting my mood I've never seen this game before but the graphics look so good compared to previous games, I couldn't stop admiring it throughout the stream. And V is so funny, I loved watching him read poetry while things just died around him Have a great rest and see you on Sunday for the Yugioh! WHOPPEE

  5. I'm still in shock on how similar V is to you Rosemi lmao. The book reading, the book reading while walking, the back problems, the cane, the asthma, the chuuni/edgy.. Surely it was all coincidence.. Then he showed up wearing the same shoes you wear, but in a different color and I lost itThat solidified everything!! Sorry V-semi but.. looks like you have to take up poetry now.

  6. Its nice to see you being featured in the critically acclaimed DMC5, they got all the details right from the cane to the shoes! Hope the next one wont end in the cliffhanger like this woopie

  7. imagine if you were a falconer as you wished to be you could be 100% V with your birb in one arm and a book in your hand! You're definitely the coolest and also the cutest DMC protag ever I'm sorry Donte but it is what it is

  8. I love how Rosemi always gets hyped up when anything mentions Dante fighting the Pope

  9. Thanks for the stream V- err, Rosemi! This was a lot of fun to watch you play, and pretty to look at! These graphics will always amaze me. I've never played this game but I did watch a speedrun of it once. Though they skipped all the cutscenes so I have only a vague idea of what the story is. I look forward to watching you play more! I still can't believe V has the same exact shoes as you…

  10. Thank you for the stream! It was pretty funny especially the shoes part lol, Wosemi is adorable today too!!

  11. 🕓 Timestamps by Rosecord

    04:20 Start

    05:56 Using a PS5 controller today

    08:04 Adjusting settings

    10:01 History of DMC movie

    Devil May Cry 5

    17:40 Prologue

    19:05 V appears

    19:43 Nero looks like a member of NSYNC

    20:43 Controller conundrum

    23:07 Empusa 👿

    26:20 Freaking it over controller button mapping

    33:39 Urizen 👿

    39:00 Results

    Mission 1

    39:25 "Are we playing Need for Speed?"

    43:48 Smoking disclaimer

    46:20 Gameplay start

    51:44 Comparing graphics of the older games

    52:00 Qliphoth Roots 👿

    52:19 "Stop, you're so lame!"

    56:59 Nero has Selen's arm

    58:26 Results

    1:01:00 Learning about Customize

    1:04:40 Tutorial looks like Infinite Azure, Tekken brainrot

    Mission 2

    1:11:18 Begin

    1:12:10 Raid from Doppio Dropscythe 🐣🎡

    1:12:54 We can be called Lovelocks

    1:14:40 Bathroom break, 1:15:38 actually going, 1:17:42 returns

    1:19:36 "Get over here!"

    1:20:50 Hell Caina 👿

    1:21:17 Calling Nero cool

    1:22:54 Waiting for Kyrie underneath the mistletoe

    1:27:15 Rosemi recognizes the sound effects

    1:29:01 Learning about secret missions

    1:31:43 Secret Mission 01

    1:33:50 Cleared

    1:34:24 Rosemi breaks Vergil's chair

    1:36:29 Raid from Finana Ryugu 🐠

    1:36:50 Hell Antenora 👿

    1:40:00 "…wow"

    1:40:55 Enjoying the music

    1:43:55 Goliath 👿

    1:50:07 Cleared

    1:50:28 V is back

    1:51:25 "Why is he like me?!"

    1:53:17 Results

    1:55:47 Customize

    Mission 3

    1:58:05 "Why am I connecting to the network?"

    1:59:03 Can't pronounce "Grim Grip"

    2:00:50 Looking for Pupardo

    2:11:25 Blows herself up

    2:14:19 Death Scissors 👿

    2:15:24 Perfect parry

    2:16:39 The statues here are very lickable

    2:18:27 "How's she gonna get in here? …Oh"

    2:18:49 Customizing

    2:22:19 Bathroom break until 2:24:49

    2:26:16 Artemis (silverfish) 👿

    2:31:55 Dies

    2:36:10 Clear

    2:37:33 Results, rating Pupardo

    Mission 4

    2:38:48 V is like Varus from LoL

    2:40:35 Begin, visitor is Cornholio

    2:43:09 "Rest in peace"

    2:48:45 Thoughts on V's play style

    2:53:07 Picks up a Plorb and a Worb

    2:55:46 Read Book

    2:58:02 Rosemi has an existential crisis playing V

    3:02:10 Rosemi reads for us

    3:05:23 "Girugamesh!"

    3:08:10 V and Rosemi have similar shoes, "Shut up!!"

    3:11:54 Rosebuds are pets that can be summoned?

    3:15:45 Secret Mission 03

    3:22:44 Cleared

    3:24:37 Shattering a frozen corpse

    3:25:07 Nidhogg 👿

    3:29:30 1 HP vs 1 HP

    3:31:25 SS taunt and clear

    3:32:38 Results

    3:33:48 Customize and Practice

    Mission 5

    3:42:57 Begin

    3:48:51 V's laughing taunt

    3:50:27 Reading along with V

    3:52:24 "Hot damn!"

    3:53:02 Empusa Queen 👿

    3:55:40 Raid from Elira Pendora 🌤

    3:56:30 Elira loves V, so is Rosemi V?

    3:59:18 Trying to taunt

    4:01:22 Rosemi cannot resist being a loot goblin

    4:02:43 Customizing

    4:05:48 Malphas

    4:06:54 Geryon Knight 👿

    4:07:20 Laughing at the horse

    4:12:55 Cleared

    4:14:19 Results


    4:14:31 Exits game

    4:16:00 Elira bought Rosemi a game from her wishlist

    4:16:45 "As a nerd…"

    4:18:05 Talk about V's shoes, Rosemi shows her feet

    4:20:09 "There's literally no V in my name!"

    4:21:40 "Roses in the dark, fight for your life. Nerds in the dark, fight for your life"

    4:23:48 Bye bye


    07:18, 30:31, 53:33, 54:03, 1:03:05

    1:33:50, 1:57:45, 2:08:25, 2:29:36

    2:44:34, 3:43:45, 3:54:55, 4:00:05

    4:08:18, 4:11:50, 4:12:55, 4:17:17


  12. Top 10 reasons why V is canonically Wosemi : he's a nerd, as asthma, a cane, loves books, back issues, same shoes, chunni laughs, looks edgy, both are devils and smiles alot. Conclusions : V is a funny V-tuber when working but offline she reads Paul quotes while surfing on her pocket buta whose best friend's a chicken, so it is written. Naruhodo
    On the other hand, it's genuinely nice seeing you back on Donte May Cry slaying nasty demons all over again with no issues whatsoever! Whoopee!!!
    Okay maybe there's an exeption for the ps controller but you'll get use to it overtime! You're a true gamer after all right ? Muscle memory will soon kick in the further you play, just like in 3 and 4 remember!
    Honestly the only piece of advice I could give you here is simply enjoy the delightful feast that game offers and to not worry about hard secret missions or dying during boss fights especially!
    Some of them can be pretty tough later on so don't be afraid of using Gorbs when you feel like you're getting beat up too much. There's no shame in reviving yourself you know! Don't let your inner stubbornness consumes you this time my Magnificent All Mighty Devil Lord (except if u like challenges of course)
    Anyways you're already five missions in so this'll be a short playthrough. I'm looking forward with impatience to watch the next one! Thank you for streaming today Rosemi, take care of your little nose and have as always a wonderful sleep

  13. Rosemi having an existential crisis after V started reading was my favorite part of the stream

  14. I love how Rosemi has this high expectation of how similar is V's sandals, cane, the main character from Dune, emo and edgy, has a back pain and read books(walking). So Rosemi-ish, a very funny and silly putting together these two but unfortunately you will not get to see him on the later part. Sadly, V must return to his original self and purse his ultimate goal — POWER! Anyway, thanks for playing DMC 5 franchise I loved this game, you've played last two games recently, I think you understand how combos for each character depending on their play styles even though you're using both controller different buttons… I hope you enjoy playing all these DMC for the past few years, Rosemi!
    Whoopee! 2:38:56

  15. The English voice acting is not a dub, by the way. That's the original language for this game.

  16. Rosemi, in case you're wandering, the chronological order of the DMC games are: DMC 3, DMC 1, DMC 2, DMC 4, and DMC 5

  17. With how much you see white hair in Japanese stuff I wish white hair like that was a real thing … xD

  18. Not only the big difference in graphical capabilities, what make you feel jarring coming from DMC3 and 4 to this is because the art direction too. Both 3 and for has this gothic fantasy feeling in term of environment and architecture, one is a dark medieval looking tower and the other is just basically a big old European church. And they also design the character in this shonen anime style. While the new one use modern day London as inspiration, and character appearance literally based real life model.

  19. If you want to read William Blake poetry be warned: “the poison tree” and “the book of URIZEN ” contain spoilers for the plot of DMC5.

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