Welcome back to another Throwback LIVE Commentary where I play older CoD games while sharing my live thoughts and reactions as I play! What are your thoughts looking back on Black Ops 3?

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  1. I skipped it after playing the Beta.

    Awful and the class system was also terrible. Just my opinion though

  2. BO3 was the best cod game in the franchises history. Closely followed by Black ops 2 and World at war. Treyarch just nails it.

  3. the crypto keys from the black market was better than anything we have had in many years. Even the black market guy and his voice and lines were awesome.

  4. The skill gap use to really show in this game, the way you can finesse people with the jetpack movement was insane

  5. BO3 really grew on me over time. I was never a fan of the floaty movement. I still prefer the advanced movement of AW. But, I was going to stop playing and go back to AW once I reached the level cap. Then, I saw people running around in black and gold outfits(not knowing they were Hero Gear) and that prompted me to continue playing until I acquired all sets for all the operators. And that's when I realized how great the game was. Great maps, great weapons(Kuda all day), the introduction of the operators w/ their weapons and abilities was awesome(Outrider and Seraph were my favorite) and amazing scorestreaks(R.A.P.S. baby). Plus, this COD brought alot of charm by making the characters have friendly banter with each other during the match. I remember specifically when I reached a new level, Ruin congratulated me while running through the map. That caught me completely off guard. One of my favorite CODs for sure.

  6. BO3 is my favourite CoD. Had a ball playing it. Best K/D ratio for me as well.

    Didn't like Infinite Warfare. It was like BO3 with the fun stripped out.

    Thinking about re-installing BO3 now. So, thanks.

  7. With afterburner equiped: jump->slide, but at the very end of your slide->jump then slide again, if done correctly you should be able to slidejump 3-5 times without running out of rocket fuel

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