As we stand on the horizon between the ending of an era and the dawn of the next, we’ll take a moment to reflect on the extraordinary journey we’ve shared. Your exuberance, sense of community, and the vivid tapestry of experiences you’ve woven in the world of ARK: Survival Evolved has been the real magic that brought our creation to life. You are and always have been the beating heart of our “little” dinosaur game.

Some might consider the upcoming transition a bittersweet occasion punctuated by a sense of loss and sadness. We feel otherwise. Unofficial ASE is in great hands. Yours.

But, as one chapter concludes, another begins – and again our stories will mix with yours to create something greater than the sum of two parts. Remember, it’s not farewell, it’s “see you real soon” with more ASA news, reveals, gameplay and, ultimately, the launch of ARK: Survival Ascended near the end of October!

So, Survivors, thank you for eight incredible years and here’s to many more.

With heartfelt gratitude and dino-sized enthusiasm,

The Studio Wildcard Team

Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated : Recharge Mode Engaged : Sleep well, Survivors, Nighty Night x

Community Crunch Link:


  1. I didnt understand someone explain to me , there will be no ark 2 ?

  2. The end of ark 😔 I miss the old days of ark 8 years ago now we have new stuff and now a new one must begin 😔 we will miss u ark for 8 years we will miss you old ark I always had a good time back in the old days we will miss u 😔😔😞😭

  3. I have been playing Ark since before the Tek Cave on the volcano was installed. I have loved this game because of the dinosaurs, but then I fell in love with the lore and the characters themselves. Sure, this game does have its ups and downs, but the story you follow in the game is just beautiful! I am glad that I have been a part of this great community, and while I don't know what the future holds for this game, something in me that it has just begun. Thank you, Wildcard, for making this game. Thank you, developers, for developing the game. And finally, thank you, my fellow survivors, for playing this game and helping it get as popular as it has to this point. See you all in Ark 2 and beyond!

  4. What a wonderful music to finish one of the best game ever ! Its kinda sad but also a new start i hope

  5. Still cant believe theyre shutting it down to charge damn near full price to play again, thanks snail games! Cant wait for the NFTS!

  6. We aren't meant to live forever, but our legacies are. Make sure they are good ones.

  7. I only played ark for the rideable ponies. My fiancé bought the game for me for birthday, right around when it launched on consoles. I jumped on an official server and didn’t realize other players could kill you and your tames. Guy killed all my tamed horses so I raged and went to return the game to GameStop; it took me days of grinding and suffering just to figure out how to tame one pony. GameStop offered 11.50 for the game we just paid $50 for so I angrily kept the game. The rest is history lol 😂 the addiction set in, and I inevitably met ppl in the redbull raptors tribe, helped con enemy players that liked me just bc I was a ‘girl’ and insided a tribe or two 😂 I’ll never forget the feelings of ultimate victory and the weight of a terrible defeat. No other game conjured up such depth of feeling. The joy of a headshot with a pistol with a scope and yelling in excitement and your boys getting stoked by adrenaline in a raid 😂

  8. Just like in the game, you die and spawn again. Just like ARK did, it's going to be alive again, better.

  9. This time. To my brother who grinder ages on this game and got raided by someone who was just as good as him; made him lose his vision to this game. I will make him proud and get my revenge.(no he isn’t dead😂)

  10. Here we stand at the precipice of the unknown. I speak to you all from the smallest of beach dwellers to the largest of clans, from casuals to tryhards. I look back at what have done and all the adventures we survived, the battle at the pinnacle of the island, the onslaught at the heart of the desert, the victory in the abberant center of a malformed ark, the salvation of a dead world, fighting our way through the corrupted simulation and finally the last stand in the sarkoid cathedral overlooking a new world. For the first time ever I stand unsure of what comes next will it be salvation or damnation I do not know. But I do know this it has been a great honor surviving along side all of you . friends enemies it matters not anymore for we now must take the plunge and see what comes next regardless of what happens it has been some of the best time of our lives. I say these Final words for what was and pray we can survive what will be. So long everyone I pray I can see you all in what comes next. And may the future be bright

  11. I've always wanted to play ark, I used to watch many people play it. I finally got a Pc in 2021, and I stared playing it. I'm so glad I got to play it for that short amount of time. I'll definitely play ASA but this game was so amazing, I will always cherish the memories I made playing and the memories of me watching it.

  12. I remember in end of 2017, when i was watching Furious Jumper playing Ark abberation.
    I really wanted to buy Ark aberration… i bought it and didn't knew that a DLC that need the whole game to play so i bought the game, i was sad but this was the best way to discover the game. I remerber after finishing school i go home, turn on the console, and play the island.
    I still remember the first play in the island and my base with my carbo and my dilo army 😂❤❤ (they all died by a raptor)

  13. I have been playing this game for 2 and a half years it was the greatest survival game I've ever experienced and made me love dinosaurs and who knows what other creatures await for us in ark survival ascended, thank you wildcard for everything. 😊

  14. Ive been playing ark ever since it first released on xbox as a game preview, its been 7 years, 6 months and 23 days… was 10 years old, now 17. What a journey its been !! Made some of my best mates off this game, ARK is a beautiful game and made my childhood and still making memories 🙂

    ARK may have not been perfect for all of its bugs, but the story, the community, the idea of it all, ARK itself. In Brilliant! Its unmatched ! There is nothin that compares ARK.

    I will greatly miss ARK 1, Its gone too fast, i used to wish i was older and now im 17 and ARK 1 is coming to a close, its been too fast!

    For we are at our Journeys end, and with that, is the beginning of another ! 🙂

  15. Thank you for the experience you have given me. I was able to learn English with your game, spend evenings exploring and create wonderful memories.
    You made me dream like a child when Aberration came out, an unknown world, frightening but comfortable.
    I have no regrets about supporting the project and playing it since May 25, 2016. The community has been toxic at times, but there's no better way to leave a lasting impression.
    A special thank you to those people that i met in :

  16. 8 Years of my life well spent on this game, A chapter of my life closes but a new one begins anew. Welcome home

  17. I'll be listening to this music while I wait for the much expected "we're delaying launch" twitter post at the end of October 🙂 xD

  18. I never played official much. I spent maybe one evening and someone came and killed my dodo and piggy and I haven't been back in 8 years 😀 but with over 3k hours in unofficial (most played game by miles) I have some great memories and have met some amazing people I now call family. <3 I cannot wait to see what you do with ASA and Ark 2. Bring on the next adventure!!

  19. Gives my goosebumps. Man ark was something unique i still remember my first day on pvp official The Island it was holiday season and island was covered in snow as whole. I had no idea what was going on and as time passed i went through a beautiful journey that I'll never forget neither the players I played with they live with me in my memories forever ❤

  20. To Official Ragnarok 299 on PS4, it has been an amazing 6 years of memories on that server. – Narcotic Rioters

  21. It's not over boys it's Just the Start of something New Can't wait to see yall there ❤

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