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#1 Detroit: Become Human 5 Year Celebration BEGINS! w/ Bryan & Amelia of Dechart Games



  1. I adore how both of them love the game and give all this love to the DBH community!

    It's SO trippy seeing Connor in real life, though. This is what Connor does when he's not out there chasing bad guys with Hank. AND he got his dream girl!!!!!

  2. I love you guys! Detroit Become Human is the 3rd video game I’ve ever completed (outside of Wii games). The first two were, ‘Astros Playroom’ and ‘Stray’. ❤

  3. In Karl who is playing by Lance Henriksen I don't know why he hasn't been casted and live-action Transformers films like he played lockdown in Transformers animated

  4. I've BECOME a big fan of you
    from korean fan😊
    and you two made me learning english so funny and happy
    thank you so much

  5. my friend recently discovered the game and introduced me to it. I am now connor's #1 fan

  6. I still envision a future in this game, and I long to participate in the making of these kind of androids, particulary in being a care giver type.

  7. Im late to this game, but i just got my platinum for it, yesterday. I LOVE THIS GAME. I know it got a lot of flack for the slavery/genocide motif but i feel like that was done so we could get into the mood of the story & for the overall feeling of: whatever is different than the status quo gets eliminated. You can apply this to anything in life. My biggest issue with the game was the lazy plot point drops. Example: throughout Karas playthrough, Alice experiences fevers on & off and is HOT to the touch according to others, including the human Rosa, so when they are at the Canadian border freaking out about temperature checks its kind of annoying & breaks my immersion. However, I really enjoyed this game, the visuals, the musical score and the sound effects. That scene with Markus at the droid yard where when he puts in the ear piece the rain thunders into play, MAN! I enjoy it every time. Also very happy that you and the Traci are now married wow what a beautiful end to the story. Any chance we get a DBH2?

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