World Premiere of the #MW3 Multiplayer Trailer.

16 iconic maps modernized for fast-paced combat 🏃

Tune into #CODNext on October 5 for the premiere of live Multiplayer gameplay 🔥

Follow #CallofDuty for the latest intel:

#ModernWarfare3 #CallofDuty


  1. Microsoft knows business like give the people what they f**king want. It's not even that complicated when they telling you🔥🔥🔥

  2. Hope it is a real combat military game not colourful skins and liveries hope it is like classic cods!

  3. Call of Duty is Still on TOP of Any Game Exspecialy Battlefield 2042 that game is Game Over Now!!!!!

  4. nicht euer ernst?? am besten remastert ihr den ersten auch direkt wieder !! also sowas peinliches. jedes jahr ein neues cod ,und es ist immer das gleiche.jedes gottverdammte mal !!!

  5. Dont forget this is a 70.00 DLC of what you should have given us with mw 2, which still has the same issues since launch. You wont ever get another dollar from me or my friends. Im sick of you releasing premium broken skins and guns that allow a pay to win experience and then pretending it was a bug that get fixed a couple month later when sales decline. You've milked us for what we're worth and given us garbage in return. This game should be completely free as an apology and proof that you went back to your roots. Charging us money to play your apology is ludicrous and disingenuous. Be better activision

  6. Beta is playing very nice so far. Can't wait for launch, but wth is happening with the perk system guys. Yall keep chaningbit so much its annoying. Now you taking perks and breaking them up. Like for example fast hands used to give faster weapon swap and reload speeds now those 2 are separate perks and you can't have both😒. Yall running out of ideas to keep us playing or something? There was nothing wrong with the perk system. Gameplay was the problem.

  7. Wenn ihr SBMM nicht weg macht werde ich mir kein einziges cod mehr kaufen wie könnt ihr so vielen Spielern einfach den spass weg nehmen auf euch ist geschissen

  8. You could remaster mw2 and actually put the multiplayer in and I would still play it over this.

  9. Weird how I knew this was going to be the exact same game before I even decided to look up the trailer

  10. Da kommt ein DLC heraus für 80€ mit SBMM und die Schafe kaufen es😂😂!! Es hat sich nichts verändert, nur das ihr jetzt sogar bereit seit 80€ für DLC auszugeben 😅. Der einzige Weg damit SBMM verschwindet ist der das wir das Spiel so nicht mehr kaufen dürften. Niemand wirklich Niemand profitiert von SBMM alle Runden fühlen sich gleich an. Spart euch das Geld oder holt euch ein schönes story Game

  11. Made a brother for life playing CoD WW2 been playing CoD steadily with him since then. We pre-ordered MW2 together and honestly when I heard MW3 was coming out I was going to wait on purchasing the game. One day my brother asked if I was gonna buy it. I told him eventually I will then out of nowhere he told me not to, I said okay and just accepted maybe he knew something as to why I should'nt. He told me he'd send me a code so I could pre-order it myself. Couple weeks later he pulled through! Been a CoD fan from day 1, will forever be a CoD fan until the day i'm to old for video games! Thanks CoD and thanks to my brother!

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