Control: The Foundation Retrowave OST
Jesse Faden Starring in “Swift Platform” Mission
Track name: Petri Alanko – Red Glow Tunnel Rush
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  1. Absolutely rocked, seriously this changed the game from a middling 6 that I probably wouldn’t play again, to a possible 8 just for this awesome synth wave. Just wish they had included a more ‘drive’ like soundtrack throughout. Would have been the perfect fit.

  2. Control is such a slept on game man, it's too good to be given a miss.

  3. Man the feeling when music kicks in I can't explain that was one of my favourite moments in gaming

  4. I almost passed this quest up just before the finale, and I was SO glad I didn't! This quest was really fun and this music was amazing. It was like a movie but played like an arcade game.

  5. Jesse: "after that camera, and step on it." when she said that it felt right.

  6. Remember guys, this is the same game with an Eldrich God pyramid and sentient cognitohazard sound.

  7. i put this song on my playlist, and got outside with my headphones.
    i barely realized i was levitating and got out from the window.

  8. Bureau Productions presents

    A Casper Darling film



    Jesse Faden as The Director


    The Hiss as Hiss Guards, Hiss Elevated, Hiss Charged, Hiss Trooper, and Hiss Agent

  9. Perfect for listening to on repeat on long drives, especially as an anti-road rage: because no matter how slow the guy in front of you is going, at least he's not one of those flying Hiss sons of bitches that launch things straight at your face.

  10. after Ashtray Maze
    woah it was so good, wish game had more of this.
    Swifting Platforms: We got you bro.

  11. This Summer, Jesse Faden is "The Director" Starring in SWIFT PLATFORM. The hiss incursion will learn… Don't. Fuck. With. The. Director.

  12. the masterpiece!

    best hero game i have ever played in every aspects.

    thank you remedy.

  13. The game was absolutely amazing, but I would’ve loved more moments like this.

  14. This mission has to be done by a doll, really lightweight. Jesse Faden is not a doll. That's a dead baboon. Too heavy for purple missions.

  15. I got myself killed on purpose multiple times to replay the mission.

  16. I can easily imagine all of the FBC’s researchers are huge fans of retrowave, something nerdy and genius about it all😂

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  18. the game is shit, but the music is scoring, what a pity that there is very little else in the game itself

  19. 🌴🔥😎 If this is not a masterpiece, I don't fucking know what is! 🌆 🔥🌴

  20. Just had myself going through this part. This is the kinda music I dig. Definitely keeps me captivated to play more 😊

  21. To all the people claiming "videogames are violent" or "videogames fry your brain", I wish you could see the inside of my soul as it "grew brighter" while playing this mission. Better than any movie or any book, this is a kick ass story with kick ass music, an amazing protagonist, with an deep, deep psychic moral to boot. Remedy has been linked to the board, they are weilding objects of power to create these masterpieces.

  22. Maybe if this game didn't have such a dogpoo checkpoint system I'd give this quest more thatn 4 tries but I got so mad I just turned on god mode. The boss is annoying AF. Music is dope though

  23. Just beat the mission and gotta say, it was fucking AMAZING! I was swinging my head and grinning like crazy in this one. Thank you remedy for making one of, if not the, most memorable sequences in gaming ❤

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