Kingdom hearts info you should know right now


  1. Yea but many of us are tired of all these other games showing these important plot points and development. Especially now there’s like 3 mobile games out? Some of us are tired of this spin off shit. They just fixed this confusing timeline on what game to play when with the 1.5 and 2.5 collection. Hopefully they don’t screw it all up again and make it all confusing to follow with games all over the place again

    I won’t be playing the mobile games. I’ll watch quick summaries

  2. Don’t waste your time playing the game. It’s boring. Takes a ton of time. And it’s a gotcha game with spending. Just watch the cutscenes on YouTube to catch up.

  3. Kh1 and 2 are Master pieces, but if you expect me to play a phone game to be caught up for the story you've got me fucked up

  4. You can't play it anymore, though. Only cutscene theater now. Dark Road's still a thing, but it's an offline game now. Also, two of them are kind of obvious who they are. Just look at them, look at the names, anagram them and add an X. Even if you couldn't catch on by names, they both look pretty similar to their Organization counterparts.

  5. Wish we could have gotten the remaining two organization names, though. Oh well, maybe they'll crop up in Missing Link or at least in 4.

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